Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 457 the way ou

Chapter 457 the way ou

The faintness of Lu Tian’s voice enters her ear. Yue Ling’s eyes slowly flutter open as she laid down.

Blinking her eyes to adjust her vision, the clear blue sky greets her with specks of white clouds floating. The smell of grass enters her nose as she sits up.

However, she felt a small sting in her head. Lifting her hand, she gently massage her head. Subconsciously looking up, she was surprised at the sight in front of her.

Tall dried grass surrounded her like a cage.

"Where am I?"

Lowering her hand, she slowly stood up from the ground to see where she was. However, the moment she stood up she was even more surprised.

Surrounding her was not tall dried grass, but a vast field of dried barley.

The cool wind that often passes by was like music that made the dried barley sway like they were dancing.

Glancing down at herself, she was wearing a black turtleneck and matching black jeans.

Her brows slightly furrow as she tries to remember what she was doing. However, she couldn’t remember anything.

Taking a deep breath she decides to make a path on her own to get out of this place.

Just as she took a step forward, the dried barley that surrounded her like a cage suddenly sways in motion and clears a path for her.

She stares at the new path until the end and to her surprise again, standing on the other side was a boy about the age of four.

From where she stood, it was hard to make out the boy’s face, but something in her told her that he was someone close to her. Someone very important.

As she thought this, she didn’t know why, but she couldn’t stop her feet from walking towards the boy.

Through the field of barley, the closer she got to the boy, she could see him clearer.

He wore a black long sleeve turtleneck like her but with a black overall that was folded above his ankles.

He wasn’t too skinny nor was he too chubby. He had his ink-black hair and fair skin, but despite his adorable look, he had a natural straight face and one can see a trace of coldness around him.

However, what stood out the most about him was the color of his eyes.

They were a shade of greenish blue that makes one think of the ocean that surrounds the islands.

A shade of greenish blue just like hers.

He looked very familiar, almost like the mini version of the person she loves.

Yue Ling stares at the boy for a long minute as she carved him inside her heart.

She didn’t know why she did it, but something inside was telling her to.

Blinking her eyes, she looks back to the dried barley around them. When her eyes looked back to the boy, her lip curls into an angelic smile.

"Do you know the way out?"

The little boy did not answer her but stares up at her like he was charmed by her smile. However, realizing that she was looking at him, the little boy’s cheeks flush red and he nods his head to answer her.

Seeing the little boy as a big softy on the inside, Yue Ling smiles a chuckle and does not tease him. She decides to leave him with some pride.

Reaching her hand out to him, she kept her smile. "Shall we?"

The little boy stares up at Yue Ling in silence for another long minute. It was as if he was deep in thoughts about something, but quickly coming back to his senses, he lifts his hand and place his palm on hers.

Just as their hands touched, the passing wind picks up and everything began to flutter.

Yue Ling pulls the little boy into her arms to cover him from the dust flying. She closed her eyes without realizing that the little boy had wrapped his arms around her waist.

Quickly as it came, the wind returns to it calmness like before.

Opening her eyes, Yue Ling gasps in shock at what she was seeing. The field of dried barley that they were standing in had suddenly turn green all around.

She lowers her head to check the boy in case he was harm, but to another shock, the colors of their clothes had changed from black to white.

It was like a dream...

The little boy lightly tightens his arms around her waist before letting go. He takes a step back and looks up at her.

The coldness around him somehow turned warmer as he reach to hold Yue Ling’s hand again.

"I am happy I can meet you."

Taking her hand, he walks in the opposite direction of where Yue Ling had come from.

Letting him guide her to who knows where, Yue Ling stares at the back of the little boy and she was lost in thoughts about his words.

What does he mean? Have they met before?

However, the longer she stares at his little figure in white, she couldn’t help but smile.

Whether they’ve met before or not, it doesn’t matter because a part of her feels that they are connected by heart.

As time seemed to pass by, their walk took longer than Yue Ling had thought, but no matter how long they walked everything around didn’t seem to change. It was like they were walking around in a circle. josei

Just as she thought this, the little boy walking in front of her spoke again. His cute childish voice chimes in that made her heart flutter in love.

"Can you keep a secret?"

Yue Ling chuckles and nod her head, "Of course, I promise."

The little boy stops in his steps with his head down and one foot bashfully kicking the dirt on the ground like a shy little boy.

"I like listening to yours and his voices. It makes me happy."

Slowly turning to face Yue Ling his head tilt back to look up at her.

"Can you tell him that I am not mad at him."

Yue Ling stares at the boy as she didn’t quite understand his words. However, it was only for a quick second before everything dawned on her like a flood.

Her pupils shook with a tightening of her throat and a short intake of her breath.

Her legs turned weak and she falls to the ground, but she does not let go of his hand.

She part her lip to speak, but it was like someone had pressed the mute button on her as everything she wanted to say to him does not sound.

Unable to say anything, tears welled from deep inside her and coursed down her cheeks.

The little boy slowly let go of her hand. His tiny hand touches her cheek and, on his face, appears a very cute smile that can melt one’s heart.

"Please do not be sad."

His little fingers wipes away her tears as he leans in to kiss her on the cheek.

"It is not time."

He moves his hand from Yue Ling’s cheek as his eyes glisten in moist. Taking a step away, he looks at her one last time before walking pass her in the direction they had come from.


Yue Ling reaches for the boy as she force out the only word she could say. However, before she could grab him, the little boy had already walked out of her reach.

Tears flow down her cheeks uncontrollably as she gasp in sobs.

She wanted to run after him, but it was like the ground below had glued her in place from moving.

The little boy stops in his steps as he turns back to look at Yue Ling. One can see that he is trying to hold back his tears.

He slowly walks back to Yue Ling and sits down next to her.

Seeing him return to her, Yue Ling quickly wrap her arms around him and tightly held him within her embrace as he to her.

After what felt like forever, the little boy slowly pulls away from her arms.

He looks at her and smiles that same heart melting smile to her, but this time with puffy red eyes as he had been crying with her.

"Don’t be sad okay?"

He place a kiss on her other cheek and stood up.

However, the moment he stood up, Yue Ling sees a tall man clothe in all white standing not too far from them.

His hair was shaved in a faded buzz cut and his features were very refining like God had taken his precious time sculpting the man.

When Yue Ling saw him, her heart shook.

No matter how long, it was a face she will never forget. One that had been deeply engraved into her heart.


A faint but bright smile curls on his lip when she spoke his name. He walks towards her and the little boy.

Yue Ling stares at the man and she felt everything felt like a dream. Never did she think she would ever meet him again.

Stopping in front of her, Shin slowly kneels down to her and pat her on the head.

His smile widens as it turns into one that can make anyone sad smile.

"Be happy. He is a good person."

He leans towards her and kiss her forehead before standing up.

Turning away, he looks at the boy and stuck out his hand. "Ready?"

The little boy looks at Shin’s hand then to Yue Ling. He wanted to take a step toward Yue Ling, but stops himself.

Taking a deep breath, he place his hand on Shin’s hand, and smiles happily to Yue Ling.

As their two figures walk away in the direction Yue Ling had first awoke, everything around slowly turned dark.

Watching them get further and further away, Yue Ling felt sadness inside her, but a faint smile curls on her lip.

She closed her eyes and let the darkness engulf her completely.

"Yue Ling."

A voice she is very familiar with enters her ear as she slowly opens her eyes from the long dream.

The white ceiling greets her as she turns her head to see the person she loves and a very faint smile curls on her lip.


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