Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 433 too late for regre

Chapter 433 too late for regre

Walking up to the front door of the rundown building, Gongi stops and checks his reflection in the glass door. He fixes his hair again and gestures a signal with his head to the three men.

"What are you idiots wait for? Open the door."

All three men looks at the scrawny man with a haggard face. Hesitation is shown on their face as they did not hide it from him. They didn’t know if they should listen to the useless man.

Truth be told, none of them were close to Gongi even though they’re from the same gang. However, Chu Li Xiang did give Gongi the permission to lead this mission.

One of the three men sighs in annoyance and pulls the glass door open.

Seeing them listen to him like he was the king of the world, Gongi scoffs at the man and enters the building with his chin raised. However, what his eyes were met with shook him to the core.

"W-What the hell happened here?!"

"These are our brother! Why are they dead?"

"Gongi, didn’t you say we got a clear? Why are our brothers like this?"

All three men spoke in horror and confusion at the sight of five dead men lying on the ground, but all their words did not enter Gongi’s ears. His expression at this moment is as pale as a ghost. Even his legs were shaking at the sight of the dead men.

He may be a part of the underworld, but every time it came to bloodshed, he would cower and hide behind everyone until its over.

One of the men (we’ll call him A) glance at Gongi and his face flash with disgust. This is why they were hesitant to follow the good for nothing man. At the sight of blood and Gongi would turn into a frighten little girl.

However, in respect for his boss, he will put up with this for now.

"Gongi, are you going to chicken out now?"

Hearing A, Gongi cast a glare at the man. He force a scoff and force his feet to move forward. Right now, he is the one in control, he cannot be a chicken and lose face.

Watching the haggard face man walk with trembling legs inside, all three men couldn’t help but laugh to each other. To think Chu Li Xiang actually left them in the hands of the useless being.

"F-Fucken b-bastards... J-Just w-watch..."

Gongi mumble under his breath as he force his legs to move through the dimly lit hallway. He made sure to keep his eyes ahead with no intentions of looking down at the dead bodies of his so-called brothers.

After what felt like a whole year in a scorching hot desert, he finally arrives at the wooden door on the other side.

Man 1 had already called to confirm a clear, so he did not waste anymore time and swung the door open. Right now, he just wanted to get away from this blood stench hallway of hell.

Like the hallway that had very little light, the inside of Uncle Zhi’s shop was just the same. The entire place dim of light with only one light brightening the middle. Everything else was covered in darkness.

However, a slender figure can be seen sitting on a chair with her hands tied behind her back and ankles strap to the front legs of the chair. Her head hung low as she drifted away from her consciousness.

Next to her was none other than Man 1. He had his black mask on and looked like he was taking a nap.

Gongi’s fear was quickly replaced with a malicious sneer when he saw Yue Ling all tied up and ready for him. Although, he would have preferred her to be tied to a table, a chair isn’t so bad either.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, he sees a dark figure from the corners of his eyes. Turning to see what it is, his sneer widens more than it already is.

Sitting on the ground with his back leaned against the wall is none other than Lu Tian. Like his wife, his hands are also tied behind his back.


Gongi scoffs a sarcastic chuckle at the sight of the almighty business king. Ignoring him, he walks straight for Yue Ling. He could not wait to tear her clothes to shreds and have a taste of her.

Seeing the man be so careless, A shook his head. This is why Gongi can never be a leader but a stupid follower. How can he just walk over to the target without checking the situation first?

Good thing Chu Li Xiang warned them at the start. Even if they were told the situation is clear, they have to double check. After all, this is Lu Tian they’re dealing with.

Shaking his head, he looks at the other two men before walking away.

"I’ll go check if he’s really dead."

Hearing A, the other two men (B and C) nod their head. As A went to check on Lu Tian, B and C went to check the other places in case this is a set up for them.

B walks towards the door leading to the back of the store while C headed for the secret room.

As A walks over to Lu Tian, he scoffs a sneer as he stops in front of the man.

Everyone said Lu Tian is the living image of the devil, but seeing him now, he is nothing but a pitiful man whose life ended at the hands of his many enemies.

Remembering how his other five brothers died in vain, anger rouse inside him. He lift his right leg and sends a kick to Lu Tian’s head. However, before he could lift his leg, his entire body froze in place.

His eyes widen and he curse inside. josei


Seeing them check the place, Gongi comes to a stop in front of Yue Ling. With her head down, her dark wavy hair flows over her shoulder as it covers her face from anyone’s line of sight.

He licks his dried and cracker lip as he could feel the lower part of his body awaken at the sight of her.

Unable to hold himself back, Gongi reach his hand out to touch her chin and lift her head up.


Before he could get a better view of Yue Ling, one of the three men suddenly cursed aloud. The word shocked Gongi so much that he jumped away from the woman in fright.

He turns to the person and glares viciously at the man for disturbing his precious moment.

"What is it? Did you fucken see a ghost?"

A: "Ah... Sorry, I saw... a mouse."

B: "It’s clear over here."

C: "C-Clear over here too."

Although they had answered as calmly as they could, all three men were unable to move a muscle. Cold sweat ran down their spine as no one dare to even make move.

Seeing the dark outlines of the men standing normally, Gongi pays no attention to them and turns his attention back to the beauty.

Her head was no longer down but slightly tilted back as her face comes into full view for the man.

A malevolent smile curls on Gongi’s haggard face making him even more disturbing to look at.

Even with her eyes closed, he can tell that she is a beauty if awaken. Her fair and flawless skin with long lashes and plump red lips made her look more alluring that any women he has seen.

No wonder Lu Tian is so protective of her. Any man who sees her will no doubt fall for her charms that can bring down a nation.

He stretch a hand towards Yue Ling and lightly touch the side of her face like she was a piece of fragile glass.

While Gongi became lost in his lustful thoughts, the three men who came inside with him were facing their own desire.

That is, the desire to run for their life.

A stares at the blank wall in front of him and he struggles a difficult gulp that shook his body. He could feel his legs tremble uncontrollably despite his feet turning cold.

The hard tip of a silencer connected to a pistol is pointed at him. However, of all the places, it is aimed directly at his crotch. One mistake and he will never be a man again.

On the other side where the door leading to the secret room is, C also stood unmoving under the door frame. He stares ahead into the darkness of the pitch-black room as the cold tip of a gun press against his forehead.

Like his two brothers, B was also having his own difficulty trying to hold himself together. Press against his neck is not a gun, but the sharpness of a knife. He knows that if he made one wrong move, it will be the death of him.

All three men could do nothing but curse at Gongi for being so careless and leading them right into a trap. If they had known this would happen, they would have never agreed to follow the useless man.

However, it was too late for regret because they had already stepped on the mine.

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