Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

“What a curious feeling, is this how other godlike beings feel in this realm?”

Zhang Dong found himself suspended in space, existing within the universe he had crafted upon ascending to his current realm. The focal point of his universe was a colossal tree hidden within a massive star. Any ordinary being attempting to approach it would be incinerated instantly, but for Zhang Dong, it exuded a comforting warmth. Not far from this central star, the first world he created was flourishing, progressing at a steady pace.

The first world he created was positioned near a different sun, deliberately chosen to avoid the volatility and excessive spiritual energy of the original location. Zhang Dong pondered whether his people would eventually discover this realm as they ascended further in their cultivation. However, achieving this would require surpassing Nascent Soul levels and possibly even advancing beyond the Dao Building realms. Traveling through space posed challenges, even for powerful cultivators, and employing advanced technology presented its own set of difficulties.

‘I wonder if they’ll hate me or worship me if they realize the truth of this world…’

He had created them and they had formed religion around the prophetic dreams he presented to them. Zhang Dong had also descended to the world a few times to take a closer look and to help during some cataclysmic events. Zhang Dong contemplated the ethical implications of revealing his true nature to his creations. Would they resent him for manipulating their existence, or would they understand the necessity behind his actions? It was a dilemma that weighed heavily on his conscience.

As he observed the evolution of his world, Zhang Dong became increasingly aware of the delicate balance that existed. The creatures that emerged from the red hell gates continued to evolve and adapt, posing new challenges for the inhabitants of the world. At the same time, the tribes of the people were advancing in their cultivation, honing their skills and growing stronger.

A realization struck Zhang Dong - he needed to guide his people in a way that allowed them to stand on their own, independent of his direct influence. He decided to withdraw from the affairs of the world temporarily, allowing the tribes to face the challenges on their own. This decision was not made out of indifference but rather a desire to see if they could navigate the complexities of their existence without his direct intervention.

One distinctive aspect of his people was their unique cultivation base. Setting them apart from the cultivators he was familiar with, they possessed something known as the spirit root. Without it, no one could cultivate within this universe, as it served as a prerequisite for initiating the first stage of their cultivation journey. The spirit root was a new organ that connected to a person's spine, exhibiting variations among individuals.

The spirit root primarily manifested in six elemental variations that distinguished individuals: fire, water, wind, earth, light, and darkness. Among his people, Zhang Dong observed these elemental spirit roots. Moreover, there was the intriguing possibility of having a spirit root that contained multiple elements within itself. These spirit roots bore similarities to the great spirit tree that Zhang Dong had created while ascending to his current realm. It was this tree that played a crucial role in their existence.

The type of spirit root one possessed determined their affinity for cultivation in a specific element. Initially, Zhang Dong anticipated that individuals with combination roots would have an advantage, but reality proved otherwise. Those with single spirit roots found cultivation less challenging, as they didn't need to divide their energy between multiple base elements. Establishing a solid foundation required absorbing enough spirit energy from the environment and strengthening their bodies.

In Zhang Dong's unique universe, the first cultivation stage was known as the Spirit Root Refining stage. Cultivators needed to absorb spiritual energy from the surroundings and refine their bodies. The spirit root served as the organ responsible for this process, and it proved simpler to absorb a single type of spiritual energy rather than multiple ones simultaneously. Focusing on one task instead of spreading themselves thin made the cultivation process more straightforward.josei

Not everyone in this world possessed a spirit root, resulting in a substantial population of mortals. This contrasted significantly with the world Zhang Dong originated from, where to some extent, everyone had the potential to become a cultivator and reach the Qi Condensation stage. Zhang Dong foresaw a clear divide emerging within his population, with distinctions forming between mortals and immortals.

The subsequent stage mirrored Zhang Dong's own experiences - it was simply called the Root Foundation Stage, where the base for the spirit root would be established. During this stage, cultivators aimed to expand their roots further, forming a foundation for the next stage that involved the emergence of a sprout. A clear tree motif was found in this universe he had crafted, all leading toward the creation of a tree.

Despite the strongest individuals in his world having only attained the third stage, Zhang Dong was aware of the fourth one, comparable to the Nascent Soul level in other cultivation worlds.

'They create a tree within themselves, and then it produces a Dao fruit. To achieve a breakthrough, they need to consume this Dao fruit to reach a new stage similar to the Dao Foundation realm. After that, it starts getting similar to my old seed stage and finally, they create their own proper World Tree.’

At this juncture, Zhang Dong speculated that there might come a time when they would be expelled from within this world, as his own tree would inevitably clash with the new one. The fact that he hadn't been forced out from the world above led him to believe that he either hadn't reached that critical point, or perhaps the godly being possessed a different type of cultivation base that didn't clash with his Dao Tree.

As he withdrew from direct involvement, the tribes faced new challenges without the immediate guidance of their Radiant One. The battles against the creatures emerging from the hell gates became more intense, and the tribes had to adapt and strategize on their own. Zhang Dong watched with a mix of anxiety and hope as the people he had created confronted adversity.

Their individual paths were theirs to navigate, and Zhang Dong realized that the less direct intervention he had in their journeys, the more his own power grew. It became evident that offering simple guidance was more effective than forcefully pushing them. Zhang Dong found that he experienced the most growth when they discovered things he wasn't fully aware of himself. Despite being a godlike being, he acknowledged his limitations in knowledge. By allowing them to undergo their own trials and tribulations, he could absorb their experiences and knowledge, enhancing his own understanding.

Whenever they discovered new ways of utilizing an element or enhancing their bodies, this information was transferred into the world tree. The tree absorbed their essence, somewhat akin to the process of Zhang Dong's adversary. However, his approach was gentler, albeit slower.

Zhang Dong began to question whether the being above had grown impatient with waiting for people to advance on their own and decided to accelerate their progress. Yet, he considered that creating systems might hinder their development, as the system holders weren't learning anything new but merely using old knowledge and powers from the past. There lingered uncertainty about whether there was another reason for this or if the other being simply failed to realize that they were on the wrong path.

As time advanced rapidly within his universe, a problem emerged. In the ongoing struggle, his people continued to clash with increasingly powerful demonic beasts. While both sides were constantly growing and contributing to Zhang Dong's increasing power, the escalating conflict resulted in a significant number of deaths. A particular law within this universe eluded his complete control, and it pertained to their souls. The default setting appeared to be reincarnation, but as time passed, more souls were created with no new bodies for them to inhabit.

Zhang Dong had managed to establish a waiting system, where more malevolent individuals had to bide their time or face consequences for their egregious deeds. However, it was evident that this predicament would only intensify if left unaddressed. As time passed, the number of souls threatened to surpass the population by a staggering margin. Faced with this dilemma, Zhang Dong knew he needed to make a decision. He considered the option of creating a place to hold those souls, akin to a heaven and hell scenario, or opting for something more unique.

'I do want to create new worlds like this one; some of the souls could be reborn as people on other worlds, different than this one. But eventually, the same problem will arise...'

He pondered the dilemma, realizing that the solution needed to be both practical and sustainable. After careful consideration, Zhang Dong decided on a multifaceted approach.

Firstly, he created a divine realm within the universe, a space separate from the mortal world. This realm served as a sanctuary for departed souls, a place where they could peacefully await reincarnation. Zhang Dong crafted an ethereal landscape within this divine realm, incorporating elements of beauty and tranquility. Here, the souls could reflect on their past lives and prepare for the next cycle of existence.

Secondly, he established a system of reincarnation that ensured a balance between the number of souls and the available bodies. Every soul that entered the divine realm went through a process of evaluation, where their deeds, experiences, and spiritual growth were assessed. Based on this evaluation, each soul was assigned a specific waiting period before they could reincarnate.

He took inspiration from all fables and fantasy books when creating this place of solace. The souls would not need corporal bodies to live here and he could limit the spirit power usage by making it mostly an illusory world. Beautiful angels would be the caretakers of this place and guide the people on their next journey.

Hell wouldn’t really be a thing as he found the idea of torturing someone for a whole eternity a bit barbaric. However, there would be a period of rehabilitation and perhaps he would even allow some souls to take vengeance upon people who wronged them.

Furthermore, Zhang Dong introduced a mechanism that allowed exceptional souls to retain fragments of their past experiences and knowledge in subsequent lives. This subtle infusion of wisdom into the reincarnation process aimed to foster a continuous evolution of the collective consciousness of his world.

Lastly, to mitigate the impact of frequent deaths on the population and the resulting emotional toll, Zhang Dong granted the people of his world the ability to communicate with their deceased ancestors through spiritual channels. This connection allowed them to seek guidance, share experiences, and maintain a sense of continuity across generations.

As these changes were implemented, Zhang Dong observed the gradual stabilization of the soul cycle within his universe. The divine realm flourished with the energies of countless departed souls, and the mortal world continued its evolution with renewed vitality. With this system in place, he could take the next step forward and create a multitude of new worlds that perhaps in the future would interact with each other…

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