Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 528 What do I do

Chapter 528 What do I do

Glancing at the old man, Yue Ling arch a brow, then smiles to him as she leans her head back against the pillow.

\"Yeye, I am really fine. You know that I always recover healthy after taking down the bad people.\"

Although her expression was full of smiles and looked like her usual self, Grandfather Ji did not smile with her. He close his eyes and he shook his head.

\"I am not asking how you are physically doing. I am asking how you are mentally doing.\"

Yue Ling’s eyes slightly shook. She could feel a sudden sharp pain in her chest hearing his words and her smile grew faint.

Not wanting him to see this look on her, she turns to look elsewhere.

\"I really am alright. I really am.\"

Grandfather Ji knew she was stubborn. She had inherent this side from him. However, he was able to see the look in her eyes before she looked away and he sighs.

\"That answer might work on some people, but not for me. I am your yeye, do you think I can’t read you?\"

Like a dull pain suddenly came crashing inside Yue Ling, her smile completely fades, and she thought back to the morning before her meet with Zhao Ya’Er.

Brushing it aside, she looks back at her grandfather.

She wanted to reassure him that she is fine, but the moment her eyes met his, she knew she could not hide anything from him.


She had never told anyone, but in the past after they put Shin to rest, she knew that he had heard and saw her cry to herself in grief for her loss.

She knew that her grandfather had sat outside the room and quietly cried for her.

It was in that moment that she told herself she will never cry again. She never wants to see her grandfather, or anyone cry so painfully for her.


As she stares into his eyes full of worry for her, her eyes slowly welled up and her lower began to tremble.

Like the walls that hold her up and made her strong suddenly collapsed, it was as if her life came crumbling down and everything inside her turned into emptiness.

\"Yeye... They say I can’t have a baby anymore...\"

Her brows crease tightly as she tries to fight her tears back, but the more she tried to hold in the pain, it escaped her like a throbbing pain in her chest that can never be healed.

One after another, beads of tears slid down her cheeks as the sadness and sorrow she had been fighting burst inside her like a dam.

\"I can’t have a baby anymore. I will never have the chance to be a mother.\"

Her muffled sobs echo inside the private ward and her tears turned into sharp swords that pierce through Grandfather Ji’s heart all at once.

The moment she opened her eyes from the car accident, he knew she was in pain and wanted to cry for her loss.

However, being the person she is, she didn’t want to worry everyone, so she put up a wall to hide her pain. josei

To hide away her grief so that others will not worry for her, but he is her grandfather.

How can he not know?

He, of all people knows better than anyone how she is feeling. For he, has seen and experienced the loss of many loved one.

Knowing the exact pain inside her and seeing her go through this pain, his lips tremble as tears quickly filled his eyes.

He stood up from his seat and wrap his arms around his granddaughter.

\"My poor Ah Ling ah. Do not cry. Do not be sad.\"

He soothes her head with one hand and cries with her like the pain she is going through had been transferred into him.

\"Who said you can’t have a baby? Who said you will never be a mother? My Ah Ling is healthy and a good person, you will be fine.\"

His sobs turned into wails in cross with his frantic gasping.

\"Tell yeye... Who said you can’t have a baby? Yeye will go and punish them. Yeye will make sure they kowtow and apologize to my Ji family’s Ah Ling. How dare they hurt my child with such lies?!\"

Hearing his words, Yue Ling’s chest ached more than ever. It was as if the pain inside was ripping her heart into pieces then ruthlessly yank it out of her by force.

She once heard from Hana that some women become infertile after experiencing miscarriages, so when Zhao Ya’Er invited her to lunch, she left early before the scheduled time to visit a public health clinic.

Although Hana said the chances are very low, she wanted to know if she can still conceive.

However, she was told that the car accident she was in put too much impact on her body and cause her to hemorrhage. The doctors at the clinic said the chances for her to get pregnant again is very low and likely to not happen.

Remembering her results and the doctors’ words, Yue Ling cried even harder like she was going to lose herself.

\"Yeye, what do I do? How am I going to tell Tian?\"

She clench tightly onto the sleeve of her grandfather’s shirt as tears continue to pour down her bluish green eye with loud heaving sobs that tear through her throat.

\"How can I be selfish and make him stay with me if I can’t even give him a child?\"

Grandfather Ji tightens his arms around her more. He could only cry as he did not understand why she has to go through another heart wrenching pain.

How can the heavens be so cruel? Her child was just taken from her, why take the chance for her to be a mother too?

The pain inside Yue Ling came in waves like a storm in the ocean.

\"Yeye... how do I tell Tian... what do I do...\"

As her cries echo inside the quiet private ward, she did not realize that at this moment, the one person she did not know how to tell is standing outside the door.

Lu Tian had returned to give his wife a bag that had a new change of clothes. He thought it would help her be more comfortable during her stay in the hospital.

Just when he was one foot away from entering the door to her room, that was when he heard her words then her cries.

In that moment, it was like his heart had stopped with time and her cries were the only sound he can hear.

From the day they met, the first time he saw her cry was when they were standing on the sands of the ocean in City Z.

The second and what he thought to be the last time was the night he proposed to her under the dark sky that lit up with lanterns.

However, her tears from those two days and now were completely different. Her sobs were so gut-wrenching that it tore through his chest.

When he heard them, he wanted so badly to rush inside and pull her into his arms.

He wanted to tell her that no matter what happens, he will never leave her.

He wanted to tell her that he will always love her and stand by her side.

He wanted to tell her that everything will be okay.

He wanted to tell her that she is not alone.


Clenching his fists tightly, he press his lips into a thin line and turns away from the room that separated him from his wife.

The rims of his eyes redden in pain for his wife and anger for the cause of her pain.

He is going to make Chu Li Xiang pay piece by piece.

Once the bastard is gone for good, he will come back to his wife and tell her how he feels.

He will let her know, children or no children, he will forever love her without change.

Be it yesterday, today, tomorrow, or the next 50 years, his love for her will always remain solid.

For she is the only person he will give his heart and soul to.

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