Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 223

Chapter 223

The land of snow in the north.

After the unification of the empire, the barbarian tribes who lived in the cold and snowy wilderness declared their submission to this mighty empire. They turned in a certain amount of tribute every day to become a member of the empire.

This was not the case of a stronger country squeezing the life out of the weaker races. The barbarian tribe paying tribute to the empire was just a symbol. There was no discrimination towards either side. The empire themselves was wise. They did not want to anger these tribes.

Living in the snow and ice made these tribes very strong, and strong people are often feared.

…… And yet, these tribes also believed in gods.josei

Nowadays, the snow falling from the sky was significantly increased, which made their territory harder to control. And due to those demon's influence, the color of this snow was greyish and dark, which made the whole mountain looked dreary and bleak. This made people living on this mountain depressed.

At the foot of the snowy mountain, there were piles of human corpses, as well as the huge and ugly corpses of demons, where war had just occurred.

It still hasn't ended by now.

On the other end of the battlefield, wearing heavy clothing made of animal skins as armor, holding weapons made of animal bones in their hands, a group of people with an average height of nearly two meters can be seen.

With a battle cry louder than the demon, they held their primitive weapons. They launched a fierce counterattack on those who invaded their homes!

The people here were tough, with a powerful sense of camaraderie and brotherhood between them. Both men and women here were good fighters. It wasn't an exaggeration to call them combat specialists. They have their solid pectoral muscle exposed to show off their strength. They killed those demons one by one using their primitive weapons.

But this was only the eve. The commander of this army of demons looked at the two hundred tribesmen who slaughtered his army. He could no longer sit idly by and decided to get his own hand dirty.

The snowy ground began to crumble!

"What's happening?" A tribal warrior whose biceps were thicker than an unusual woman's waist exclaimed.

"Chief Orna! The dragon! DRAGONS!!!"

A sharp-eyed tribal warrior was the first to see the behemoth that emerged from the snow.

A giant dragon, covered with pitch-black colored scales and armor, entwined with an unsettling mist, its body of about twenty meters long, made people inwardly flooded with a feeling of powerlessness.

And the ‘inexplicable fear' aura emanating from this demonic dragon made this group of prim and proper tribal warriors shivers!


The dragon let out a cry that stung the eardrums.

"You guys! Get out of here!" There was a scar on the left side of his face that stretched all the way from his eye to his mouth. The man whose biceps were thicker than a girl's waist, the clan leader was known as Orna, shouted to all those behind him.

"The warriors of the tribe will not be intimidated! This is the last line of defense! If we give up, our tribe will be destroyed!"

"Houses can be rebuilt if they are torn down, but if people die, it's all over! Go back and take the children and women deeper into the snowy mountains!"

Orna felt the terrifying aura emanating from the dragon, and he gave this order on the spot.

"But Chief!"

The demon dragon flew high on its wings and hovered in the sky, looking down at these humans. In its eyes, all these humans were just its prey! —The rabbit could not escape from the falcon's hands.

"I'll hold him back!"

He was everyone's only hope.

The demon dragon steeply a dive down, mouth filled with dark purple breath, the air suddenly became dry and hot.

There was no time for hesitation. The dragon's breath was released from the mouth of this dragon. Orna's tall body was enveloped in the dark purple dragon breath, accompanied by a painful hiss.

In everyone's eyes, the originally tall and unbeatable Chief's entire body's skin became charred black, and he fell to his knees.


"Humans, not one of them will escape." A voice that sounded like thunder came from the sky as the dragon spoke.

A harsh reality for those tiny humans.

‘Is it over?'

Everyone in the room looked up at the dragon flying in the sky and the Chief who fell to his knees, unknown whether he was dead or alive.

Of course… it's not over yet!

The snowfall became more violent, but it was also because of the arrival of a man!

The dragon, flying in the sky, was suddenly pierced by a chain that came from nowhere, and the cold chain penetrated the dragon's hard scales, piercing through the belly and came out from its back!

The dragon hissed in pain, but in vain, the chains that flew in the sky infinitely extended, swirling around the dragon to stop its movement, the dragon fell to the ground in a mess, like a kite with a broken string, and with a loud sound.

The impact of its fall also knocked away a few demons.

But all was not yet over, the dragon struggled and tried to get up, but a layer of frost rapidly covered the surface of its body. The searing cold kept taking away its breath…. Until it turned into a fragile frozen statue, the wretched figure of this demon dragon was presented in this form in front of everyone.

Under the movement of the chains that pierced its body, the lifelike ice statue turned into crumbs and fell to the ground.

The two hundred tribal warriors looked at the chain as if it was alive in disbelief, even more, overwhelmed than when they faced the Devil's Dragon.

But what happened next made them feel terrified…..

A thousand demons of all shapes and sizes, the chain slithering like a snake, quickly penetrated the body of each demon. Every demon it pierced turned into a frozen statue. Every touch of these chains turned these statues into crumbs. Amid this bleak snow, the demon's pitch-black presence could no longer be felt.

After everything was over, from the depths of the snow gradually came out of a figure shrouded in black robes.

The group of tribal warriors immediately reacted. Some of them ran to the wounded Chief, another shielded to protect the Chief, holding weapons in their hands and looking at the figure nervously.

"Who are you?"

The tribesmen who lived inside the snowy mountains and were known for their savagery did not know what it meant to be polite. They looked warily at the slim figure strolling from the snow. After all, it was too powerful, being able to onslaught so many demons and its general in a second, powerful enough to be feared.

The figure, shrouded by a cloak, stood at a hundred meters from the defense line formed by this group of tribesmen, and finally, he took off his hood under the gaze of all.

Long hair as white as snow, silver hair and silver pupils, a young and somewhat emotionless face, cold like the ice.

"My name is Esnorris."

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