Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

‘W-what is this…’

Zhang Dong staggered forward and onto his knees. He was now looking at his status screen that he stopped using after achieving the nascent soul level.

‘System has been rebooted.’

After getting jolted by the large gorilla he heard that his system was finally restarting. The moment it did he felt power rushing back into his body. He thought that this meant that his nascent soul cultivation would be restored but it wasn’t so.

The feeling subsided quite fast while the system gave him a new red alarm.  There was a big prompt with ‘insufficient spirit points to restore cultivation’ before him.

‘Bob, what is the meaning of this? What happened with my cultivation? Is this even my old world?’

While rubbing his forehead and trying to get past the headache he consulted his AI.

‘This is the user’s homeworld. An error occurred while passing through the world barrier. To protect the user more energy was required.’

‘More energy? Did you use my cultivation as the power source?’

‘That is correct.’


He finally stood up and looked at the situation before him. This was apparently the world that he came from, it was also giving off the usual cultivator vibes but there was something strange. Zhang Dong felt that the spiritual energy was very similar but somehow different.

The monster gorilla that was moving towards him was also a bit peculiar. After the exchange, he could tell that the way this beast cultivated differed from the beasts back home. Before this question could be answered, he needed to get out of here.

He was weaker than ever, even when he popped up in the world of summoners he wasn’t this weak. He did have superior cultivation methods so that did put him on a higher tier than anyone at his own level. Even with this, he would not be able to defeat a foundation establishment cultivator at the early stage.


‘Damn it’s coming… middle stage Inner Aura, was it?’

He focused on the creature that knocked him to the side with an electric shock. Luckily for him, he cultivated lightning. This left him immune to all lightning-based attacks that were weaker than his own DAO. He could even absorb the energy and use it to cultivate, which put an idea into his head.

“Hey ugly…what are you looking at?”

With a swift kick, he sent a fist-sized rock flying towards the Thunder Ape. The beast was hit right on the nose but didn’t flinch, the rock was unable to cause any damage to this strong monster.

It did make the monster mad though, its eyes homed in on him and it started beating its chest once more. Small arcs of electricity started appearing on its large frame and it charged forward.

This was just what he was aiming for but he also needed to figure out how well he could handle this ape.

His opponent was quite fast all things considered. It jumped into the air when it was about ten meters away from him and raised its massive muscular hands up. Zhang Dong jumped back almost instantly while covering his face.

When the creature connected with the spot that he was previously on those two massive fists struck the ground. The earth cracked and small bursts of electricity were discharged into the surroundings.

Even though he was successful at reading his opponent he could feel that he was weaker than this creature. If he got hit by those two fists, he would have been critically injured. Then this monster even had passive attacks in the form of electricity bursts.

The moment this ambient lightning touched his body he quickly absorbed it. The energy that he absorbed felt weak, it was nothing compared to his own Divine Lightning but it would have to do.

‘I’ll need more than this…’

The little jolt of energy got his body pumping, it felt slightly revitalized but he needed more. Even though this beast was stronger than him in almost everything there were two things that it was lagging behind.

Zhang Dong jumped into the fray, which was also noticed by some of the people in the audience.

“Hey, what is that madman doing? He is trying to fight the Thunder Ape at close range?”

“That idiot, he is going to be turned to meat paste!”

A few of them cheered while looking, they wanted to see some blood but instead were surprised. The monster continued to attack but the strange man that was covered in dirt and blood kept avoiding each deathly strike. It was as if he knew where the monster would throw its massive fist and at the exact time dodged to the side.

This was Zhang Dong’s big advantage. He had already gone through many fights where his life was on the line. His mastery of predicting where his opponent would strike was something that he focused his time on. Even if the creature could take him out with one hit, it wouldn’t matter if it couldn’t actually deliver a blow in the first place.

“Hm… that movement… interesting…”

Up in the VIP booth where the young master was sitting there were other people. One of them was an old-looking cultivator with a long red beard. He was an elder that was tasked with keeping the White Tiger Clan young master safe.

Even though he found this whole event in poor taste he was unfit to comment on it. His job was to watch this young lord, if he stepped out of line he would surely be punished by the young master’s scary father.

He thought that this would be a quick slaughter, not much to watch. Now on the other hand he was looking at a peculiar young man. This man looked like he was one step in the grave but for some reason, he wasn’t giving up.

He continued to evade the ape beast’s strikes with grace while sometimes throwing in some of his own attacks. These strikes were hardly effective as they didn’t seem to be able to get through the monster’s thick hide nor were he able to inject any spiritual energy to damage the insides either.

‘He is getting faster and stronger…He isn’t from the Snapping Turtle Clan… where could someone like this be from’

The old man started to get worried, from what he knew a few people in this arena were just tossed in together with those Snapping Turtle Clan members. What if there was someone from a more influential clan or even sect pushed into a death game? What if that clan or sect found out about the whole predicament.

‘Am I worrying too much? What would a powerful sect member be doing here in the first place? Can he even defeat that Ape with his meager strength?’

The old man moved his head to the other side, there the group of twenty or so combatants had shrunk down to fifteen. The two remaining Thunder Apes had crushed them easily while also suffering minimal damage.

This senior had seen the low graded trash that those slaves called weapons. None of them would be able to help them through this battle. They were all useless and just bounced off the monster’s skin.

Then in the other corner was a smaller group of about ten people. It was composed of children and women. These women were all in front of their offsprings while looking terrified. They were focused on the stranger that was battling the Ape beast.

The old man leaned back in his chair and continued to look. The young master that he was tasked to protect wasn’t even looking to this side. His gaze was on the young missus from the Snapping Turtle Clan.

Even though the girl was fighting well it wouldn’t matter, they were facing off against a beast stronger than them and with low quality weapons. Then there were the slave collars that were ready to deliver a shock whenever the young master wanted. This old man didn’t believe that this young master would keep his promise of letting these people go.

‘I’m getting stronger…’

Zhang Dong lodged his fist in the Silverback Gorilla-looking creature’s abdomen. It felt like he was punching a hard wall. He was then shocked by the beast’s residual electrical aura once again.

The people that looked at his fight were quite baffled. It made it seem that he was someone that didn’t want to give up. He always jumped in to attack the beast but was constantly knocked back by the small lightning bolts. They didn’t realize that this was his plan as with every shock that he took, he was gaining more power.

‘Is there a way to get more energy out of this thing at once…’

He was getting a bit tired of the goose chase. This monster didn’t use the lightning attack unless he closed in. It also had no range to speak of so he needed to constantly risk his life by getting closer to its massive arms.

It might have looked like the punches that he was delivering were useless but there was something that he was doing. With each punch, he injected a tiny amount of his spiritual energy to weaken the beast and also to find the source of its lightning.

After a few exchanges, he discovered the place where this organ was. It was somewhere around the lung area which might have explained why the Ape always beat its chest to release these shocks.

Now armed with the knowledge he could do two things, either continue his sluggish approach which was safer or go in for the kill. He knew enough about beasts to theorize that if he damaged that organ it would overload. Then it would release all of its stored power in one fell swoop.

‘I should not dwindle too long…’

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see two other large Ape beasts. They already took the lives of many and the longer he fought the one here the more people would die.

The monster charged after him once more. Its eyes were filled with berserked rage due to Zhang Dong’s constant evasions. This time though he didn’t wait for the monster to charge, instead he closed the distance himself.

His hand opened up, his fingers together. Zhang Dong began gathering Qi onto his fingertips, there weren’t that many Qi condensation techniques that he could utilize. This one would change his hand into a spear that could pierce through things like hard metal.

The monster swung its fist in a blind rage again but with a small side movement, this face only grazed Zhang Dong’s cheek. He took a step forward and was now in range to perform his attack. His fingers looked like they were covered in golden plasma energy. They were quickly shoved into the monster’s chest piercing it in one go as he aimed for the electrical organ.

The monster screamed in agony while also producing a massive electrical charge. Its organ was pierced and went out of control just as Zhang Dong had planned. The energy flowed into him and he took it all in.

Soon the arena went quiet as one of the ape beasts fell. The other two that were about to deliver a killing blow to one of the warriors there turned to the shouts of their kin. There they saw him falling down, dead and without movement.

‘One down two to go…’

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