Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 639 Cant help but think about her

Chapter 639 Cant help but think about her

As Lu Tian went ahead and ate the Shredded Ginger Chicken Congee, Yue Ling stepped out of her office. She had already eaten with Qin Xue and Shi Yan so there was no need for her to eat again.

She quietly close the door like the man inside the room was sleeping. Taking a step away, she heads in the direction of Liu Shan’s office that was next to her.

"Oh, you’re finally done feeding dog food to us single people?"

Liu Shan sat behind his desk. He didn’t need to turn around as he could hear her footsteps. However, when he was sure that she was inside the room, he spins around on his swivel chair and locks gaze with her.

"Eh? You’re alone? Where’s Lu Tian?"

"He’s eating in my office."

Yue Ling answers without the need to think. She walks over to stand near his desk and her eyes subconsciously glance at her assistant’s computer screen. josei

There was a listing of vacant housings and apartments. Some looked extravagant while others looked decent.

"You’re looking for a new place?"

Liu Shan’s face blush red at her words. He wanted to slap himself across the face for forgetting to close out the website. He didn’t want her knowing about this because she will not hesitate to help him.

However, knowing that she already saw, he slumps down into his chair and nods his head.

"Mm. I don’t want to, but I’ve been feeling like shit these past few days."

He turns away from her and looks back at the computer screen. His eyes skim over the many listings as his usual carefree expression replace with one full of pain.

"They say time will heal, but every day when I go back home, I can’t help but think about her..."

One corner of his mouth curls up faintly and he sighs in self-pity.

"Did she have a good night’s rest? Has she eaten yet? How is she doing? What is she doing?"

He sounds a chuckle that held sarcasm behind it, but one can still hear the heartache behind it.

"I’m pathetic, aren’t I? She stepped on my heart out and yet, I still think about her."

The back of his chair stood facing Yue Ling, but she could see the top back of his head. Even without seeing the expression on his face, she could guess what kind of face he was making.

She sighs inside and walks over to him. With to his desk being in a L shape, she leans against the side where there was nothing on top.

"Love is patient, love is kind, it holds an amount of pain, but it is nothing but a word."

She stares at the side of his face and slowly reach an arm out to him. Her hand looked like she’s going to caress his head, but instead, she flick his head with a small amount of strength.

"No assistant of mine is pathetic, let alone a friend."

Suddenly being flicked on the side of his head, Liu Shan, as dramatic as he is, flung his head in the direction she had hit him. He kept his head hanging at the side for a long second before giving her a side glare.

However, thinking about her words, he sits up and massage his forehead.

"You’re right. Love is just a word full of different meanings."

Slightly lowering his hand, he pinch the space between his brows and sighs depressingly.

"I really need to get over Ling Ni. I’m sure she has already moved on."

Yue Ling was going to respond to his previous words, but when she heard the name, she couldn’t help but frown.

Ling Ni? Could Liu Shan be talking about the same Ling Ni she came across?

She thinks to herself for a second before shaking the ridiculous thought away. Imperial is so big, there’s no way it could be the same woman. Not only that, from what she remembers, Ling Ni doesn’t look like the type of person who would be involved with someone like Tao Meng.

Brushing these thoughts aside, she lowers her hand that had flicked the man.

"Moving on is the hardest thing a person has to go through in life."

Her words fell in a motherly tone and she stretch her hand to him again. However, unlike her previous move, she place her palm on the top of his head and gently stroke.

"But to be able to move on, you have to be the one to take the first step."

Liu Shan ponder about her words. If it were someone else speaking, he would probably laugh at them for giving him such advice. However, she is different. She is the person who has lost those she loves and as hard as it was for her, she found the courage to move on with life.

Of course, that didn’t mean she forgot about them.

He inhales a deep breath and tells himself, if he could get over his past relationship, he can do the same with Ling Ni. Plus, they were never official.

"You’re right. I can’t stay sad forever."

He takes another deep breath like he was meditating and sits up. The sadness that once filled the air around him quickly disappears and he turn his head to look at her.

"Thanks again for putting me back on my feet."

Yue Ling gives him a faint smile and moves her hand away from his head. She glance at the computer screen and sighs.

"If you need help looking for a new place, let me know. I’m always here to help."

Liu Shan couldn’t help but smile when he saw her smile. Every time he’s feeling down, one glance at her and every negative energy around him vanishes like the feelings never existed.

However, thinking about her words, he chuckles inside. He swore, she is the greatest person ever. She had already given him one of her overly expensive cars and now she’s offering a hand to help him again.

"Alright, enough with this depressing show of emotions. Why are you here? What will Lu Tian think if he were to know that you’ve been gone for so long because you’re cheering up your assistant’s broken heart?"

A faint chuckle escapes Yue Ling’s lip when she saw her assistant’s sudden change of demeanor. One second ago, he was depressed and looked like the light to his world had turned off. Yet, now he’s back to his usual carefree self.

However, she rather see him this way than see him turn back into the man he was in the past.

As she thought this, the smile on her face gradually lowers until it was no longer there. Her lips part and she answers him with one word.


It was a very simple word to the ears of those who heard, but for Liu Shan, that one word sounded like thunder to his heart.

His eyes shook and he stares at her with slightly widen eyes. He tries to read her expression to see if she was bluffing, but unable to get a confirm answer, he decides to ask.

"Faith, as in THAT Faith?"

Yue Ling could see why Liu Shan would suddenly turn into a muddle person. She nod her head as she needed to confirm if who she saw earlier was really who she thought it was.

"Check if they’re in Imperial. If they are, find out why."

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