Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 590 Number one

Chapter 590 Number one

Staring at her assistant and subordinate, Yue Ling wanted to laugh at the terrified look on their face. Both men looked like they had done something bad in class and were caught in the act. However, not wanting to embarrass them, she tries her best to keep a straight and serious face.

"What else did you find?"

Liu Shan sighed in relief when he heard the question. By her words, she won’t be pushing the topic as to why they did not report earlier about Nie Chen’s sudden arrival.

Reaching inside his inner coat pocket, he takes out his phone. Unlocking the screen, he slides it across the glass coffee table towards her.

"I traced her phone since nightfall. This is a list of all the people she contacted and the ones in red are the people she is meeting with tonight."

Yue Ling arch a brow at her assistant. Everything he does always makes her feel like a proud mother. She only asked him to keep an eye on Ning Mei, but he did more than what she asked.

Moving her attention to the phone, she reach down to pick it up. She scans through the list that had at least fifty names. However, seeing a familiar name, her eyes slightly narrows.

"Yeun Biao."

Hearing the name, Lin Hui furrow and glance at his boss then to Liu Shan. He tilt his head in thoughts and touch his chin.

"Yeun Biao... Why does that name sound so familiar?"

Liu Shan rolled his eyes at the man before folding his arms over his chest.

"Idiot, that’s boss’s old boss at CNJ Entertainment."

Yue Ling glance at Liu Shan then looks back down at the name of the person. Yeun Biao is the CEO of CNJ Entertainment. The modeling agency that she used to work for before retiring.

He is also a well-known figure in the entertainment and modeling industry. However, as someone who was once associated in the industry, she knows how disgusting the man is. josei

Any women who sighed a contract with him wanted to move up the pyramid, all they had to do was climb onto his bed. Not only that, if he takes interest in a woman, he will go into any means just to have them.

When she was a model under CNJ Entertainment, he took interest in her. He even threatened her career, but who is he to tell her what to do. She made sure to send him a warning as to not cross her line or even think about touching a hair on her.

As a result, Yeun Biao who didn’t want the press to know about his filthy doings in the dark, he never intervene in anything Yue Ling was associated with.

The only reason why she stayed for so long at CNJ Entertainment was to keep an eye on those who would fall into the man’s little trap. Not only that, being a model was also part of her cover so no one would suspect her to be the leader of Fate.

Her final reason for leaving the modeling industry was because she decided to reveal herself as the designer and owner of De L’amour.

Thinking back to her decision, she can’t help but wonder how her old colleagues are all doing. She told them to let her know if they were being treated badly or needed help, but ever since she left, she has not heard from them. Maybe, they were all being treated well.

Ending her thoughts, she glance at the wall clock and sets Liu Shan’s phone down. She stands up as her voice sounds.

"Move out in thirty."

Without saying another word, she walks out of the living room and head for the stairs. Since Ning Mei is so hungry for fame that she would kill an innocent life, she (Yue Ling) will help the woman get what she wants.

As her right foot touches the first step of stairs, she pause and gives a order to her subordinates.

"Inform our ’friends’. We will be sending them a present tonight."

"Roger boss!"

Liu Shan and Lin Hui did not see her figure, but both men answers at the same time when they heard her. Until her footsteps disappear on the second floor, it wasn’t long before the sound of a door opens and closes.

Like a race had been set, Liu Shan and Lin Hui glance at one another before quickly dashing in the direction of the kitchen. The smell of delicious food had long entered the living room and both men were hungry. Right now, they could eat anything.

Reaching the kitchen at the same time, Lin Hui strides to the pot of cooked food that was on the stove. Behind him, Liu Shan didn’t take another step but stares at the pot.

Lin Hui removes the lid, but the space between his brows crease into three tight lines.

"Uhh... What in the world is this?"

He couldn’t help but ask when he saw the food inside. He picks up the serving spoon at the side and scoops up the food. His face contorted into one of repugnance and gagging sounds escapes his mouth.

The smell was beyond delicious, but whatever it was that is inside the pot looked like gooey slime.

"Is this even edible?"

He slightly tilts the serving spoon in his hand and instead of the food falling down like a smooth waterfall, it plops back into the pot like a big blob.


"Of course it is."

Nie Chen spoke proudly from the side and walks up to the stove. He flicks Lin Hui on the back of his head and cross his arms over his chest. Looking inside the pot, he grins with a satisfying smile.

"Don’t forget, I used to be Fate’s number one chef."

Hearing his words and seeing his confident face, both Liu Shan and Lin Hui we’re dumbfounded beyond ever.

Liu Shan was the first to recover and he snorts loudly at the man.

"Yea, you were the number one WORST chef."

Nie Chen’s confident demeanor quickly rips away and his mouth open in a O shape, but no words came out. Before he could even find the words to retort the assistant, Lin Hui’s following words made his jaw drop to the floor.

"Every time we ate your food, we’d suffer food poisoning for an entire week."

Before Fate withdrew from the underworld, Nie Chen was indeed their chef, but so was everyone else. Every week, the members of Fate would take turn with cooking. However, every time it was Nie Chen’s turn, they would cry and suffer at his sloppy food.

Even they can’t help but wonder how the man is able to survive eating his own food.

As the three men conversate in an argument of two against one, Yue Ling finished changing and enters the kitchen.

She wore black jeans with a black long sleeve turtleneck under. Layered over her attire for warmth was an long utility jacket in the same shade of black but printed on the back in bold white character was the word ’Fate’.

"Let’s go."

She interrupts the three men and puts a stop to their childish argument. To which, all three mean close their mouth and turn to look at her.

Seeing that she was already leaving the kitchen, Nie Chen turns off the stove and quickly follows after her as Liu Shan and Lin Hui follow behind.

Yue Ling had changed out of her house slipper into a pair of black faux fur boots that covered up to her thighs. She walks out of the house and proceed down the small step of stairs.

Following a few steps behind her, Nie Chen’s lip curls up with an exciting adrenaline rushing inside him. It’s been so long since he last worked alongside his boss and comrades. To be able to do this again, how can he not be happy?

Liu Shan had parked his car at the gate because of the power outage. He was going to tell Yue Ling to wait while he goes and drive it over, but seeing her suddenly make a right, he furrow his brows.

"Boss, where are you going? My car is by the gate."

At the same time, Lin Hui also thought the same. He had carpool with Liu Shan and Nie Chen’s drives a two-seater sportscar. However, when he realizes where she was heading, his entire body shiver with goosebumps.

It was the kind of goosebumps that gave an exciting rush of chill inside him.

"Oh hell yea!!"

He exclaims and grin from ear to ear. Increasing his steps, he quickly follows after her. However, unlike him, both Liu Shan and Nie Chen glance at one other in confusion. They didn’t know why Lin Hui was suddenly excited for no reason.

Their boss is only going towards the garage, so was there really a need to...

Quickly as both men thought this, realization dawn on them and both their eyes widen. A flash of glistening lights lit up in their eyes and a wide grin curls on their lip.

"Oh hell to the yea!!"

Both men howl excitedly together and chase after Yue Ling and Lin Hui.

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