Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

“Well then… are you really sure about this?”

“Yes Mr.Matthew, we have all talked this through.”

Zhang Dong was in the human kingdom and in the capital city where he first met the King. He was standing with the group of four heroes. Takeshi and Ami were standing on one side while the two sisters were on the other side.

“I left you the knowledge required for crossing over worlds but without a nucleus, it’s not usable…”

“Yes we know but you won’t change our minds.”

Zhang Dong gave out a sigh while rubbing his head. Takeshi and Ami had decided to remain in this world while the two sisters Sakura and Yua would be going back home.

He knew why Takeshi wanted to stay, a lot of young men would have done the same. The youth was now one of the most powerful people in this land and would soon become the Hero-King of this country.

With the death of their previous monarch, the country was destabilized. The other races might hold it against them that the human king turned out to be a demon. Thus the only person that could take his place would be the hero who defeated it.

Everyone agreed to falsify the information slightly. Beatrice and Isabella’s contribution would still count but the hero party would be shown to have taken a more active part as well.

After everything was settled Zhang Dong with the help of Bob tweaked Takeshi’s system. It would not be connected to the main one but he was able to keep his leveling system.

There was also the danger of the Overseers and lack of magical cubes. Luckily Bob had some answers this time around. What they left was an empty shell that would send a signal showing that this world was working as intended.

Zhang Dong wasn’t sure if it would work but not like he had any other choice. He had already absorbed all the cubes that this world had to offer.

Normally he would smack Takeshi over the head and toss him back home but there was also Beatrice. He felt it would be better if the young hero remained here to protect everyone. Even though the five demon lords were gone that didn’t mean that the entire demonic race had perished.

They weren’t as strong as before but would be more or less equal to the other people living in this world. With the barrier being gone more conflict would arise, the people would need someone as strong as the heroes.

Ami was staying mostly due to having a crush on Takeshi. The two somewhat came together at the end of the journey and the members of the royal family were forced out of the picture. Due to their father being the demon king they had lost all of their political power.

They were still just regular humans as he had checked. No one would trust them to lead the country, without Takeshi taking the king’s place there would be no peace. For now, all of them were thrown into the dungeon, at least the ones that they could find.

Some of the people from the royalist faction had already fled the capital before they even arrived to bring the news of their victory. It was clear that they would attempt some moves to regain their standing. Thus he was all for having someone like Takeshi remain here and protect Beatrice. The youth needed to work on himself but his heart seemed to be in the right place.

He only hoped that the romance geometrical figure that was created wouldn’t get out of hand. It looked like Takeshi was still interested in Beatrice while Ami was gunning for her childhood friend. Then there was Isabella that was really close to her as well, while Beatrice remained a bit oblivious to everyone’s approaches.

“Okay, everything is ready. Are you prepared?”

“Ah wait a moment…”

The two sisters moved over to Ami and the three girls started hugging it out. All of them were crying as they knew that they wouldn’t be able to see their friend anymore. Some of the people that went on the journey with them were also here. The two female elven mages, some dwarves, and also Beatrice and Isabella.

After some heartfelt goodbyes, the two stepped onto the transportation circle. This one was prepared by Bob and Zhang Dong by reverse-engineering the original one. With the cube that operated it being absorbed it was ready for activation and there was no danger of it going wrong or at least that is what Bob was assuring him of.

Zhang Dong opened up his palm and a little holographic cube appeared there. It started shifting directions as if it was made from liquid metal before settling on some symbols. The moment it did the grand magic circle activated around the two girls.

They were surrounded by a large pillar of light that pierced the heavens just like the time they arrived here. This beam connected with something in the sky and a fissure opened up, through it a city appeared. It was the same one that the girls came through and soon they were blasting off into the air.

“Are you sure they will be okay…”

“Yes, if they happen to appear in the air they have the parachutes.”

Due to the way the fissure looked, always showing a large city from far away in the sky Zhang Dong was a bit worried. For this reason, he had some of the craftsmen make two parachutes for the girls. After some studious testing and training, it was safe to place the two back home. Even though Bob assured him that the probability of this happening was really low, it was better to be safe than sorry.

The hole in the sky soon mended itself back and the two were gone back home. This was the only thing that he could do for them as going there himself would be impossible without another world tether. Even if that could have been his world of origin, his body could be long dead. 

“They are really gone…”josei

Ami said while grasping onto Takeshi’s arm, the girl continued to look up into the sky along with her childhood friend. Zhang Dong on the other hand walked over to the two blond girls that were now strong enough to walk around.

“Are you leaving as well Mr. Leigong… no is it Mr. Matthew… or was it, Zhang Dong?”

He laughed as he had disclosed to the two that he wasn’t a real summoned spirit but a person from another world. The two didn’t really get it as even there he went by a different name.

“Call me however you please.”

“Think Leigong suits you better, the other two sound strange…”

He could only laugh about his original name sounding weirdly to these two.

“It’s a very popular name where I come from!”

They all laughed but soon the girls looked sad once more. It was time to say their farewells to him as well. He had already prolonged his stay here and waited for the two to somewhat recover. His family was still waiting for him and he had no way of knowing where and when he would arrive if he made it back to his world.

The formation here had the coordinates for the homeworld that the hero party came from but not for his. They would limit the search though but he needed to leave this world before Bob could triangulate his destination.

“Do you really need to go…”

“Yes, my wife and children are waiting for their father…”


Isabella dropped her head down after the word father was mentioned. Her own dad was now trapped in the dungeons. Even though it was the king’s order he organized the assassination. The only reason that Zhang Dong didn’t punish him more thoroughly was that he was Isabella’s dad. Beatrice had forgiven him as she knew that he only did it to save his own daughter but it was not something that could be easily downplayed.

Zhang Dong placed his hand on Isabella’s and Beatrice’s shoulders each. He felt their souls one last time before stepping away.

“You’re getting better, but continue to stay close to each other. Before I go there is one last thing…”

He concentrated on his own soul. It was many times larger and denser than it was before he entered this world. Even though he was trapped here he would be taking new knowledge and power back to his own world. Before he left there was another gift that he wanted to give to the two girls, now after resting they would be able to receive it.

While concentrating on his soul he started yanking. He felt the strain and horrendous pain but he continued, in a moment a tiny fragment from his oversized soul started to loosen up.

“Here, take this.”

“What is…”

The girls saw a small white bubble of energy escape from Zhang Dong’s hand and float towards them. It started out slowly but soon the bubble split into two and each of them shot towards the girls and their dantian.

“What was that energy… it feels warm…”

“You’ll see… try summoning me… both of you…”

“Summoning you, but you are right here?”

Asked Beatrice while confused.

“Just do it.”

The two nodded and concentrated on the summoning spell. They could feel Zhang Dong still there but each of them could also feel something else, there was another smaller Zhang Dong there.



Soon two small creatures appeared. One was mostly black while the other was white. The two creatures seemed the same with the coloring being the only thing that was different. They both looked like miniaturized versions of his soul beast and now they would be tied to their souls.

“You didn’t think I’d leave you without one last gift, now did you? Grow them well and they will become your greatest strength.”

The two small dragons looked at the blond girls. The white one started floating around Beatrice and dropped on her shoulder while the black one did the same on Isabella’s side.


The two were quite ecstatic after receiving the gifts which resulted in a big hug which caused Zhang Dong to rub the back of his head.

Soon it was time to return, Zhang Dong walked over to the spot that the two sisters occupied and took one last look at the new friends that he made. He wasn’t here long but he would remember this place and the people he met here.

“Beatrice, Isabella. This is not a farewell more of a see you later. I will find a way to cure you and return, until then, stay in good health you two!”

He gave the two girls a smile while waving. The last thing he saw before the pillar of light appeared was their sobbing and snot-covered faces.

‘Bob get ready, we are leaving, next stop… my world!”

“Please wait, gathering data for the interworld jump…”

The teleportation formation connected to his soul world and through it, the opening to the tunnel that went between all the multiple worlds started opening. The gap opened up and after taking one last glance at the planet he was leaving he jumped, it was time to return home!

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