Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 548 a small world

Chapter 548 a small world

The passenger door opens, and Yue Ling’s slender figure steps out. She glance at the back of the white car and her brows slightly furrow.

"What is it?"

Lu Tian’s deep voice resonated from inside the car when he saw his wife not moving. He couldn’t help but turn to look in the same direction and sees the white car in the distance. Does that car belong to someone she knows?

"It’s nothing."

Yue Ling answers him and reach for her bag she had left near the passenger seat. She looks at the aloof man and smiles.

"Don’t skip your lunch. I’ll call you when I arrive at the place."

Hearing her words, Lu Tian looks back at her. His lip slightly pout, and he turns into a child who had been told he cannot go with his mother to the store.

During the past week, he had been working at home so he could take care of his wife. Due to this, he had been postponing all his meetings, but knowing that he cannot keep doing this, he had no choice but to return to work.

As for his wife, she was invited to go shopping with his mother, aunt and cousin. The three women also have a surprise for Yue Ling, but he cannot tell her since his mother asked him not to.

The plan is to drop her off with Zhao Ya’Er and the two will meet up with the older women at the surprise place.

Thinking this, Lu Tian heaves a long sigh. If he could, he would prefer his wife to go to work with him. Even if it was going to bore her to death, he rather she be where he can see her.

However, remembering his mother’s words about wanting to spend time with his wife, he could only reluctantly let her go.

Sighing again, but this time inside, he looks at her.

"I’ll pick you up later."

Yue Ling closed the door, but with the window down, she was able to hear his sudden words. She blinks her eyes multiple times then chuckles.

"Ya’Er can take me home. Besides, we are women, who knows how long we will take."

A smile curls on Lu Tian’s lip seeing her smile that always captivates his heart. With the car on parked, he steps out from the driver side and walks over to her side.

"That’s exactly why I will be picking you up later."

It’s not his wife he is worried about that will be staying late. It’s his mother, aunt and cousin. Knowing that the three women adore his wife, they might not let her go home at all.

Stopping in front of her, he place his palm on her back and pulls her closer to him. Without asking for her approval, he lowers his head and captures her red lips.

As he pulls away from her, his entire being softens at the sight of her flustered face. He softly chuckles then gently taps her nose and walks back to the driver side of the car.

Yue Ling stares in utter disbelief as the shameless man enters the car and drives off. Now staring at the back of his car, the corners of her lips arc up and she chuckles to herself.

Lightly shaking her head, she makes her way towards Zhao Ya’Er’s bungalow.

Staring at the house, she thought it was very pretty and matched Zhao Ya’Er’s personality a lot. Not too luxurious, but a small simple house that reminds one of a nice cottage in the middle of an enchanted forest.

She soon arrives in front of the door and rings the doorbell. However, after a few minutes, Zhao Ya’Er did not come open the door.

The space between her brows crease and she turns her head to look at the driveway.

’Her car is parked there. Did something happen?’

Just as she thought this, the sound of the door unlocks from the inside and it opens.

"Ya’Er, you’re here. Did I arrive too early?"

Yue Ling spoke with a smile and she turns to look at the woman. However, the moment she saw Zhao Ya’Er, her smile disappears.

Standing in front of her was Zhao Ya’Er, but not the energetic woman she knows. Instead, her eyes were red and teary like she had just finished crying.

A dangerous light flash inside Yue Ling’s eyes and she clench tightly onto her bag to suppress her anger for her friend.

"What happened?"

Zhao Ya’Er stares at Yue Ling. She wanted to smile, but instead of a smile, her lips tremble and she was unable to hold her tears back. She squats down and burst into tears.

When Wei Hongyi left, she told herself to go and get ready because Yue Ling was going to be here at any moment. However, the second she stood up, the doorbell rang.

Knowing that it was Yue Ling, she didn’t go to the bathroom but ran to the kitchen sink to wash her face. She knows that if Yue Ling saw her this way, she would only cause worry for others.

However, when she opened the door and saw her friend, she couldn’t contain herself anymore.

Some people around her knows that Wei Hongyi has been abusing her, but Yue Ling is the only person she had personally told.

Yue Ling sighs inside at the woman. Reaching down to help her up, she walks Zhao Ya’Er inside and close the door. She was shocked to see the broken vase with flowers scattered on the floor but decides not to ask and help her friend sit down on the couch.

The two women sat in the living room as Zhao Ya’Er continued to cry for a long moment before she finally calm down.

She wipes away her tears and sniffles. Looking at Yue Ling, she scoffs a sarcastic chuckle in self-pity.

"You must think I am pitiful right now, huh?"

Yue Ling slightly shook her head and smiles faintly. She reach a hand to hold Zhao Ya’Er’s and she sighs inside.

"Tell me what happened."

Hearing her words, Zhao Ya’Er didn’t want to talk about it, but knowing that it was Yue Ling, she nods her head.

If it had been anyone else, she would have pushed the topic aside. However, from her short encounter with Yue Ling, she knows that the retired model would never judge her.

She stood up from the couch and walks over to a part of the living room. She picks up her phone that she had threw at Wei Hongyi. Unlike the smooth screen it used to be, her phone now was cracked everywhere.

"He left a few seconds after you arrived."

Yue Ling arch a brow at her words. She couldn’t help but think back to the white car she had saw when Lu Tian dropped her off.

So it seems her guess was correct. She thought she saw the car backed out from Zhao Ya’Er’s driveway but seeing that there was another driveway close by, she thought it was her eyes playing with her.

Oblivious to Yue Ling’s thoughts, Zhao Ya’Er glance down at her phone. Even though the screen was cracked, she could still turn it on and scroll through like normal.

"Remember when I told you that he sleeps around with other women? Well, one of his women sent me a photo."

She sits down and hands the phone to Yue Ling. Her eyes welled up with tears again due to her anger, but she held it back.

"Can you believe these two? To think they actually think I am a fool and do not know that they have been sleeping together."

Yue Ling takes the phone and looks at the screen. Seeing the photo of Wei Hongyi and the woman, both her brows arch in surprise.

This really is a small world.

She thought that even though Ning Mei had a disgusting side to her, the woman would at least have a decent side when it comes to friends. Then again, as the saying goes, you really cannot never judge a book by its cover. josei

Staring at the phone, Yue Ling kept a calm expression, but behind that calmness, a murderous sneer curl inside.

This photo just gave her the perfect plan to destroy Ning Mei. Since she is after fame and men, she (Yue Ling) will give it to her.

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