Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 526 Everything was gone

Chapter 526 Everything was gone

As Ji Jingxu’s figure dash out of the room at the speed of lightning, Lu Tian walked back inside the room after finishing the phone call.

The two passed one another and Lu Tian was able to catch a quick glimpse of the look on the boy’s face.

He didn’t ask why he (Ji Jingxu) was in a rush. He strides over to his wife and sits down on the empty chair near the window.

Seeing her smiling face, his entire being couldn’t help but soften.

Ever since the tragic loss of their unborn child, he has not seen her smile like this. How he wish to always see her happy and so full of life again.

Yue Ling turns to look at Lu Tian and she held her smile in place.

\"Is everything alright?\"


Lu Tian nods his head with a short answer. He reach a hand and held her smaller hand. Gently squeezing her hand, he sighs.

\"I’ll have to be away for a day or two.\"

Hearing his words, Yue Ling did not need to ask why. She already knew it has something to do with the word ’roadtrip’ and Chu Li Xiang.

With her current condition, even if she wanted to go with him, she will only get in the way.

Besides, as much as she want to personally kill the bastard, she once heard Liu Shan mention that Lu Tian can be rather ruthless when anger, so she will leave it to him on how to end Chu Li Xiang.

In return, she gently squeeze his hand on hers and her smile arcs up more until it reach her eyes.

\"Go ahead. I will be fine here. Yeye and Jingxu will keep me company.\"

Lu Tian gaze at his wife in awe of her understanding. However, his eyes did not hide the reluctance and worry for her.

When they brought her to the hospital, Doctor Dong had lectured all of them, especially him for not taking proper care of her.

The old man said the reason she collapsed was due to excessive exhaustion of her body.

She may have exercised like a normal person and looked fine on the outside, but it was only because she was forcing her body to stay awake.

Without a proper recovery, her body could only keep up to a certain limit and her collapsing was when she had reached her limit.

Thinking this, he smiles a very small smile to her in guilt and worry.

\"Stay here until I finish. When I come back, we’ll go home together.\"

Yue Ling does not answer him but nod her head like an obedient child. Due to her selfishness, she has been constantly worrying him.

If it weren’t for his natural good looks, she is sure he would have aged 5 years, even 10 years, because of her.


Lu Tian stayed by Yue Ling’s side for another 3 hours. He kissed his wife on the forehead, then gestures a nod to Liu Shan, Xu Long, Lin Hui and Qi Li.

It was time for them to set out on this ’roadtrip’.

He had made sure to order members of Wolf Team to stay on guard outside the hospital to keep his wife safe while he is away.

As the five men leave the room, Grandfather Ji couldn’t help but look at them with a sigh.

He knows that Lu Tian doesn’t want to leave his granddaughter’s side, but to stay by her side, he needed to finish the matters with Chu Li Xiang.

The bastard needed to pay for what he did.

Thinking this, he thought back to his health. Whether it be today, tomorrow, or the following day, he can leave this world in peace.

He knew that Shin loved his granddaughter, but he can see that same kind of love in Lu Tian too.

The boy (Lu Tian) always look at his granddaughter with a devoted expression. It is always gentle and full of caring. As if Yue Ling is the most precious diamond in the world and he would do anything in his power to protect her smile.

His thoughts then shifts to the scene of the five men exiting the room.

Yue Ling is a good person. Anyone with a common sense wouldn’t hesitate to be friend her, which is why she has so many good and talented people by her side.

To them, she is like a rose and them the thorns on the stem.

Like thorns always protecting the rose, they will do whatever to protect her from harm.

They will not hesitate to sting anyone who dares to hurt her as she is the rose that gives them hope in life.

As the room came to a silence, Grandfather Ji returned from his thoughts. He turns to look at his granddaughter and smiles a sigh.

\"You must be hungry. I will inform a nurse to bring you a bowl of warm soup.\"

Yue Ling wanted to refute, but she nods her head. She had not eaten anything because she and Zhao Ya’Er’s lunch date was interrupted.

Seeing her agree with him, Grandfather Ji stood up and left them room in search of a nurse. After everything his granddaughter went through, he knows she is in need of something nourishing.

Watching the old man’s figure walk out of the room, Yue Ling was left alone. She leans back on the hospital bed and turns her head to look out the window.

From the lighting, she can guess that the sun is beginning to set as the clear blue sky from before was now a mixture of blue and red with purple hues.

As she stare out in a daze at the beautiful sky, she suddenly hears the faint sound of children laughing and playing.

Her eyes slightly tremble, and she moves the blanket covering her body. Not bothering to wear the slippers, she walks barefooted to the window.

Peering out, the view below was the back courtyard of the hospital. It was the area where patients and family members can enjoy their time. There were benches and table on the side of the long walkway.

It was the same walkway she had used in replace of a track to run. josei

However, she could see three little figures no older than 10. They were running and chasing each other on the green grass as their mothers sat on one of the tables and chatted away.

Her heart softens at the sight of the three children.

She slowly raise her hand and touch the window like she was greeting them.

Although her eyes were looking down at the children playing and laughing below, her mind was elsewhere.

Within months, her child would have been born and showered with many loves by her, Lu Tian and everyone.

Ever since she woke up from the accident, she had not shed a single tear for her loss.

Some seemed to think she is doing fine while others probably thought she is heartless for not feeling any grief, but only she knows how hard it is for her.

Only she knows the pain of waking up every morning to know that her child is no longer here.

However, not only was her child taken from her, her chance to be a mother was also taken.

Everything was gone.

\"Ah Ling.\"

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