Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010 He’s Not an Outsider

The next day, Olivia and George had just finished their meal when Eugene came over.

George's face fell at the sight of the man. This guy just promised yesterday that he wouldn't be bothering us for the next couple of days so that I could spend time with Olivia. Did the 'couple of days' mean less than a day for him?

Eugene knew George was displeased, of course, but he couldn't help it. Now that the Rogers siblings were involved, he couldn't ignore this, not to mention that they were his sons. "Hey, George," he said, greeting George politely.

George replied with a snort, "What did you promise me yesterday?"

Eugene explained, "I have something to talk to you about."

"What else is it that you want to talk to me about? Did you not make yourself clear enough yesterday? Or do you want to go back on your promise?"

Eugene sat down. "It's neither," he said, darting a look at Olivia while hesitating to begin.

Seeing how the couple kept exchanging glances, George suddenly felt somewhat unnerved. What are they up to? Don't tell me they've actually gotten married legally. I can no longer take such a blow. "What do you mean? Just spill whatever you want to say."

Just then, Olivia spoke. "George, who do you want North to look into this time?"

George relaxed the moment he heard this. But how can we mention this in front of Eugene? We're talking about a secret project here. He looked at Eugene while shooting nervous glances at Olivia, hoping that she could pick up the hint.

Unexpectedly, what she said next made him nearly fall from his chair. "Eugene already knows. I've told him all about it."

George staggered slightly before staring at her with reproachful eyes. "How could you go around telling everyone about it?"

Olivia pouted her lips innocently. "He's not an outsider, anyway." He's the father of the kids, so how could he have no right to know about this?

George, however, took her reply to mean that Eugene wasn't an outsider because he was her boyfriend. All at once, feeling a surge of irritation, he questioned her in front of Eugene, "Can you be sure that you two will stay together as a couple? He's just your boyfriend! Even if you're married, not even your spouse can necessarily be trusted nowadays, let alone a boyfriend. Can you guarantee that he'll still keep it a secret in case you two break up?"

Eugene frowned slightly. "We're not gonna break up. Also, I'll never betray Olivia no matter what."

Olivia spoke again. "Wait a minute, George. Eugene personally knows the people you're looking for."

The furious look on George instantly turned into a look of shock. "You know them? You know who I'm looking for?"

Eugene asked, "Are you looking for three kids named Carter Rogers, Blake Rogers, and Terry Rogers, respectively?"

George found this even more unbelievable. "Yeah, and how did you know that? Where are they?"

Eugene then asked, "In that case, tell me whether it's you or someone else who's looking for them."

George darted a look at Olivia, wanting to know how much she had told the man about it.

Olivia said, "I already told Eugene about our main doctor's research institute. I know he's looking for them out of worry, but Eugene wants to know more about them because they're his children."

The word "shocked" was no longer adequate to describe George's feelings at this very moment. What? How could Eugene possibly be the three kids' father? How is this even possible? "What are you talking about? Eugene is their father? Is this true?"

Eugene nodded. "It's true. Over a month ago, they came to me on their own, so we did a DNA test and confirmed that they're my sons."


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