Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133 The Men Who Wanted the Necklace

The two of them quarreled as they left the studio.

Sophia who had witnessed everything couldn't find the words to describe her feelings and could only give a secret thumbs-up to Olivia to express her overwhelming admiration for the latter.

Miss Olivia is truly amazing! That man was extremely terrifying with his glare and scowling eyebrows. His stormy expression and growl had nearly scared Sophia to death too. However, Olivia did not give him any leeway, torturing him badly by choking him and even doing acupuncture on him.

Ivanna appeared and asked Sophia, "Sophia, has that man who came looking for trouble gone away?"

The corners of Sophia's mouth twitched. "He didn't come looking for trouble."

Ivanna enquired, "Eh? What did he come here for then?"

"To be tortured!"

Ivanna was more confused. "Didn't you say that he asked for Olivia with a fierce expression as soon as he came in?"

Sophia corrected her. "Yes, but that was before he met her. He became so obedient after seeing her. See this rope and these needles? She used them on him."

Ivanna's eyes widened in shock. There were only three less-than-polite words left in her mind which described her emotions. What the f*ck.

"But do you know what Miss Olivia is best at?"


Sophia replied conspiratorially, "Using her beauty. Why else would such a fierce man not retaliate? There's probably an 80% chance he fancies her."

The two were still chatting when the door to the studio opened. Sophia looked toward it to see Henry as well as three other men behind him and she quickly approached them. "Mr. Maxwell, do you want anything?"

Henry didn't look too well. "I-I'm looking for Olivia."

Sophia looked up at the three men and carefully answered, "She's not here. She has gone out."

Henry turned to the men. "See, I told you that she isn't here. Why don't we come back another time?"

However, the men refused to give up and told Sophia, "Call her and say that someone is looking for her."

Sophia was hesitant and glanced anxiously at Henry. After meeting his gaze, she quickly realized what was happening and thought of something. "She forgot to bring her phone."

The young man leading the trio smiled warmly. "Really? Where is it then? Bring it to me."

She was speechless and began to stutter since she hadn't thought about how to answer it. However, one of the men behind the leader came forward and grabbed her. "Just do as you've been told. Why are you so chatty?"

She screamed out in fear. "Fine, I'll call!"

She hated herself at the moment for not having Olivia's courage.

She called Olivia, and Olivia's voice soon came over the line. "Sophia?"

"Miss Olivia, someone wants to see you in the shop."


"I-it's someone your father brought with him."

Olivia became quiet for a moment before she instantly realized what it was about. "Ask him to wait for me."

Sophia answered, "Okay."

She hung up as she finished talking and explained to the others, "Miss Olivia has gone out for a meal and asked you to wait for a moment."

One of the men behind the leader became irritated and his voice became louder. "You want our master to wait?"

The man leading the trio glanced at him silently before smiling. "Alright."

He found a chair and sat down. Henry did not dare leave either and remained with them in the lobby.

Sophia tentatively served them tea. "I-I'll be right over there. Call me if you need anything."

Olivia and Christoff returned after more than an hour. When she saw the men sitting in the lobby, Olivia immediately understood the situation. It was as she had guessed. They had to be the men whom her father said wanted the necklace. However, she had told him that she no longer wanted to find it and she didn't want to allow anyone to see the necklace either, so why had her father led them here?

"Olivia…" Henry felt uncertain as he frantically approached her. "Why did you come back so late?"


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