Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 795 - Award for best actor

Chapter 795 - Award for best actor

Chapter 795 - Award for best actor

With the setting sun came a sky ablaze with fire. It brought orange-gold hues that stretches from the vast horizon and over Imperial. The view was so irresistible, anyone who saw it would stop in the tracks to take a look.

And that is precisely what all the men in Yue Ling and Lu Tian’s home’s back courtyard did.

Each person stops what they were doing and turn their head in the direction of the sunset. No one utters a word, allowing the passing breeze to brush against their sweaty bodies and made them relax.

It was as if they had envisioned a world that knew only peace. A world that made them forget where they were, and any problems they were secretly holding was carried away by the wind.

"Man, that’s a sight to see. Sadly, good things don’t last for long."

Of course, this moment of peace did not last long when one decided to break it.

Multiple heads turned to look at the person. The peacefulness that had only come to them for a few seconds was quickly replaced with a menacing atmosphere.

Liu Shan stares at the sunset for a brief second, then turns his head to the left. He stares at the person standing next to him with a glare that contained daggers yet to unleash.

"Really? You couldn’t just let us enjoy this moment for at least one minute?"

Like everyone else here, he was also enjoying the sunset. It wasn’t every day that one can catch an evening that made them forget about anything in life.

Yet, this man dared to ruin such a perfect moment.

Lin Hui stood on the right side of Liu Shan. He leans forward and glares at the man who had spoken. His expression was just as grave as everyone else’s as he fumed at the person.

"Yea, Xu Long. Why? Why? Why? Hm? Why?"

Everyone had been working their heads off with the renovations for the house. Isn’t Xu Long in the same shoes as all of them? If so, why couldn’t he let them have one short minute to relax?

Quickly after Lin Hui’s words, everyone from Wolf Team storm into action and voice their thoughts about what Xu Long had done.

"Why are you such a buzzkill? Every time we seek peace, you are always the first to open your mouth."

"One minute. One minute was all we were asking for. Why couldn’t you just let us have it?"

"Did you know that I was in Lalaland for only ten seconds before you pulled me out? Why? I could have met my imaginary girlfriend. I don’t even know how she looks like."

Wolf Team circled around the assistant like a group of bullies venting their frustrations and anger. Each step they took forward made the circle smaller and smaller.

Voices full of outrage soon overlap one another, leaving Xu Long at a complete loss. He didn’t know how to argue back and just stared at the men wanting to either strangle him to death or squabbling at him.

The more he listened, he slowly moves his shoulders up and his neck shrunk back like a baby turtle afraid of the giant sea monsters.

Their harsh words made his lip trembled, and his eyes turned moist. He lowers his head, and the grass below him was the only place he could look at. He wanted to cry so badly but lacked any tears to shed.

Before he knew it, he was already squatting on the ground with his hands covering his head.

He didn’t mean to ruin the peaceful mood. He thought it was only him who noticed the sunset but to think everyone else did too.

However, he had spoken his thoughts aloud. Do they really have to be this harsh on him?

"What’s going on here?" josei

Before the situation could escalate any further, a familiar deep voice sounds from behind the group.

Lu Tian was baffled by the scene in front of him. His dark eyes scanned the people, and he realized that it was only his men that had surrounded Xu Long like elephants who found the courage to not be afraid of a mouse.

Not too far from his team was Liu Shan, Lin Hui, and Alpha Team. However, despite them not involved in the current situation, he could see how intrigued each person was.

Xu Long jumps to his feet and wave both arms in the air as he wails at the top of his lungs.

"Boss! I’m over here!"

As everyone turns their head to looks at Lu Tian, he (Xu Long) uses this opportunity of distraction to squeeze through the men surrounding him.

"Boss, I’m so glad to see you."

He takes three steps to his boss, and his lower lip trembles like he had met his savor, as did his legs. He turned weak, and he drops to his knees before his hands joined.


He makes his way on his hands and knees like an injured soldier on a battlefield.

"Help me... they’re... all..."

Gradually arriving in front of Lu Tian, his head tilts back to look up at his almighty boss. He clutches his chest like he had been gravely wounded and chokes his words.

"They’re all bullying me..."

He struggles to say each word like they were his last, and his eyes rolled back, leaving only white sockets before he plops down onto his stomach.

Lu Tian’s eyes were still glued in the direction of Wolf Team. He didn’t even look at his assistant crawling to him because he was too dumbfounded. However, that was until the man fainted.

His brows crease tightly, and he looks down at his assistant.

Xu Long remained unmoving on the grass. His eyes were shut like he was dead. However, if one were close enough, one could see the slight fluttering of his eyelashes.

One second, three seconds, five seconds passed then the smooth space between his brows creases. He didn’t understand why he was sleeping on something smooth yet hard.

With this in mind, he opens one eye to check and what he saw made his entire being turn into stone.

’Oh! My! God!’

He thought that he had fallen on the grass, but it was only his body. His head, on the other hand, landed on his boss’s shoes!

’May Buddha have mercy on him.’

His hands clenched tightly at his sides, and his face distorted. Now he really wished he had tears to shed. His boss hates it when others get too close or touch his personal belongings without caution.

"Did he faint, or did he die?"

Tang Zhonghui asked curiously, yet, worried at the same time. He doesn’t know much about Xu Long, so he could only assume the unimaginable.

He walks over to check on the assistant, but before he got too close, Xu Long’s head lifted. The man gestures a few wiping motions with his hand on Lu Tian’s shoes, then rolls over to the side on his back.

"What the—"

Tang Zhonghui yelp in pure fright. He jumps a step back and poses with one foot on the ground while the other was raised at the knee.

When he saw that Xu Long had fainted again, he frowns. Could it be that his eyes were playing a trick on him?

He takes a few steps closer and crouches down next to Xu Long. A frown appears on his young face, creating wrinkles on his forehead. He scans every inch of the assistant’s face to if there was any reaction, but there was none.

"Well... I suppose it’s true then..."

His left-hand raises to scratch the back of his head as his right-hand stretch to tap the unconscious man. Getting no response, he could only pout as his words continue.

"Words can really make a person faint or die."

However, worried about Xu Long like he is of his grandmother, who he lives and takes care of, he continues to shake the man.

"You know, your boss is here. How can you act like this and not give him any face? Plus, Alpha Team and I didn’t even yell at you. Of course, we would be lying if we aren’t mad at you for ruining the moment, but what’s done is done. So hurry up and get up."

The young technical designer continues to shake and call out to Xu Long, but he (Xu Long) remained unfazed and didn’t move a muscle.

"Xu Long, can you hear me? Assistant Xu?"

"James Long Bond."

Just as Tang Zhonghui’s last word was spoken, the supposedly Xu Long corrects the young man.

He (Xu Long) returned to silence as he had never spoken a word and kept a straight expression.

Tang Zhonghui was taken back by surprise and stumbles. He sits on the grass and stares with his jaw on the ground.

Lu Tian didn’t know what to think or say at his assistant’s act. He looked ahead at the setting sun and came to understand why everyone was bullying Xu Long.

The view of Imperial and the sunset from his wife and his house is indeed a sight to see. However, he is too dumbfounded to even think about enjoying the view.

He inhales a deep breath and raises his left hand to massage his forehead before moving his fingers to pinch the space between his brows.

So much for being a cold and ruthless person. His assistant is the total opposite. Is this why a few people don’t take him seriously?

Lowering his hand, he looks down at Xu Long and wonders if it was too late to get a new assistant.

Taking another deep breath, he takes out a cigarette from his pocket and lights it. He inhales a deep puff, and as he exhales the smoke, his entire being returned to its usual indifference.

"Two months’ pay will be deducted."

A name was not mentioned, but everyone knew who Lu Tian was stating the sentence to. No one said a word but turn their attention away. Some browse at the grass, while others search the sky.

Xu Long had intentionally planned to keep up with pitiful appearance to gain sympathy from his boss. However, his eyes flew open when he heard his pay was going to be deducted.

He stares at the orange-gold sky for a brief second before kicking himself up from the ground. He spun around to look at his boss, and he turns into a soldier ready for a fierce battle.

"Assistant James Long Bond at your disposal."


Tang Zhonghui was flabbergasted by what he just witnessed. His body slumps more onto the grass, and he scoffs a sarcastic chuckle. His head lightly shook, and he could only praise the man.

Someone should really give Xu Long an Academy Award for best actor.

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