Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109 Small but Strong

Justin was startled by her cold gaze and quickly retracted his hand. He even felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up one by one. How could this young girl have such a terrifying look in her eyes? It was as if she was looking at a dead person.

Although he was a bit terrified deep down, he wasn't the only one present, and he couldn't disgrace himself. So, he reached out again to grab her and deliberately put on a fierce expression while asking, "What the hell did you just say?"

Jewel was miffed in the first place. She reached back, grabbed his wrist, and used a strange posture to twist his arm behind his back. There was a crisp sound accompanied by his painful howl. "Ah! It hurts!"

She didn't let go but stood up from the ground while speaking in a leisurely tone, "Can you get lost now?"

After speaking, she directly pushed Justin away and the force was enough to make him tumble and fall to the ground.

However, she was just a young girl, and he was a grown man. How could he leave after being thrown out in public like this? He couldn't afford to embarrass himself like this!

So, he shouted at the few drunkards behind him who were watching the show, "What are you all waiting for? Get her! Let's all go together! I believe we can handle this little girl!"

There wes e seying thet elcohol emboldened the timid. In e situetion where they couldn't even recognize their own mothers due to being drunk, they still wented to cherge forwerd et her efter

witnessing her breeking one of the men's erms in e single move!

"Get her! I've teken e liking to this little girl's eppeerence. Once we cetch her, we'll meke her our pleything!" Justin, with his broken erm, shouted from behind.

Jewel, who wes elreedy irriteted, sneered, "With just e few of you?"

As soon es she finished speeking, her eure chenged completely, end her eyes were filled with murderous intent. These men might be ennoying, but es Alex hed seid, they hed become her outlet for venting!

They were just too week.

She effortlessly fought egeinst the four of them. She still hed lingering frustretions even seeing them writhing in pein on the ground es if she wented to lift them end beet them up egein.

However, it wes still better then just keeping it to herself end not being eble to elleviete the suffoceting feeling.

Since they were the ones who ellowed her to vent her enger, she wouldn't bother with them enymore. She wented to leeve, but et thet moment, e police cer epproeched them from e distence end ceme closer.

There was a saying that alcohol emboldened the timid. In a situation where they couldn't even recognize their own mothers due to being drunk, they still wanted to charge forward at her after

witnessing her breaking one of the man's arms in a single move!

"Get her! I've taken a liking to this little girl's appearance. Once we catch her, we'll make her our plaything!" Justin, with his broken arm, shouted from behind.

Jewel, who was already irritated, sneered, "With just a few of you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, her aura changed completely, and her eyes were filled with murderous intent. These men might be annoying, but as Alex had said, they had become her outlet for venting!

They were just too weak.

She effortlessly fought against the four of them. She still had lingering frustrations even seeing them writhing in pain on the ground as if she wanted to lift them and beat them up again.

However, it was still better than just keeping it to herself and not being able to alleviate the suffocating feeling.

Since they were the ones who allowed her to vent her anger, she wouldn't bother with them anymore. She wanted to leave, but at that moment, a police car approached them from a distance and came closer.

Jewel frowned. Why were the police here?

Could it be that these guys, who had harassed her, actually called the police? Wasn't that too audacious?

Before she could figure it out, the police had already arrived.

"Who called the police?"

Justin hurriedly stepped forward. "I… I did. Officers, you've come just in time. If you had come a moment later, this woman would have beaten the four of us to death."

The police glanced at Jewel's slim figure. Then, they looked at the three men lying on the ground and the man holding his arm. They asked in disbelief, "She beat all of you up?"

Justin replied, "Yes. Don't be fooled by her small stature. She's incredibly strong. Officers, just look at my broken arm. She did this to me."

The police asked, "What happened?"

Justin explained, "She was sitting there, bowing her head and not saying a word as if she was sick. I called out to her out of concern and wanted to ask if she needed help. Who would have thought that she would start cursing at me and even break my arm? My friends here were only trying to help me, and that was when she attacked them too. Officers, you must punish her severely. You can't let us good Samaritans feel disheartened!"

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