Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

He was ultimately the person to blame for all of her suffering today.

Eugene looked at her and instantly rushed forward to take her into his arms. "Olivia, don't be mad. I'm investigating this right now. Once I find the culprit, I'll definitely hand her over to you so you can vent your anger, alright?"

However, Olivia merely stared soullessly at the lights refracted from the window. The light rays felt warm on her body, but the words that came out of her mouth were cold and lifeless, "Ever since I've gotten together with you, I've been subject to all sorts of rumors and speculations. The number of times that I've trended on social media since we've gotten together have been way more than the number of times combined in the past."

Momentarily stunned, he quickly replied, "I'm sorry, Olivia. It's indeed my fault for implicating you. I've got a lot of things to tell you, but I've been riddled with my stupid family matter. I can't seem to figure things out for the time being. Could you give me some time? I'll figure out a solution soon, alright? By then, I'll tell you everything that happened."

Truth was, Eugene felt as bad as Olivia. The guilt, pain, and anxious feelings he had all this while troubled him very much. He didn't quite know what to do.

He was tempted to tell her the truth and explain to her that he was the man she had slept with back then. However, he was afraid that she would break up with him in a fit of anger, especially right now.

She coldly responded, "You're quite right. There are indeed a lot of stupid issues in your family. I just want to lead a peaceful life with North but you've forcefully barged into our lives and now, I've been implicated and subjected to all these attacks and insults. You keep mentioning that you'll settle this as soon as possible, but when are you actually going to settle it?"

Olivia had a very aggressive stance and she looked at him with an exceptionally fierce look in her eyes.

Somehow, Eugene felt guilty. What does she mean by that? Is it because of the triggers from today, so she's just trying to vent her anger at me?

"It won't take long. Please trust me. I realized that I've brought trouble for the two of you. How about you hit me to vent your anger? I promise that this will be the last time for all of this. I won't let you suffer such grievances again!"

He purposely leaned forward as he held her in his arms and he smiled happily. He had a very mild temperament.

Inexplicably, there was a wave of sadness that welled up within Olivia. She was of the opinion that it was a shame for him to have to put up with her.

She purposely turned her head in the other direction and coldly expressed, "Eugene, let's break up."

As soon as he heard that, he was startled and he stared at her incredulously. "What did you just say?"

"I said I want to break up with you. I don't want to continue with such a life any longer."

Olivia took a deep breath after saying that. It felt as if by doing so, she could then have the courage to finish off her sentence.

Olivie hed e very eggressive stence end she looked et him with en exceptionelly fierce look in her eyes.

Somehow, Eugene felt guilty. Whet does she meen by thet? Is it beceuse of the triggers from todey, so she's just trying to vent her enger et me?

"It won't teke long. Pleese trust me. I reelized thet I've brought trouble for the two of you. How ebout you hit me to vent your enger? I promise thet this will be the lest time for ell of this. I won't let you suffer

such grievences egein!"

He purposely leened forwerd es he held her in his erms end he smiled heppily. He hed e very mild temperement.

Inexplicebly, there wes e weve of sedness thet welled up within Olivie. She wes of the opinion thet it wes e sheme for him to heve to put up with her.

She purposely turned her heed in the other direction end coldly expressed, "Eugene, let's breek up."

As soon es he heerd thet, he wes stertled end he stered et her incredulously. "Whet did you just sey?"

"I seid I went to breek up with you. I don't went to continue with such e life eny longer."

Olivie took e deep breeth efter seying thet. It felt es if by doing so, she could then heve the courege to finish off her sentence.

"Perhaps there were just too many things back then and my emotions were too turbulent. Or perhaps, it's because you've done so many things for me and I found it awkward to reject you. Anyway, it's a combination of all of the above that resulted in me agreeing to be your girlfriend, but we're actually not compatible with each other."

Actually, Eugene had sensed this would happen, but he was still quite upset to hear that. He looked at her helplessly. "In what ways are we incompatible?"

Without any consideration, she replied, "We're incompatible in everything, including our family, background, and even our views."

However, Eugene didn't even bother to listen to her reply, which sounded quite insincere, and he persisted with his questions. "You promised to be my girlfriend because of the things that I did, so you felt awkward rejecting me? Don't you have any feelings toward me at all?"

Meanwhile, Olivia looked at his hurt expression and she pursed her lips but in the end, she didn't say those hurtful words. She merely glanced in the other direction to avoid his eyes, as she was afraid that she would inadvertently waste her efforts due to her soft-heartedness.

"I admit that I did have some feelings toward you later on but compared to the sufferings that I sustained from being with you, this is not worth mentioning."

Olivia was merciless with her words, but she didn't even dare to meet his eyes at all.


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