Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 421 sit here and wai

Chapter 421 sit here and wai

At the mention of Ning Mei’s evil intentions, everyone’s eyes flash with killing intent. Especially those from Yue Ling’s side.

Yue Ling’s hands may stain with blood, but she is the person they know with the purest heart. She took them in when the world turned away from them.

She is the one person who pulled them out of the darkness and gave them a second chance at life. If anyone wants her life, they’ll have to get through them.

Any enemy of hers is their enemy too.

Sitting to the right of Yue Ling, Lu Tian remained in silence. Even at the mention of someone wanting his wife’s life, he did not say a word.

However, words at this moment is not enough to describe the boiling of blood rushing inside him.

Seems like both the Ning siblings are really tired of living.

He slightly turn his head and his voice finally sounds, "Report."

Hearing his sudden deep voice, Xu Long returned to his senses after hearing Liu Shan’s report. He turns away from the gathered people and grabs two folders on the table at the far end.

"Here is what I was able to find."

He opens the first folder and takes out a stack of documents. Setting it down on the table in front of Yue Ling and Lu Tian, he takes a small step back.

"These are the outgoing and incoming calls made from Ning Mei’s phone to multiple unknown numbers. I traced each number and they all lead to either Chu Li Xiang or Gongi."

Opening the second folder, he place the document inside next to the first one.

"This is Ning Mei’s bank statement. She has already paid Chu Li Xiang the first 100 million yuan. When she met with Gongi after Chu Li Xiang’s arrest, she gave him 50 million yuan for the remaining half she owes."

Saying this, he points to a section on the bank statement.

"After her private meeting with Gongi, someone transfered 60 million yuan into her account, but that same day, she also withdrew 50 million yuan from it."

Yue Ling stares at the printed call logs and bank statement. Seems like Ning Mei’s plan isn’t going so well, since she had withdraw another 50 million yuan despite still owing the same amount.

Her hand reach out and she flips the first page of the bank statement to see the second page.

However, unlike the first page, the second page held detailed information of a person with a man’s photo attached.

It was an older man with slightly gray streaks within his black hair.

"That’s the person who transferred 60 million yuan into Ning Mei’s account after she met with Gongi."

Xu Long explains when he saw the page, but Yue Ling’s lip curls up at the photo of the man.

"Xie Xiaowen."

Hearing her mention the name, Lu Tian furrow his brows. He looks at his wife and asks, "You know him?"

Yue Ling shook her head no, but her smile remained kept.

"I saw them together once in the past after a photoshoot."

It was a few years ago when she was still a model and living in City Z. She had came to Imperial for a photoshoot.

When she finished the shoot and was heading to her car in the parking garage, she by chance saw the new rookie model Ning Mei step out of a black car in the far back corner.

Thinking no one was around, Xie Xiaowen also stepped out of his car and kissed Ning Mei.

At the time, Yue Ling didn’t care because it had nothing to do with her, so she just left. However, now... now is a different story.

Ju Suo sat with Jiangyu away from everyone and her expression turned into one of disgust. She pretends to gag and covers her mouth.

"That Ning Mei is such a disgusting woman. Xie Xiaowen is almost the same age as her father."

Glancing at the petite woman, Lian Ni Shang rolled her eyes. Ju Suo was the one who told her that age was just a number as long as two people are in love.

However, thinking about how Ning Mei is such a loose woman, even she felt disgusted.

Shaking her head, she looks back at her boss.

"Is Xie Xiaowen related to Doctor Xie?"

Yue Ling nod her head, but it was Xu Long who answered the question with more details about the man.

"He is Doctor Xie’s younger brother. Also married and owns a small pharmacy in Imperial. Ning Mei is in the same social group as his niece, Xie Na, and that was how the two met. From the information gathered, the two have been involved since." josei

Yiqing leans against the table and cross his arms over his chest, "So, the 60 million yuan transferred to Ning Mei is out of blackmail?"

"Yep." Xu Long answers with a nod, and his words continue. "Xie Xiaowen regretted having an affair with Ning Mei and paid her 300 million yuan for her to leave him. However, after taking the money, Ning Mei started blackmailing him with photos of their affair and saying she will reveal everything to his wife if he doesn’t pay her. So in guilt and afraid of his wife finding out, Ning Mei became his mistress and with him in her palms, he transfers her money whenever she asks."

After his long explanation, Xu Long does not say anymore. He looks at his boss and lady boss for further instructions.

"Xu Long, inform the rest of Wolf Team."

Lu Tian’s voice sounds as he stares at images on the three monitors.

"Everyone advance into positions tonight."

Hearing his sudden order, the three men from Wolf Team looks at each other. With a nonverbal communication, their head nods at the same time in understanding.

Gui Zhongmin tilt his head and looks at his boss, "What about us?"

"Proceed with the plan."

Yue Ling answers her subordinate. She stood from her seat and turn to face her team.

"Since I am their target, Gongi will no doubt attack tonight now that he is given the money by Ning Mei."

She looks at Uncle Zhi and sighs a faint smile.

"I am sincerely sorry for what happened to your shop. If you were not an acquaintance of mine, none of this would have happened to you."

Uncle Zhi shook his head at her words, "But I am an acquaintance of yours. Be it my shop or not, someone else would have had to take the damage."

Hearing his boss say she is the target, Liu Shan’s eyes turned red in anger.

Yue Ling is with child and if any harm befalls her, not only will it be one life these people are taking, but two.

Thinking about the despicable people wanting to harm his boss, he slams his fist on the table and abruptly stood up.

"If death is what they’re after, they can come and pay with their life."

He looks at his boss with serious eyes.

"Are we just going to sit here and wait?"

Everyone looks to the tall slender figure when they heard the question. However, met with the many eyes, Yue Ling did not wince. All she feel and see from their eyes was their loyalty.

A elegant smile curls on her lip and she slightly turn to face the three monitors.

Slowly lifting her right hand, she points to an image on the monitor to the far right.

"We’ll start with him."

In the image she pointed was the one of Xu Zheng. However, the fat man was no longer sitting down and reading the newspaper like before. At this moment, he was being asked to leave by the employees of the coffee shop.

After the new plan was given in detail, everyone prepares themselves for the action soon to happen.

Sitting down on a chair, Yiqing stares at Gui Tian Lan who is speaking to Uncle Zhi. He couldn’t help but think back to when Gui Tian Lan said he is a professional tailor.

Thinking of something, he looks to the other members of Alpha Team.

Despite them being from the underworld, each person was very stylish in their own way with great looks. If he had met them in the streets, he would have mistaken them for some kind of celebrity.

Lifting one hand to touch his chin with slightly narrowed eyes, he turns to the member of Alpha Team closes to him.

"Hey Gui Zhongmin, if your brother is a tailor, what are you?"

Hearing the question directed at him, Gui Zhongmin stops what he was doing and turns to Yiqing. He doesn’t think much about the question and answers with a shrug shoulder.

"I’m a professional stylist."


Yiqing was in utter disbelief when he head the answer. He stares at Gui Zhongmin for a long minute before finally remembering to blink his eyes.

Judging from the man’s perfect stylish choice of clothes, he can see why Gui Zhongmin is a stylist. Out of all the members of Alpha Team, the man had more sense in putting his clothes together.

Just as Yiqing moves his eyes away from the stylist, he is met with the eyes of the other members from Alpha Team.

"Uh... heh..."

He chuckles sarcastically and scratch the back of his head in awkward.

Qi Li looks at the man with a straight face. Without hiding anything, his voice sounds before turning away.

"I’m an illustrator."

Following the man’s words of indifference, each person Yiqing’s eyes lands on answers the question he had asked Gui Zhongmin.

Tang Zhonghui: "Technical designer."

Lian Ni Shang: "I’m a pattern maker."

Shan Sinan: "Textile designer."

Ju Suo: "I’m the one who predicts what’s soon to be hot, what will stay hot and what’s not hot anymore. In other words, you can call me the fashion forecaster."

Yiqing: "..." The what...?

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