Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 424 Ghos

Chapter 424 Ghos

If it had been the younger him from the past, he would have killed Xu Zheng on the spot instead of having him hang like a pig in a slaughterhouse.

However, he is different now.

After the former leader of Fate left this world, he had decided to leave Fate too. Of course, if Yue Ling ever needed his help, he would not hesistate to lend a helping hand to her.

During his time of traveling, he understood life better and came to realize that there is more out there in the world instead of staying in one place.

From his journeys in life, his patience now is different from the past him when he was still the Gold Fist, Zhi Jian Hong.

Now, he is simply Uncle Zhi, the treasure hunter.

He sighs a deep breath and waves his hand to the other two people in the room.

"I'm too old for this. I'll leave the rest for you two to decide on what to do with him."

Saying this, he turns the doorknob and push the door open. His figure then disappears from the room and silence returns with the faint sound of metal clanking.

"W-Who's there?"

Xu Zheng asks with a trembling voice after hearing Zhi Jian Hong's words. He had been so focused on the man that he had forgotten about the other two sets of footsteps he heard.

What are they planning to do with him?

However, no one answered him, but the quietness inside the room.

"Who's there? I know someone is still in this room."


"…" josei

Xu Zheng froze from the ghost like voice, but just as he was about to pee himself, a chuckle sounds with the echo of footsteps approach him from behind.

The two people slowly made their way around the man hanging so that he can see their faces.

However, what Xu Zheng saw shook him. Why is he seeing two figures with the same face? Is he still drunk?

His eyes squeeze shut multiple times to adjust his sighting. He needed to make sure his conscious was not playing with him.

"Zhongmin, I think he thinks he's seeing things."

Gui Tian Lan spoke a chuckle as he stares at Xu Zheng. Taking a few steps closer, he squats down to be at eye level with the man hanging from the ceiling.

A faint smile curls on his lip and he asks.

"How are you hanging?"

Hearing the question, Xu Zheng was dumbfounded. He is being hung from the ceiling and this son of a bitch still has time to joke with him?

If he was tied up here, he would have killed this stupid man of asking such a stupid question.

Gui Zhongmin shook his head at his older twin brother. Turning away, he walks to one of the walls in the room.

"Let's hurry up and finish here."

They were ordered to take care of this fat pig and return to join everyone else. Hopefully by the time they are done, they haven't missed out on any of the actions outside.

"W-What are you guys p-planning to d-do?"

Xu Zheng trembles his words when he heard Gui Zhongmin. He looks at Gui Tian Lan, then at Gui Zhongmin, but the man was no longer in sight.

Seeing the fear not only in Xu Zheng's eyes, but also on his face, Gui Tian Lan smiles with his eyes closed.

He slowly lift his right hand and reveals a long thin needle between his index and middle finger.

The moment Xu Zheng saw the needle as thin as a strand of hair, his eyes widens with tears. His body shook as he tries to struggle out of the chains.

"N-No... No..."

However, no matter how much he tried, nothing worked. The chains wrapped around him like an anaconda.

"Tsk tsk."

Gui Tian Lan click his tongue and slowly shook his head when he saw the man struggle to no avail. He glance at the needle in his hand then back to his victim.

"You won't die from this."

He points the sharp tip of the needle on Xu Zheng's chin and slowly trace it down to the man's temple.

"I promise."

His words fell with a small flick of his fingers and the needle swiftly enters the man's head.


Xu Zheng screams at the intense pain and in horror. He was in so much pain. The feeling was the same as when a person is stabbed, and the knife is turned in a circle cutting every part of him.

Watching the man scream in agonizing pain, Gui Tian Lan slowly blink his eyes and tilt his head. The smile he had was no where in sight as his expression looked like he had long been used to scenes like this.

"Arrrggghh— Argghh—"

Xu Zheng's shrieking screams continues before his struggles came to an abrupt stop with no more sound of screaming.

The man hung unmoving with his eyes widely open and mouth agape as his drool slowly slides down his face. It was like he had turned in a mental person after experiencing brain shock.

Gui Tian Lan's eyes turned indifferent. His hand that flicked the needle slowly pats Xu Zheng's cheek and he scoffs a chuckle.

"Funny isn't it?"

He calmly spoke his question, but his hand patting the man's face adds a little more strength to each pat.

"For someone who likes to rape women and enjoys their screams for help, it isn't so enjoying when you're the one screaming, hm?"

His slow pats turned into slaps before his fingers curl into a fist and he swung a punch on the man's redden face.

Xu Zheng's body swings away as Gui Tian Lan slowly stood up. When the body hanging swings forward, another fist sends the man away again.

Fist after fist, Xu Zheng soon turned into a punching bag for Gui Tian Lan.

Each punch he gives the man, Gui Tian Lan's eyes held no ounce of feeling, but when his fist lands on the man's face, he would apologize in his head.

Not to Xu Zheng, but to all the rape victims of the disgusting lowlife.

After they did a background check on Xu Zheng, no one paid attention to the details, but he did.

Xu Zheng has raped many women and silenced the ones who tried to press charges against him. If it were not for his connections, he would had long been locked up and now rotting in prison for all of his evil crimes.

Thinking about all the innocent victims at his (Xu Zheng) hands, Gui Tian Lan's nostril slight flare as he inhales deeply and swings a fist with all his strength to the man.


Gui Zhongmin yelps from the side as he dodges the body swinging from the punch. Unlike the stylish clothes he had on when he entered, he was now wearing a lab coat with goggles and protection gloves.

If he had not been careful, Xu Zheng's body would have knocked him flying out of this room.

However, when he looks at his older brother, he could only sigh inside.

The Gui Tian Lan at this moment was no longer the man who smiles at everyone, now he had turned into the old him.

Those eyes, it has been a long time since he (Gui Zhongmin) had last seen that look in Gui Tian Lan's eyes.

It was as if the old Gui Tian Lan had returned.

Seven years ago before they came into contact with Fate, the 22 year old Gui Tian Lan was in a six-year relationship with his girlfriend. They had been together since they were sixteen and although life hadn't been easy for them, they were always happy and deeply in love.

One night while he was working overtime, the police informed him of a break in at their apartment. When he arrive at the scene, it was then that he learned that the disgusting bastard who broke into their home slit his girlfriend's wrist and slowly let her bleed to death while raping her.

The sick bastard even made it look like she had committed suicide.

Gui Zhongmin will never forget the look in his older brother's eyes while hugging the corpse of his loved one. He knew that his brother is no longer the same person.

For an entire year, they had tried to push the case to find the killer, but the police had to close it because they were always led to a dead end.

Feeling justice was not fair, Gui Tian Lan took matters to his own hands and continued to search for the murderer of his girlfriend.

However, even now, he hasn't stopped looking.

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