Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

"Why do you have to do that?"

Sylvia looked at her. "Since you said it wasn't you, there should be nothing wrong with me telling the truth, right?"

"If you tell them what you know, they'll only start suspecting me. Why do you have to stir the pot when everything's fine now?"

Sylvia provoked her. "Are you afraid?"

Summer replied, "What do I have to be afraid of? I'm innocent in all of this! They can investigate me all they want if they plan to waste their time!"

"Then come with me. Let's show them how innocent you are in this matter!" Sylvia pulled Summer by her arms and started walking out the door.

Summer retaliated by pushing away Sylvia's hold on her. Her eyes filled with disbelief as she roared, "Sylvia! Have you gone crazy?!"

Sylvia was so furious that her eyes went red. "You are the crazy one! It was you who lost yourself in madness—you lost your principles in life! You no longer know which lines you can never cross! I always thought that your ill temper came from the pampering you experienced because you were a star, but I know better now. You not only have an ill temper, but your heart is as black as the devil! Did Olivia ever offend you? Why do you have to go after her like this? You've already acted petty in being picky with her clothes, yet you are still going against her whenever you can on set."

"If I'm being honest, I already had doubts when you asked me to get the drinks for them. After all, you are usually more reserved with your words. Yet, earlier today you were so emotional and sentimental to me. I admit I was moved by your words, which was why I didn't want to think of you in a bad light. However, you've let me down time and time again. Even if I stopped working for you, I won't allow myself to have guilt in my conscience. I'll give you a choice right now; either go make an apology, or I'll tell everyone the truth!"

After giving Summer the ultimatum, Sylvia turned and was about to leave the room.

It was out of Summer's expectation for the obedient and honest Sylvia to be out of her control. In a hurry, she grabbed onto Sylvia. "Sylvia, wait!"

Sylvia only turned her head slightly toward Summer with a distant look in her eyes. "Have you made your decision?"

At that moment, tears ran down Summer's face. She started speaking with her feelings as though she was wronged. "Why are you forcing me to make this decision? You're just cornering me into a dead end now. I admit I am a selfish person, and that I have a bad temper, but I had no other choice but to act this way in this industry. If I show just the slightest hint of weakness, others will definitely jump on it and attack me. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but I was treated indifferently by John Liam even after I told him what happened. He coldly told me to stop giving him so much trouble and dismissed me. Here! Look at my neck. Just how much makeup powder do you think I needed to apply to cover up the red strangle marks she left on me?"

Sylvia commented, "You intentionally went to Olivia intending to cause trouble. It's normal for her to strike back instead of just taking the beating."

Yet, Summer continued, "It's just like you said: it's normal for her to strike back. Then why doesn't that apply to me? Even with so many eyes on us, it was only when you begged her for mercy on my behalf

did she let me go. She had already hurt my reputation by doing that. All I did was just pull a harmless prank as a small payback. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

It was then Sylvia stared at Summer with cold eyes. With a chilling and distant tone, she answered, "Planting false evidence! Assault with the intention to harm another! Are you telling me that these two aren't serious? Furthermore, the most infuriating thing is you used me to commit the crime! Do you know that I might be thrown to prison because of your actions?"

Summer started to cry even fiercely, tears gushing down her face. With her hands grabbing onto Sylvia, she begged, "Sylvia, I admit I was wrong. I've let you down. I thought that they would let you go because of your friendship with them. I felt guilty when I tried my best to defend you. I wouldn't have done that if I had any other choice. Sylvia, you should know how hard the road I've walked since you've been with me for so long. You know how hard it is for me to get to where I am today. So, I beg you, Sylvia. I beg you not to tell anyone else what really happened. I promise I'll treat you well from now on. I'll teach you the ropes, and will promote you to be my manager. Please?"

Summer was too little too late as tears had rolled down Sylvia's face as well. "Do you think I would still be willing to follow your word after the way you treated me? It was never about the money, nor was it your fame or connections that made me want to have a relationship with you. It was because you looked so much like my sister, which led me to treat you as my own sister in full sincerity. However… I can't cover for you for this!"

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