Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 536 time is up

Chapter 536 time is up

The night carried on as usual. Before anyone knew it, the sky was already transitioning from darkness to light as the sun slowly began to rise in the distance. A slight breeze from the early morning blew in to soothe one’s soul.

However, while those in Imperial slept peacefully in slumber, a person rotated between screams and silence on a private island.

Chu Li Xiang laid in his own blood and was frantically gasping between his sobs and screams. Each time he thought he was already dead, he would open his eyes to meet the person torturing him again.

It was as if his misery never knew how to end.

Now he has been awoken for the ninth time. Both his arms and legs had been chopped off and fed to the sharks below.

The aloof man is definitely worthy of being the most ruthless person. Far worse than those in the underworld that Chu Li Xiang has ever met.

Lu Tian did not chop his arms and legs in one go. He started with Chu Li Xiang’s right arm up to the elbow, then his left leg to the knee, then the other arm and leg no different.

When Chu Li Xiang saw this, he thought the torture was done, but to his misfortune, it was not. What came after were his remaining arms up to the shoulder and legs to the thigh.

Even when he thought he would be immune to the pain, he thought wrong. All the pain he was receiving, is all he could think about. Pain after pain.

He stares up at his reflection in the mirror with his eyes that were crying blood. He wanted to scream, but his throat had become so hoarse and dry, it hurts just opening his mouth.

Shifting his gaze to the left, he felt anger and vengeance crawl inside him. If he still had his arms, he would be clenching his fists so tightly right now.

Lu Tian was leaning against the side of the brick table. His back was turned to Chu Li Xiang as he leisurely smokes a cigarette.

He blows a gust of smoke out and stares expressionlessly at the space in front of him.

\"Painful, isn’t it?\"

His words fell and he inhales another deep breath of the cigarette in his hand.

\"No matter how much you want to distract your mind, you can’t because pain is the only thing running inside your brain.\"

He takes his last puff and toss the cigarette to the ground. His left leg slightly raise, and he steps on it.

\"All the pain you’re feeling right now is not even equal to the amount of pain you’ve inflicted upon the innocent lives you took.\"

Slowly turning to look at Chu Li Xiang, he reach for the axe that was waiting patiently to be used again.

The moment Chu Li Xiang saw this, he knew his end was coming and his entire body shook from inside and out.

\"Just kill me already!!!\"

He roared with all the energy he had left. The pain was too much to bear and Lu Tian is right. As of this moment, no matter how angry he wants to be, all he can think about is the pain inside him.

Hearing the man’s pleading demand, Lu Tian arch a brow then put on a thinking face. However, that expression on his face only lasted for a very quick second.

He grips the axe tightly with his left hand. Even though Lu Tian is right-handed, his left hand raised the axe steadily without any problems. For him, both arms work at the same strength.

\"Very well.\" josei

Chu Li Xiang squeeze his eyes shut. His end is finally coming. All the torturous pain is all going to end.



Chu Li Xiang summoned a high-pitch shriek when he felt the gust of wind from the speed of the axe. Quickly as it came, he heard the sharp blade slams hard against him.

However, the pain he was expecting did not come.

He couldn’t understand what is happening. Didn’t the axe hit him? If it did, where is the pain?

Unless, he is already dead...

Thinking this, he weakly open his eyes, and it was then he knew he had thought wrong again. What met him in the eyes were the eyes of a ferocious tiger.

His entire body froze, and he swore he had died in this second only to be revived again.

Lu Tian was staring right at him with no emotion in his expression as usual. However, his eyes at this moment looked so sinister like two black holes ready to engulf anything it lands on.


A muffle mumble escapes Chu Li Xiang’s dried lips. What is going on? Wasn’t he meeting his end? Why is he still alive?

However, as he ask these questions, he was going to find out.

\"Your time is up.\"

Lu Tian calmly spoke, but it only sent a cold shiver down Chu Li Xiang’s body causing more blood to gush out from his open wounds. He (Lu Tian) grabs the bastard man by the shirt and lifts him up.


As Chu Li Xiang’s body suddenly moves from the table, he grunts loudly in pain as he was slammed down on the hard floor. The opened wounds of his legs were pressed down against the ground despite Lu Tian was still holding him by the shirt.

\"Lu! Tian! You bastard! You’re going to pay for this! There are many people who want you dead!! I pray they kill you brutality!!! Ahh!!! Ahhh!!!!\"

Like he suddenly had all the energy in the world, Chu Li Xiang roars loudly as he curses Lu Tian. Even if he dies now, there will be someone else to take his place.

Be it Lu Tian, Mami or Fate, there is bound to be someone who will come after them!

Lu Tian looks at the man and he squats down to be at eye level.

\"When that day comes, I will send them to join you.\"

Hearing his words full of mockery, Chu Li Xiang gather all his mucus and spits at Lu Tian. However, his gesture only caused him to cough out blood on himself.

He ended up gasping for air and could only clench his teeth together. He glares at his killer and growls through gritted teeth.

\"What are you waiting for? Kill me already!\"

Lu Tian heaves a sigh and shook his head. His gesture was as if he was in a conference meeting with his employees and was disapproval of their idea.

\"You are not worthy to be killed by me.\"

His words fell and he calmly stood up. He did not let go of his grip on Chu Li Xiang’s shirt, and his eyes never left the man.

\"However, I will be the last person you see.\"

Without giving Chu Li Xiang anytime to react, he drags the man towards the deep hole.

Chu Li Xiang’s eyes widen as he would see his own reflection from the mirrors above. He could also see the sharks as they swim in a circle with only their dorsal fins showing.

He knows that once he is thrown in there...


Before he could even finish his thoughts, Lu Tian showed no mercy and toss him into the water. It was as if Chu Li Xiang was some kind of filthy waste being disposed of.


Chu Li Xiang doesn’t drop directly into the ocean water. His back lands on the small concrete space that was only enough for a single person to stand.

His body laid in intense pain as the salty water splashes against his open wounds causing his body to sting more than ever.

Unable to see the sharks circling beside him, his eyes could only rotate between Lu Tian’s figure that is looking down at him and his own reflection in the mirrors.


Suddenly, he howls a shriek at what he saw in the mirror. One of the sharks merge out from the water with its mouth widely open and its shark teeth quickly pierce into his shoulder.

Quickly as the first one appeared, the second one did not hesitate to tear the side of his stomach and his guts splatter out into the water.

Chu Li Xiang’s screams echoed inside the room in agonizing pain. With his arms and legs gone, he was not given any chance to try and fight for his life.

All he could do was scream and watch as the sharks make a meal out of him.

From above, Lu Tian watched as the two sharks devour the man. His eyes never once looked away even when there was nothing left but a pool of bloody ocean water.

Once the sharks were done, they submerge into the water and make their way through a tunnel leading back to the free ocean they had come from.

Lu Tian slowly blink his eyes and turns away from the hole as if none of this had happened.

His tall figure walks pass the other people in the room and towards the double doors made of metal.

\"Let’s go.\"

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