Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 403 you were late

Chapter 403 you were late

Yue Ling sat across from the man with mixed feelings inside when she heard his words.

Truth was, if Ji Jingxu was never involved, she would have never gone to visit Ghost Gang. After all, when she left City Z, she had an agreement with the few people from the underworld that knew her.

So long as they do not cross her line, she will not bother them.

Unfortunately, Ji Jingxu was pulled into a mess that involved Ting. Thus, causing her to return to the world she decided to leave.

However, thinking about Lu Tian’s words, she could not argue with him. She is now pregnant and any small mishap can make her lose their child.

Meeting his eyes, she nods her head.

"I promise. If something like this happens again, I will let you handle it."

Hearing her words, Lu Tian sighed in relief. He knows that his wife is a someone with great capabilities, but as her man, it’s his duty to protect her.

What kind of man is he if he cannot protect her and their child?

Unknown to the man’s thoughts, Yue Ling’s words did not stop there. She looks away from him to Inu.

Gently touching Inu’s head, she caress his soft white fur.

"However, I cannot promise that in the future, if something fatal were to happen, I will just sit back and watch."

Her words fell and her eyes slowly blink. However, when her eyes open again from that one blink, she was no longer looking at Inu, but to Lu Tian.

"I hope you will at least give me this."

Staring at her, it was Lu Tian’s turn to have mix feelings. Her sudden proposal quickly demolished the relief feeling he had, but looking into her eyes, he could only sigh.


He willingly agrees with her. Not because he knows that she can solve a problem in her own way, but because he will never allow such fatal incident to occur that will need her to act.

As long as he is still breathing, he will never let her come into any kind of harm.

Seeing that they have come to an agreement, Yue Ling smiles at him and continues to pet Inu. However, thinking of something, she looks back at him.

"Was it yeye who told you about what happened to Jingxu and Ting?"

Hearing her words, Lu Tian didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at this moment. After running into him in Retro, does she still see him as only a businessman?

A deep sigh escapes his lip and he answers her question.

"I was at the scene after you left."

Yue Ling’s eyes widen and she gasps aloud. Raising one hand, she covers her agape mouth and stares at Lu Tian.

Remembering what happened, she didn’t stay behind to find out who the team that arrived on the other mountain was. Neither did she order Liu Shan or Lin Hui to stay behind.

After rescuing both boys from Ghost Gang, she took Ji Jingxu and left Ting behind.

At the time, she did so because she had a gut feeling that the unknown team were good people.

Thinking this, she thanks her gut feeling then chuckles as she looks down to Inu.

"I see, so it was you and your team."

The moment she spoke the word team, she suddenly remembers something and looks back at the man.

"Tian, can I tell you something?"

Seeing the quick change in her expression, he already had a faint idea of what she has to tell him.

"Is it about why you were late to the birthday?"

He couldn’t help but ask. During the birthday celebration, Grandfather Ji had mentioned in his speech that he was stalling time for her arrival. Not only that, Housekeeper Hu kept going back and forth to inform the old man.

Yue Ling was once again taken back by surprise when he asked. Her eyes blinked and she wonder if Lu Tian was someone who could read minds.

Then again, she is not surprise. He is a businessman after all. Understanding each situation is something he must know.

She softly chuckles and sighs a smile to him.

"Mm, it is about that."

As her words fell, her smile slowly disappears, and she turns her attention back to Inu who is laying down next to her.

"On the way to yeye’s birthday, Qi Li called me."

Gently caressing Inu’s soft fur again, her words continue.

"Someone had vandalized Uncle Zhi’s shop while he took the day off."

She sighs a pitiful smile remembering how the place looked like when she and Liu Shan arrived at the scene.

Everything was destroyed to the ground. Whoever it was made sure that nothing was left intact. Even the shelves to store the items were completely broken.

However, that was not the only thing, the secret backroom that held all Uncle Zhi’s confidential information and valuables were all taken.

"Uncle Zhi did not want me to know about what happened since it was yeye’s birthday, but I was the only person Qi Li could think of to call at the time."

Lu Tian listened to the end. Remembering his meeting with Uncle Zhi, he found the middle-aged man to be very respectable and honest.

All the items he sold were ancient artifacts if not then very highly valuable items.

To think such unfortunate event had to happen to him.

"Did Liu Shan check the CCTVs in the area?"

Yue Ling nod her head, "He did, but was unable to trace anything."

The first thing they did was check the surveillance cameras within the area and a 50-mile radius from the scene. However, they were led to a dead end.

Lu Tian furrow his brows at her words. If Liu Shan was unable to find anything, then that means this person is very skilled or knows how to hide from the cameras.

"What about the security guards?"

Hearing his question, Yue Ling close her eyes and shook her head.

"One was dead at the scene while the other is now in critical condition."

Opening her eyes, she felt sympathy for the two security guards. Although they were once thugs Uncle Zhi had come across while doing business overseas, he took them in and treated them like his sons.

The hardest thing about caring for those without families are when you lose them.

When they leave this world, no one remembers them except for the person who looked after them.

She looks at Lu Tian with a faint and apologetic smile.

"I know this might be too much to ask, but can you have your team help my team search for the culprit?"

Though she did not want to ask him, if its his team and hers working together then she knows they have a better and faster chance of finding the person who vandalized Uncle Zhi’s shop.

Plus, Liu Shan may be a highly skilled hacker, but he is still one person. With Lin Hui and Xu Long working with him, she knows that all three of them will find a lead.

Seeing her apologetic smile that makes his heart ache, Lu Tian sighs inside and pinch the space between his brows.

His expression looked like one that doesn’t know if he should lend a helping hand.

However, lowering his hand, he stood from the couch and walks over to the one she is sitting on.

With her sitting in the middle, he sat down at the end to her right and place his palm on her back.

"I’ll have my team help search for any lead."

Saying this, his other hand reach towards her face and held her chin. Turning her to look at him, he leans in and plants a quick kiss on her lip.

"Whatever you ask from me is never too much."

He faintly smiles and place another kiss on her soft lips.

"Except for my heart, because it is already yours."


Yue Ling did not once blink at the sudden kisses thrown at her. Her cheeks were already blushing red from the first kiss, however, being kissed a second time, she swore her face is probably as red as a baboon’s bum!

This man is too shameless for her heart!!

Seeing her reaction, Lu Tian felt rather satisfied. josei

From the moment he saw her appear at the birthday celebration, he had wanted to kiss her so badly. However, he had to hold back out of respect for the elders.

Within time, their conversation soon comes to an end, Yue Ling headed up stairs for bed while Lu Tian took Inu outside to the back so the little guy can handle his business.

Lu Tian stood on the patio deck as he smoke a cigarette. Taking his phone out, he dials a number.

After four rings, the person on the other line finally answers the call as a groggy voice sound.

["Boss, I know you miss me, but its three in the morning."]


Hearing his assistant’s voice, Lu Tian sighs inside. Even in a tired state of mind, Xu Long can still joke around with his words.

Shaking his head, his deep voice sounds.

"You’re teaming with Liu Shan and Lin Hui to search for someone."

["Eh? Who?"]

"Someone who doesn’t want to live anymore."

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