Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 503 They took her

Chapter 503 They took her

Inside the abandoned factory, Yue Ling is lead to a room near the back of the rundown place.

She can see multiple doors leading into rooms but only some had men guarding outside. From the looks of it, these doors must be where the women they’ve captured are held hostages.

The man with long hair finally comes to a stop in front of the door to the room at the end that also had two bulky men guarding it.

He turns around to look at her and click his tongue in shame. He eyes her up and down before shaking his head.

"Such a pity."

Yue Ling is a peerless beauty and she is standing in front of him. Any man here would want to have a taste of her, but they can’t.

All the women they’ve captured cannot be touched or else it will sabotage the profit they will get.

Turning away, he takes out a set of keys and unlocks the door as he opens it. Turning back to grab her by the arm, he grabs a pocketknife and cuts the zip tie securing her wrists.

Just as the zip tie snaps apart, he shoves her inside the dimly lit room without any care.

Due to her act of portraying a weak woman, Yue Ling pretends to lose her balance and stumbles onto the floor.

Just as she landed on the floor, the door slams shut as the man gives order to the other two men keeping watching outside.

"Keep an eye on her. Don’t try anything stupid."

He saw the way they looked at Yue Ling and it was the look of a wolf eyeing its prey. However, watching him leave, a malicious glint of light flash in their eyes.

Yue Ling sat on the floor until she heard the long hair man’s footsteps get further away from the door. She calmly push herself to stand up and observe the room she was brought in.

As she stretch her wrists, she notice that the room was darker than she had thought.

The sun was still out, but due to the room having only one small window near the ceiling, not much light entered the place.

"A-Are you alright?"

Suddenly, a young woman’s trembling voice sounds from behind Yue Ling causing her to look in the direction.

Her eyes had quickly adjusted to the darkness in the room and she could make out two figures in the far corner of the room.

"I’m alright. Where is this place?"

Although she already knew where she is, she still asked. There were two men standing guard outside the door, so it’s most likely that they are also listening to the conversation.

"I don’t know..."

The same voice answers as the young woman steps out from the corner to enter the little light in the room. It wasn’t only her, but another woman who stepped out as well.

Yue Ling was able to see their facial features with the little light and notice that the two women were of different ages.

The one who spoke had short black hair and looked to be around eighteen to twenty years old. The other had wavy red hair. She looked to be older, but younger than her (Yue Ling). Probably in her earlier twenties.

However, her eyes slightly narrows when she saw the minor cuts and bruises on their faces.

She felt all the blood inside her begin to boil in rage, but she tells herself to remain calm.

"I’m Han Yue Ling."

She introduce herself despite the situation they were in. Since she is put in the same room with these two women, she decided it was best to know one another’s name.

"I’m Shi Yan and this is Qin Xue."

The young woman named Shi Yan slowly approach Yue Ling. She held a wary expression as she was afraid of what had happened to her, but at the same time, curious about the new woman in the room.

There is not a single person in Imperial who does not know who Han Yue Ling is. How can a celebrity be kidnapped like them?

She tries to see if it is the actual person, but due to Yue Ling’s back facing the only window in the room, the front of her was overshadow by the darkness.

"A-Are you really..."

Just as she spoke her words, she was close enough to see a clearer image of Yue Ling and unknown to her, tears pour down her cheeks.

Like her legs had turned weak, she falls to the ground in sobs.

"You are Han Yue Ling... wuuu...."

She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t stop her tears from falling. Was she thankful that a celebrity is here? No, it is because Yue Ling is a celebrity. With her missing, the police would definitely search for her whereabouts.

The red hair woman name Qin Xue tries to calm the younger woman down and looks at Yue Ling.

"H-How did you get capture?"

Yue Ling lifts one leg and walks over to the two women. She squats down and begin to calm down the younger woman too.

"My friend and I were followed."

Hearing her words, Qin Xue’s eyes shook and her free hand grabs Yue Ling’s arm.

"Your friend was also captured? Where is she?"

Feeling the tight grip on her arm, Yue Ling did not push the woman away. She shook her head and answers.

"My friend was able to escape."

Relief wash over Qin Xue. She is regretful that Yue Ling is another victim like them, but if this friend was able to escape, it meant another woman is free from this hell hole.

Thinking of all the unimaginable things that has been happening, she couldn’t help but cry too.

Yue Ling sat down next to the two women and waited for them to calm down from crying. With what they went through, they must have tried very much to keep their sanity.

After a few minutes pass, the two women finally calmed down as they could only sound sniffles inside the room.

"Sorry... I didn’t mean to cry."

Shi Yan apologizes as she wipes her tears away. Since she was brought in here, she could only hold onto hope.

Hope that they would all be saved soon.

Staring at the young woman, Yue Ling sighs inside. She lift her hand and gently pat her on the head.

"Being here is a scary thing. It’s normal to cry."

She looks around the room again then to the small window. The light was slowly disappearing as it wasn’t as bright outside anymore.

"How long have you both been here?"

Qin Xue sniffles and wipes her tears. Looking at Yue Ling, she wanted to cry again, but could only hold herself back. josei

"I’ve been here for three days. Shi Yan has been here for a week now."

Thinking about something, her shoulders slouch and slumps more to the ground. Her lower lip trembles as she chokes out her next words.

"There was another girl with us. She was much younger than Shi Yan, but those men... They..."

She covers her mouth remembering what happened and she sobs again. She couldn’t bring herself to finish her sentence.

Yue Ling’s heart dropped to her stomach when she heard Qin Xue’s words. Even if she did not finish her sentence, Yue Ling could already guess what might had happened.

However, taking a deep breath, she place a hand on Qin Xue’s shoulder and looks the woman deep in the eyes.

"What did they do to her?"

Lowering her head, Qin Xue shook her head. She cannot answer the question. Not because she doesn’t want to, but because it was a dreadful moment they had to witness.

"They took her..."

From the side, Shi Yan answers in an almost sobbing voice. She looks at Yue Ling and held onto her arms.

"Those men took her. They said they wouldn’t do anything to us, but they still took her."

Yue Ling was able to see the pain mix with anger in Shi Yan’s eyes.

From the information Li Wei gathered, he said Chu Li Xiang ordered his men to not touch any of the women in fear that it might soil his plans. However, why the sudden change?

Knowing that something is not right, she could only ask.

"What happened?"

Qin Xue was able to pull herself together and began to explain the details.

"Before, they would always us alone, but today, they suddenly started taking one woman after another."

From the time they were captured, the men did not lay a finger on them. Each passing day, they were given food and water like usual. However, today, for some reason, the men would come and take a woman of their choice.

They didn’t know where the women were brought to, but they could hear the petrifying screams of those women taken along with the laughter of the men who took them.

Just hearing their voices was enough to tell what is happening.

The younger girl Qin Xue and Shi Yan mentioned had been captured before them. However, because she was younger, the man who came into the room took interest in her and dragged her out.

They could hear her screams and cries, but after an hour passed, it suddenly went quiet. She was never brought back to the room nor did the men mention her again.

It was most likely that they tortured her before killing her.

Remembering the scary event, Shi Yan wails in tears and wipes her tears away. However, each time she wipe the tear, another would fall then another.

"T-Those scums... t-they said they’re going to come back for more."

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