Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 847 - Have to go

Chapter 847 - Have to go

Chapter 847 - Have to go

Lin Hui stood dumbfounded. He heavily sighs and massages the back of his neck in frustration.

All he did was save a damsel in distress. Why is the manager making him out to be the bad guy?

Just as the question came to him, the sound of police sirens echoes from outside the restaurant.

Lin Hui arches his eyebrows in amusement. He could see two police vehicles parked outside through the glass entrance door as the officers step into view.

Leading the group was an elderly man in a clean uniform, with the remaining four officers following behind.

As they entered the restaurant, the elderly officer scans the area before settling his eyes on the manager.

He takes out his badge and shows his identification, then looks down at Chen Xincheng. The man was still unconscious despite all the noise.

"I am Ren Chang from Imperial’s Police Force. I received a call about a disturbance."

The manager’s eyes widen, and he wanted to faint. First, there was a dispute between Lin Hui and Chen Xincheng, and now, the Chief of Police shows up.

"I called."

Amid the manager’s thoughts, Lin Hui nonchalantly raises his hands and smiles at Chief Ren. He points down to where Chen Xincheng laid unconscious and let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"He was trying to kidnap this woman by force. I had no choice but to intervene."

He explains the entire situation from start to finish. However, Chief Ren’s expression was no different from Grandfather Ji’s. Stern and unfriendly.

Chief Ren stares at Lin Hui for a long second before gesturing to his subordinates.

"Put him in the car and take him to the station."

"Miss Qin, I truly apologize for what happened to you. Although you have experienced a traumatizing incident, I have to bring you in for a statement."

Qin Xue was no longer afraid. When she heard the sirens, she already knew that she had to go to the station to explain.

However, if her statement can help other women from falling into Chen Xincheng’s schemes, she will gladly give a statement.

"I will do it."

She gives her approval, and a police officer guides her to the car. She walks out of the restaurant but stops when she was about to pass Lin Hui.

Her head turns to him, and she smiles with a slight bow.

"Thank you for helping me. I hope our paths cross again so I can repay you."

Lin Hui felt his heart skip a beat seeing Qin Xue’s captivating smile. It was a feeling he had never felt before, but he kept his calm and smile.

"No need to thank me. I was glad to help."

After all, how can two strangers whose paths crossed once will ever cross again?

Lin Hui watched as Qin Xue enters the police vehicle, and he heaves a sigh. He would have given her his name, but anyone can tell that she is out of his league.

However, the more he looks at her, the more he feels he has seen her somewhere but can’t remember where.

He shakes away the unexplainable feeling in his heart and looks at Liu Ye.

"Let’s go."

He and Liu Ye headed out of the restaurant, but someone grabs the back of his jacket, and he is yanked back.

He stumbles a few steps, but with his quick reflexes, he was able to stable himself. He glares murderously at the person who dared to make such a move on him.

"Hey, old man, are you trying to kill me? Didn’t you hear? I have to go."

Chief Ren stares at Lin Hui with an unfazed expression. His hold on Lin Hui didn’t loosen as he held one hand behind his back.

This elderly man is the Chief of Police, yet Lin Hui dared to address him in such manners.

Is he asking to be thrown in jail for disrespecting?

"You haven’t changed at all."

Chief Ren exhales a sigh and lets go of Lin Hui. His hand joins the other behind his back, and he stares at the young man.

"Whether you are in a hurry or not, I have to bring you in for a statement too."

Hearing this, Lin Hui frowns with displeasure. He straightens his jacket in place then runs his fingers through his hair.

"I can’t. I’ve been ȧssigned an important task. Once I’m done, I’ll bring myself to the station."

Chief Ken ponders at his words then glances at Liu Ye. The boy was someone he has never seen before, but he was quick to connect the dots.

"How is she doing?"

"She’s doing good. She finally took back what was hers today."

Chief Ren nods his head in understanding. The image of a smiling young girl appears in his mind causing him to sigh.

He turns away from Lin Hui and waves his hand towards the door.

"Go before I change my mind. When you see her, tell her to visit me." josei

Isn’t he also a grandfather figure to her? If so, why hasn’t she visited him since she moved to Imperial?

He sighs again at the thought but doesn’t mention it.

Lin Hui’s eyes lit up, and he motions to Liu Ye for them to leave. Right now, he needs to bring Liu Ye to meet his boss and Liu Shan.

As the two men disappear from view, the remaining officers were at a loss. One of the officers walks up to Chief Ren and whispers.

"Are you sure about letting him go? He looks like a delinquent who will go back on his words."

But why did it seem like Lin Hui and Chief Ren knew each other?

Chief Ren gives the officer a side glare. He doesn’t say anything and nods at the restaurant manager before walking away.

The officer scratched his head in confusion then quickly chase after his superior with his comrade.

Since the Chief didn’t say anything, they will have to trust that Lin Hui will turn up at the police station.

"W-what just h-happened...?"

The manager mumbles in disbelief at the scene he just witnessed. Lin Hui had explained the entire situation, and he agrees that Chen Xincheng was at fault.

However, this is the first time such a matter has happened in his restaurant.

His legs turned weak, and he falls onto his knees. His employees voiced their worries for him, but he could only stare blankly at the ground.

"T-this is bad... Chen Xincheng will not let this go..."

No... He cannot let that happen.

He looks up at one of his employees who was trying to help him up.

"Find out who that man is. We must inform the Chen family about the situation. We cannot make enemies with the Chen family. Hurry!"

However, what the manager did not realize that it is not the Chen family he should be worrying about, but someone else.

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