Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135 The Whereabouts of the Necklace novelbin

The two glared at each other. Both refused to back down.

The scene gave Olivia a headache. Picking up a fight right now isn't a good idea.

She grabbed Christoff's arm. "What are you doing?"

The other man also yelled at his angry servant. "Back off, River."

The servant paused for a moment. Even though he was still angry, he had to obey his master's words. At last, he shot Christoff a warning look.

Christoff scoffed at his attitude. How dare he disrespect me? He's just a lowly servant.

Olivia put on an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. People usually seek me out for costume design. It's a habit to ask questions. I didn't mean to invade your privacy, so I apologize for offending you. May I ask for a business card, so I can call you if I come across the necklace or a similar one?"

"Sure." The man agreed to her suggestion before taking out a business card from his wallet. "I'm Albert Bleu. Please call me if you found the necklace. As long as it's the necklace I'm looking for, I'm willing to pay any price."

Fiddling with the business card, Olivia began with an innocent expression, "Bleu? There aren't many Bleus in Criecia. Are you perhaps from Eurosia?"

Albert nodded. "Yes, you're right. We're Eurosian. However, I would like you to keep it a secret."

River turned to Albert with a shocked expression. His cracked voice revealed his surprise. "Sir!"

How could he tell her about that?

Olivia glanced at River before turning her attention back to Albert. Her voice came out softly. "Don't worry. It's a secret between us."

Albert decided to take his leave. "Thank you. I'm looking forward to your call."

Olivia nodded. "All right. I won't keep you any longer."

The group turned on their heel to leave. Henry followed suit.

Olivia called out to him. "Wait a minute, Dad. I've got something to tell you."

River sought an order from Albert. Once Albert approved, River said nothing as he left with Albert without Henry.

Once the men were out of earshot, Henry sighed in relief. He looked at his daughter and lamented, "Thank you, Olivia. You can't trust those men. They had been following me the whole time. They reached out to me because they saw me leaving your place. I didn't want to tell them, so I changed the topic to buy time. However, they had guns, and they forced me to come here with the guns. I had no choice, Olivia. I'm sorry."

Olivia pondered for a moment. "They had guns?"

Henry nodded. "That's right, Olivia. We have to call the police."

She exchanged a glance with Christoff. "We don't have to. They won't bother you anymore."

"What makes you so sure?" Christoff spoke up with his arms crossed.

She explained, "Their goal is the necklace. Now that they knew I have the necklace, they won't bother somebody else."

He coldly asked with the same posture, "And you lost the necklace?"

She didn't want to share the information with him, so she decided to hide the truth from him. She answered without hesitation, "I did."

He winced at her obvious lie. "You wouldn't have asked the questions if you lost it. You were lying about the necklace because you were unsure of their identities. Am I right?"

She watched him in disbelief.

He's unbelievable! How did he guess everything right? Was my lie full of flaws?

Glaring at him, she denied the statement. "You're imagining things."

He leaned against the counter as a smile broke on his face. "You're agitated, which means my guess is right."

She didn't bother to answer him. He's getting on my nerves.

However, Christoff wasn't finished yet. He elaborated on the topic, "I caught you in a lie. That man can do the same. What makes you think he isn't up to something when he left?"

The words put a frown between her brows. "What do you mean?"


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