Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 722 Mysterious owner

Chapter 722 Mysterious owner

Chapter 722 Mysterious owner

The elevator inside Cloth Co. soon arrives on the fourth floor. As the elevator bell chimes, the door slides open and Manager He steps out.

"Miss Han, Assistant Liu, please follow me this way."

Yue Ling and Liu Shan oblige and followed after the middle-aged man. However, both individuals were astonished by the interior details of this floor level.

Outside, the building looked tall and massive like it contained many floor levels, but once inside, there were only a total of five levels. Each building was as tall as a three-story building.

They were able to conclude this because of the elevator buttons. There were only five buttons and Manager He happened to press button number four.

As they walk through a long and quiet corridor, Yue Ling and Liu Shan were led to the end where a dark double door awaited them.

Manager He stops in front of the door and turns around to look at the two people who had not spoken a word since their small introduction on the first floor.

"My boss is waiting inside for your arrival."

His words made Yue Ling and Liu Shan place their attention back on him. When they saw his evil-looking smile again, Yue Ling presses her lips together while the corners of Liu Shan’s mouth twitched.

Both boss and assistant felt a waving urge to laugh but held themselves back. Every time Manager He looked at them, they were constantly reminded of a beardless Jafar.

However, Yue Ling brushes all thoughts aside and smiles politely at him.

From their short encounter, she can differentiate that despite Manager He has the appearance of an evil villain, he is nothing more than a sweet middle-aged man.

"Thank you. Will you be joining the meeting as well?"

She asked and Manager He shook his head in response. He turns to face the door again and reach for the handle.

Liu Shan did not once take his eyes off of Manager He. However, when he glanced at the door, he furrows his brows in thoughts. He was now curious about why Manager He wasn’t going to partake in the meeting and who the mysterious owner of this place is.

Having lived long enough to understand, Manager He was well aware of Liu Shan’s thoughts. He doesn’t say anything but calmly pushes the door open then takes a few steps aside to make way for them.

He gestures a polite bow and motions with one hand inside the room.

"Please enter. If you need anything, please ask my boss to inform me."

Yue Ling had gotten used to Manager He’s expressions. She thanked him politely and enters the room as Liu Shan remained unmoving.

He was once again struck in a daze by the middle-aged man’s smiling face. He felt that no matter how many times he sees it he will never be able to get over it.

However, despite feeling this way, he brushes everything aside and changes back to the professional assistant that he is.

Since Manager He won’t be joining them in the meeting, he can focus better on his job instead of getting distracted every second.

He thanked the middle-aged man and enters the room after his boss.

Standing alone outside the door, Manager He blinked his eyes a few times at Liu Shan’s departing figure. He closes the door and walks away but pauses in his steps as he turns back to look at the door.

"Why did that young man keep looking at me? Is it because I have something on my face?"

He raises one hand to touch his face, but feeling nothing, he frowns and continues with his way.

"Hmm, I must be too good looking. Yes, that must be it."

Inside the room, Yue Ling and Liu Shan were oblivious to Manager He’s self-compliment of himself. The boss and assistant were once again struck by surprise by the room. Especially the side of the room that had multiple huge floor-to-ceiling windows allowing one to see the back courtyard of the building.

There were trees on all sides but placed in the center was a lake that had a streaming fountain in the middle. From a glance, one can tell that it was a very popular place for employees to take a stroll during their breaks or have lunch on the side tables.

Looking away from the huge glass windows, Liu Shan looks at his boss and notice that she had not taken a seat. She stood in front of the long dark marble table in the room with a straight face.

"Boss, what is it?"

He whispers to her from behind as he found it unlike her. However, seeing that her expression held a slight look of shock, he turns his head to look in the same direction as her.

"Why are you acting—"

He had only spoken a few words when he gasps in shock at what Yue Ling was looking for. His mouth opened and closes a few times before he could finally find the right words.

"W-w-w-why are you.... H-How are you also here?"

Unable to think clearly, he quickly looks at Yue Ling for an answer.

"Did you know about this?"

Yue Ling remained still but her eyes did not move away from the figure sitting on the other end of the long table. The person’s dark eyes locked onto her own bluish-green eyes and never once looked at Liu Shan.

She shook her head once to answer her assistant, then walks up to the table to sit down. She made sure the chair she chose was directly parallel to the person.

"Did you accept the meeting because it was from me?"

Her words fell and she places the black folder in her hand on the table. She then looks at the person, but this time, the small ounce of shock in her eyes had disappeared leaving nothing but indifference.

"I would like to hear your answer, Mr. Lu." josei

Liu Shan stood behind his boss with his feet glued to the floor. When he heard her tone of voice, he could only sigh inside and take his head in pity for the man across the table.

However, at the same time, he wanted to slap himself for not seeing this.

What mysterious owner of Cloth Co.? It was none other than Imperial’s youngest multi-millionaire. Not only that, he should have guessed that other than his boss, who else in Imperial could own such a beautiful beast parked outside.

That’s right, the mysterious person Yue Ling and Liu Shan have a meeting with is none other than the infamous Lu Tian himself.

Wearing a black tailored suit, he sat like a majestic figure on the opposite end of the table. His postured leaned back on the chair with both his arms resting on the armrest.

The important meeting Xu Long had called to remind him was none other than this one.

A few days ago during one of his meetings, Xu Long had interrupted him saying De L’amour had chosen to work with Cloth Co., one of his businesses. Knowing that it was his wife’s company, he did not hesitate to agree and set a meeting. He even kept it a secret from her and played it off cool.

He stares at his beautiful wife and his entire being softens at the warm sight of her. However, thinking about her question, he casually leans forward and places his forearms on top of the dark marble table as his fingers entwined together.

One corner of his lip arcs up into a seductive side smile and he answers.

"I accepted it because it is you."

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