Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 431 Call him

Chapter 431 Call him

The same time the enemy outside were being taken down, Lu Tian stood in the middle of the dimly lit hallway. Surrounding him were five dead bodies, but it was like none of them were there.

He slowly turn around to Man 1 who he shot on the foot. His dark pupils seemed to have turned darker almost like a pair of black holes ready to swallow anything it sees.

"W-What do you w-want?"

Man 1 laid on the ground as he stumbles to sit up. His confidence from the start was now replaced with panic and horror.

He had watched his brothers die like a bunch of ants being stomped on. The man they thought to be weak without his team was actually the living image of the devil.

As someone from the underworld, he has encountered many deathly situations, but none terrified him like this. Now he knows why even the leaders of many notorious gangs fear the businessman.

Not once did Lu Tian flinch when pulled the trigger. It was as if killing was natural to him.

There is no doubt, Lu Tian's hands are stained with blood far more than his (Man 1).

As he thought this, a chill shot through him when he realizes that Lu Tian was now walking towards him.

"Y-You… W… What do you want?"

He would be lying if he isn't scared right now. The moment he saw his brothers die like grass being mowed, he already had a sense why Lu Tian did not kill him right away.

Lu Tian stops in front of the man with an even more menacing aura than before. His eyes gave a dangerous vibe as he part his lip.


Hearing the name, Man 1's eyes widen. Could it be that Lu Tian already knows about their plan? Does that mean the reason why none of them were able to get a hold of Xu Zheng is because Lu Tian already has him?

No… Gongi said Xu Zheng was drunk…


Lost in his thoughts, the pain on his foot suddenly intensify to the maximum. His face turned deathly pale with sweat forming not only on his forehead, but all over his body.

"Call him."

Lu Tian's deep voice sounds from above. Since the man did not want to answer his question, he purposely stepped on the man's wounded foot. He made sure to use more strength to increase the pain.

Man 1 groan at the increasing pain. His jaw clench tightly until he bled from the pressure of him gritting his teeth together too hard. Unable to find his own voice, he could only nod his pale white head.

Feeling the pressure like a mountain on him lifted, he was able to catch his breath. Just as he was about to take another deep breath, his eyes subconsciously met with the devil's again.

"I… I'll c…call him…"

Stuttering his words, his hand struggles to get his phone inside his coat pocket. However, as he was about to grab his phone, he could feel the cold grip of his gun.

A sudden thought came to him. He did not take out his gun since he was shot on the foot. If he can just…


"…" josei

Before his thoughts could further anymore, the muzzle of Lu Tian's gun appears an inch away from his face. It was pointed directly between his eyes.

He stares at the black hole and struggle a difficult gulp, then looks up at the man holding the gun.

Lu Tian stares back at him with an expression full of indifference. He slowly shook his head in a silent warning.

Met with those eyes that kill a person, Man 1 cursed inside. Any false move and he knows that Lu Tian would not hesitate to pull the trigger on him.

Moving his hand way from the gun, he reach for his phone. Even if he were to take out his gun, Lu Tian still has the upper hand and would be faster. Left with no other choice, he takes his phone out from his pocket. Dialing a number, he press the speaker button.

The call rang only once before the other line was quickly connected and Gongi's voice sounds.

["What is it?"]

Man 1 glance at the muzzle in front of him then back to the aloof man. Although he was in so much pain, he needed to sound normal.

"Gongi, we met with a little trouble, but its all taken care of now."

["Hahah! Perfect! Seems like the infamous Lu Tian isn't so scary as the rumors says. Only you six and you already took care of him. Hahah."]

Listening to the words, Man 1 wishes so badly to curse at the stupid man. His life is in the hands of Lu Tian and yet, Gongi still has the time to laugh?!

["Where is his woman? I heard she is a great beauty. Tie her up for me to have a taste."]

Man 1's body froze when he heard Gongi's ridiculous words. He slowly looks up at Lu Tian and cold sweat ran down his spine. Even he forgot about the pain from his wounded foot.

Lu Tian's expression at this moment was hidden by the shadows due to the dim lights, but Man 1 knew very well about one thing.

The sudden drop of temperature is no doubt from Lu Tian. It was one that is going to unleash his wrath upon anyone who dares to lay a finger on his woman.

"G-Gongi… h-hurry."

["Haha, why are you stuttering? Everything is going as planned. Also, have her ready for me. Oh, I want Lu Tian to watch while I enjoy his woman."]

Outside in a car parked a block away, Gongi's laugh sounds as he sat inside a black car with three men. He ends the call and became excited about the news. However, due to his excitement, he did not pay attention to the fear in Man 1's voice.

Glancing in the direction of Uncle Zhi's shop, a malicious sneer curl on his lip.

He had seen a photo of Han Yue Ling and he cannot wait to taste the beauty. He thought Julia and Ning Mei were beauties, but after seeing Yue Ling, she is no doubt on another level of beautiful.

Unaware of what he is walking into, he thinks they still have the upper hand. Licking his palm, he uses his saliva to slick the side of his hair back and opens the door to step out.

Inside the dimly lit hallway, Lu Tian remained unmoving in his position. He stood over Man 1 like a giant pillar blocking any light.

"I-I did what you as-asked. N-Now l…let me g-go. Let me go!!"

Man 1 mumbled his words as he is losing too much blood and his conscious is slowly slipping away. Towards the end, he used every ounce of strength he had left to roar in rage. He hopes that his voice would be loud enough for his brothers outside to hear.

However, to his misfortune, the door that gave entrance to the outside world for Uncle Zhi's shop is not only bullet proof, but also soundproof.

Lu Tian stares down at the man begging for mercy.

At first, he did plan to keep this man alive and throw him in prison to let him rot inside. After all, he knows the faces and information of those from the underworld and this man has done many evil deeds. However, throwing him in prison would be unfair.

Unfair to all the innocent lives he (Man 1) had taken.


The back of the man's head hits the wall with great impact. He did not expect Lu Tian to pull the trigger and end his life for all his past crimes.

Staring at the now lifeless man, Lu Tian calmly puts his gun away.

He reach down to grab the man by the collar and turn for the wooden door as he drags the man with him like a sack of rice.

It's time for the real show to start.

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