Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 766

Chapter 766

“The devils are approaching, get ready!”

“For the Radiant One!”

A large group of warriors holding rudimentary weapons like spears and simple bows charged at a group of beasts. First came the arrows that were imbued with a sparkling glow. Even though the arrows were made from wood and something akin to pig iron, the moment they were strengthened by the strange energy, they became more resistant and fearsome. The moment they connected with the thick beast hides, they pierced through and injected a force that caused internal bleeding and even explosions.

The battle raged on as the warriors clashed with the monstrous invaders. The air was filled with the sounds of clashes, roars, and the occasional explosion as the radiant arrows found their mark. However, the charge of the monsters could not be stopped by simple ranged weaponry; soon, the beasts approached, and the spears needed to be used. Just like the arrows, the glow surrounded the tips, which the people from this tribe used to pierce the others' flesh.

The clash intensified as the warriors engaged in close combat with the approaching monsters. The beasts were unlike anything the tribe had encountered before - hulking creatures with twisted horns, fiery eyes, and scales that seemed impervious to the conventional weapons of the tribe. The air crackled with the energy of the Radiant One, a mystical force that had long protected the tribe from the malevolent creatures of the surrounding wilderness.

It was their god that sometimes appeared in their dreams to guide them. These prophetic dreams were rare, and only a few individuals were capable of making sense of them. The figure that appeared was seen as a lone man with a glow about them. They couldn’t make out its true appearance and went with the Radiant One name to make it simple. Thanks to those cryptic teachings, they were able to combat these strange monstrosities that had begun appearing through strange red gates.

Portals to the underworld began to manifest across their lands, appearing in underground caves and even underwater. Each portal unleashed peculiar creatures that would later emerge to hunt the inhabitants. Life, once simple, was now disrupted, compelling the tribes to unite against this common adversary. Swiftly, all tribes joined forces, and today, they were preparing to advance into a cave housing one of these infernal gates.

Among the warriors, a figure stood out, adorned in elaborate armor and wielding a radiant sword. This was the chief of one of the main tribes and their greatest warrior. His blade glowed with a brilliant light, matching the energy of the arrows and spears used by his tribesmen. With swift and precise movements, he cut through the monstrous horde, his every strike guided by the mystical power coursing through his veins.

The chief fought with unwavering determination, his eyes ablaze with the radiance of the divine force that fueled his every move. His warriors rallied around him, inspired by his bravery and the shared purpose of defending their homes from the encroaching darkness.

As the chief carved a path through the monstrous invaders, a particularly massive creature emerged from the shadows. Its scales shimmered with an otherworldly glow, and its eyes burned with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors. To them this monstrous entity was a harbinger of the underworld, a creature of pure malevolence sent forth to test the strength of those who dared to challenge the forces beyond the portals.

The chief squared off against the colossal beast, his radiant sword gleaming in the dim cavern. The clash between the two titans sent shockwaves through the battlefield, causing rocks to tremble and stalactites to fall. The chief, empowered by the Radiant One's energy, fought with a grace and power that defied the limitations of mortal strength.

He moved with a fluidity that seemed almost supernatural, anticipating the beast's every move. The radiant sword sliced through the air, leaving trails of light as it met the creature's scales. However, the beast was no ordinary foe. It retaliated with ferocious strength, sending shockwaves with each strike of its massive claws that erupted with strange malevolent energy.

The chief's sword glowed brighter with each successful strike, absorbing the malevolent energy that emanated from the creature. The Radiant One's power coursed through him, guiding his movements and enhancing his combat prowess. The monstrous entity, realizing the formidable opponent it faced, unleashed a torrent of dark energy in a desperate attempt to kill the foe.

The final clash between the two beings of power caused a surge of light and dark energy. The whole underground cavern shook but finally, a victor presented himself. The colossal beast writhed in pain, unable to withstand the chief’s onslaught. With a final, decisive blow, he drove his sword into the creature's heart, causing it to collapse in a tumult of darkness.josei

The warriors, witnessing their chief's triumph, erupted in cheers. The divine power that protected them had proven stronger than the forces from beyond the portals. The battlefield was littered with the defeated monsters that had been vanquished. Yet, the victory was bittersweet as many of their brethren had fallen in the ensuing battle. Hundreds of mangled corpses of the tribesmen were everywhere.

The chief, standing amidst the remnants of the battlefield, felt a heavy weight on his heart as he surveyed the cost of their victory. The fallen warriors were not just comrades but friends and family members. The survivors honored the sacrifice of those who had given their lives to protect their people. Nobody was left behind and after the destruction of the strange infernal gate, they were carried back by their tribes.

All of the fallen were taken back to their homes, where anxious wives and children awaited their return. The surviving warriors received cheers of triumph, while those who had fallen were mourned with tears. The victory had been achieved, but the toll was substantial. In a solemn ritual to bid them farewell, the fallen were assembled before a basic statue of their god, the Radiant One, guiding them into the next phase of their journey. In their traditions, the bodies needed to be burned before the great god in a last show of light.

As the chief knelt beside the fallen, paying his respects, he couldn't shake the feeling that their struggle was far from over. The red gates leading to the underworld still stood, and the threat of more creatures emerging loomed over their tribe. The Radiant One had guided them through this battle, but what challenges lay ahead were unclear.

The shaman commenced his prayers, and a hushed silence fell over the crowd. All eyes turned upward, following the ascent of embers into the vast unknown. To them, the illuminating glow was a manifestation of their deity. The flames symbolized their people ascending to heaven, where they would reunite with their divine being, finding solace in an eternal embrace. Although not the first nor the last mass burial of warriors, this one held a distinctive significance. As the embers reached greater heights, an unexpected phenomenon unfolded for a fleeting moment.

Instead of the customary embers, a luminous glow captivated the onlookers. It resembled radiant soap bubbles drifting slowly skyward, converging towards a peculiar figure. Suspended in the heavens, this individual possessed long, snow-white hair, exuding an otherworldly radiance. The glow obscured the features of the person, preventing the crowd from discerning their face as it radiated an enigmatic brilliance.

Each person present recognized this figure; some had experienced his prophetic gifts in dreams - it was undeniably the Radiant One. Acting on instinct, every individual in the gathering bowed in humble submission before this divine being. Even the tribe Chief, usually regarded as a figure of immense power, could do nothing more than tremble with profound reverence. Their god, tangible and real, stood before them, an awe-inspiring presence.

‘They are worshiping me, I don’t really deserve it… How am I different from that thing…’

Zhang Dong had revealed himself to the people he had created. He was the mastermind behind the creation of the hell gates, strategically placing them underground to shape dungeons. However, his original plan did not unfold as intended. He had envisioned warriors descending into these dungeons for training purposes, aiming to suppress the growing monster population before it became uncontrollable. Instead, the people adopted a different approach. They opted for large-scale armies, engaging the enemy only when absolutely necessary, deviating from Zhang Dong's intended method.

This revelation forced Zhang Dong to confront the limitations of his control; he couldn't always anticipate the actions of these people. The casualties of war surpassed his calculations, and the extensive burial before him was a consequence of his own orchestrations. While these people regarded him as their savior, in his own mind, Zhang Dong saw himself akin to the entity harvesting system holders for their essence. He recognized that, in a similar vein, he was compelling these people to evolve to a higher stage just to drain them of it so that he could gain more power.

His plan was working as people were constantly growing. The Chief of these unified tribes had reached a stage similar to the early foundation realm and was the strongest person around. Following his steps others would soon do the same. Their souls fueled his new cultivation, the stronger the beings were before their demise the more energy he could gain.

As they continued to evolve alongside the beasts, Zhang Dong realized that his own growth was intricately linked to theirs. This world was his inaugural creation, but there was potential for much more. Other planets could be inhabited, fostering the possibility of eventual encounters. Maintaining conflicts was essential for his empowerment, yet despite gaining strength, an unsettling feeling pervaded everything. Zhang Dong grappled with the conflict of not wanting to burden these beings, even as he recognized that if he didn't become stronger and ultimately triumph over his adversary, their entire world would face inevitable collapse.

The existence of this world hinged on Zhang Dong, as he provided sustenance and longevity to everything within it. Their very lives were intricately connected to his core, and they would perish without understanding the cause if he were to fall. His responsibility extended beyond his family and friends from the cultivation world; now, he bore the weight of millions of lives on this planet he had crafted, with the imminent prospect of their numbers soaring into the billions.

The Radiant One persona he had inadvertently taken on weighed heavily on him. While he had never intended to become a deity figure to these people, the reality was undeniable. The prayers, the worship, and the expectations - all directed towards him, a being torn between the ethical implications of his actions and the necessity of maintaining the balance in his world…

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