Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Zhang Dong had gotten the lighthouse running up again. The holy light filled the entire city and bathed its citizens with healing energies. These were much purer than the divine ones that they were used to. The people that were stuck in lower cultivation realms could feel themselves advancing by just being in the presence of this energy.

He had destroyed the roof of this tower but the people here didn’t care. They were looking at Zhang Dong with worship in their eyes and he knew it. This was the usual way people in this world reacted when someone above them helped them on their cultivation journey. They were probably already considering him half a teacher by this point.

This wasn’t why he was here though, the miasma was cleared up. It was time to call over his people to this place.

“Edler Heng, I need a wide plot of land to set up the teleportation array…”

“Elder Heng?”

Zhang Dong called out twice while Fang Heng spaced out. The old man was still looking at the dazzling golden gem in the middle of the lighthouse. He was also staring at the big hole in the ceiling.

“Ah? Yes, excuse me for my rudeness Senior.”

The old man shook his head around while he gathered his thoughts. Zhang Dong gave him some time to relax as he knew that what he did here was unprecedented.

“Please follow me, We have already prepared an area.”josei

The two nascent soul masters finally descended from the tower. Both of them flew down and into an open field. The ground was pure white marble and he could see a large fountain right in the middle. There were various statues here and there but most of it was just open space. It was in front of the large lighthouse and probably just a spot for people to gather or look at it.

“Yes, this will do. After I set up the teleportation gate please guide me to your sect elders, I might be able to heal them. It would be best if we had more people helping our cause.”

Zhang Dong wanted to examine the people that went against the upgraded version of his old enemy. Supposedly the sect leader was one of the survivors. All of them practiced some form of divine arts so they would come in handy in the coming battle.

Elder Heng nodded and quickly passed on the information to some of his sect members. They would prepare everything as well as clear up the rubble from the partially destroyed divine lighthouse.

“That would be reassuring, the sect leader and the other elders are beneath this lighthouse. With the new divine energies filling it they might recover much faster, Senior Dong. If you wish to see them, I will guide you myself.”“Good, let us begin then. This won’t take long.”

Zhang Dong pulled out the teleportation beacon that he had brought over from home. If it was him he could use the system to teleport to such a device but it wouldn’t be that easy for his sect members to do the same. He needed to create a teleportation array here along with a teleportation gate. It would need to be connected to the one at his sect ground and only then would his troops be able to come here.

He waved his hand, his spatial ring was activated once more and a large metallic box dropped down to the ground. It looked like a wide platform, it seemed quite heavy as the floor buckled under the pressure creating some cracks.

Other people from the Divine Fist Sect gathered around. Everyone was curious about what this man was capable of. After what he did to their tower they were taking notes, it was like looking at a hidden master giving them pointers.

After the strange piece of metal was placed Zhang Dong reached out with his hand. He pushed out a faint amount of spiritual energy while pointing at it. As it seeped into the piece of metal the people around here could hear faint crackling noises.

The large piece of metal started moving into action. First, more runes appeared on it before it started changing shape. The metal started unfolding itself and in a short time, a round object that looked like a giant halo appeared before them. At the base, it still had a metallic platform on which it was balancing its weight.

Zhang Dong took out the cube-shaped teleportation beacon and threw it towards this halo. The cube floated towards it and embedded itself into the base where there was a small square spot for it. The moment the bacon was attached to this gate a humming sound was heard.

The inside of it started to slowly fill up with blue spiritual energy. It looked like water was coming together out of the outermost parts of this empty halo. Slowly but surely the energies connected with each other, it looked like an ocean that was rippling with waves.

The teleportation gate was now in place. The shiny parts that made out the edges continued to glow with strange runes. These magical symbols continuously changed shapes until settling into a static pattern. When they did the gate churned with power and the unruly waves started calming down till they looked like a surface of a lake.

Before signaling his people to come through the game Zhang dong turned to look at Fang Heng before speaking up.

“I will signal my sect members to go through the gate, is that fine with you?”

Fang Heng just nodded at the question. Zhang Dong posed it as a courtesy, he was bringing over his people here and more or less taking things over. This would normally be a hit to the face of any sect. No one liked when other forces got involved and they now had to listen to them. This was an emergency situation, Fang Heng was just grateful that his sect had a fighting chance now.

“If you wish to send other members of your family away from here they can go through the gate. They will arrive in my lands and be safe even if the monster isn’t contained.”

Fang Heng rubbed his chin while hearing Zhang Dong talk. Having an option to evacuate the non-combatants was something that they could use. The problem was that if he announced it now, some of the sect members might panic and try to force themselves into the teleportation portal.

“You have my thanks senior, I will bring it up with the other elders and we will decide on it with haste.”

Within a moment’s notice, people started walking through the teleportation gate that he created. The first person that appeared through it was a large muscular man with red hair. Zhang Dong expected his wife to be the first one through but he also knew that it would be Qiang’s style to muscle his way through as a prank.

“Greetings brother, I heard there would be many monsters to fight?”

He walked through with a big grin on his face while exuding plasma energy. Zhang Dong could feel that his sect brother was close to pushing through the early stage and the people here also took note. The moment he stepped through they backed away in fright, Qiang was not hiding any of that energy away which put some strain on the cultivators here.

“Hey stop that, we are guests.”

Zhang Dong’s lower lip moved downwards slightly as he waved his hand around to disperse the oppressive nascent soul aura from seeping through. This made the others relax somewhat.

“Is that idiot causing trouble already?”

The next person to walk through the gate was a beautiful woman. She couldn’t be considered a jade beauty by this world’s standards, her looks were quite more unorthodox. It was his lovely wife all dressed up in a light green robe that went well with her wind elemental esthetic.

Zhang Dong’s eyes moved from his flaming friend over to his wife. He hadn’t seen her for a week and even back home she was bedridden. Seeing her this lively brought a smile to his face, this smile quickly faded though as he needed to keep up his stone-faced senior persona.

This didn’t go unnoticed by the tanned beauty. She moved one of her green fans closer to her face to cover a smile of her own. She wanted to move towards her husband and give him a hug but she knew that this wasn’t the time or place to show affection. She knew that this was serious as her husband did explain the whole situation back home.“It’s nice to see you, are you feeling well?”

Zhang Dong asked while walking towards his wife with an outstretched hand. He did it to help her go down from the platform. It was kind of a strange thing to see, someone helping a nascent soul master walk down a platform. He still wanted to be courteous towards her, slightly worried that she didn’t fully recover after giving birth.

“You don’t need to worry my husband, I have eaten all the spirit medicine that you left me. You should stop worrying about small things. Think we had some lowly beasts to slay?”

“Yeah, where are they? I’m itching for a fight.”

Qiang proclaimed from the side while cracking his large fist. It was already covered in red energy as he was ready to let loose some of that pent up rage.

“They are outside this protective formation, take some of the elders with you. There are a lot of them you might need some help. Also, try not to harm the possessed humans, we might be able to cure them, use our sect members for this task.”

Zhang Dong replied while snapping out of it, looking at his wife brought his mind back home. He remembered that this was no time for such things. They needed to take care of those monsters outside and then go to those ruins, the main enemy was waiting there.

While the three original elders from the United Element Sect talked more people started walking through the portal. Zhang Liu was next, followed by Zhang Xue and Fang Meili. Everyone moved by rank and after the nascent soul masters, Xue and Liu had the most prestige. They were young core formation disciples of the sect leader. There were also other people from the clans walking with them, they looked similar to Qiang by their looks.

The moment Fang Meili walked out her grandfather Fang Heng’s eyes bulged out. He was not expecting to see her here.

“Meili’er what are you doing here?”


The blond girl jumped up with join and quickly ran towards her grandfather. She gave him a big hug while the old man placed his hand on her head with a mixed expression. The young girl started sobbing, the rest of the United Element Sect members just moved to the side as they started coming in.

There were a lot of them using that teleportation gate. They were wearing similar robes to the ones Zhang Dong had created all those years for the secret ground expedition. The biggest difference was that they were color-coded by rank, which meant that most of them were dark violet.

After everyone was inside the gate was turned off to not waste the spiritual energy. Gates like this were very power-hungry and the further a person had to travel the more Qi they drained. With everyone here the plan could finally continue, there were about one thousand sect members here with a hundred of them being core formation experts.

“Everyone listen up. We have all gathered here to aid our friends from the Divine Fist Sect in their time of need. We need to cleanse these lands from these despicable demonic beings! There is one problem, the monsters that are outside are only a diversion, the true evil demon lies further away…”

Zhang Dong started speaking to his people. It was time to organize his troops. Huo Qiang would be responsible for clearing out the immediate threat of the monsters outside. He on the other hand with the sect members that were versed in healing arts would try to help out the remaining nascent soul elders from the Divine Fist Sect.

It was time to bring the fight to the demonic beings.

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