Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705 novelbin

Olivia suffered a few strikes from Andy. Every move of his was deadly as his punches landed upon her flesh. She wondered how long she could put up with such fatal attacks.

While she tried her best to withstand it, she hoped that Eugene and the others would arrive as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the instant North received the SOS message from Olivia, he quickly tracked down her whereabouts before giving Eugene a call.

"Mommy's in danger! I've sent the location to you. Save her, fast!"

The call scared the daylights out of Eugene, who was exhausted from working through the pile of documents in his office a moment ago.

"When was this?"

"She texted me not long ago. Hurry! She must be in danger!"

"Got it. Don't worry and wait for us at home." He terminated the call and left the office at the drop of a hat.

After dealing with Lara's incident, he deemed that there was nothing that would pose a threat to Olivia’s safety anymore, so he had dismissed her bodyguards.

Eugene was like a cat on hot bricks at the moment, for he knew that she would have given him a call unless it was an emergency.

He looked at the address. It was a manor area located close to the suburbs, which needed at least forty minutes to arrive from here.

Thus, he made a report to the police to have a team dispatched to the location. Considering how half of the tax in Summer City was contributed by the Nolan Group, the police regarded the call with utmost importance. Eugene was the one who paid for their salary; so, who should they serve if it was not him?

After receiving the report, the unit of the closest division rushed to the manor, in which they saw and heard no one except for the incessant barking.

The sight of such big wolfhounds scared them as they shut the door in surprise. They then knocked on the door and asked, "Is anyone in there?"

Meanwhile, Olivia could not hold up against the incoming attacks much longer. The drowsiness grew stronger while her reactions were waning. When she heard the police yelling, she quickly responded, "Help…"

Still, her voice went unheeded due to the delirious barking, and the deranged Andy kept attacking her with a strong murder intent.

Mustering every ounce of strength in her, Olivia held on and bore against his advances. Taking a step forward, she intentionally took an ornament atop the table and hurled it toward the glass to alert the police.


The broken glass drew the police's attention. They initially thought that the house was empty after they had been shouting at the doorstep and the door remained shut!

Following that, the police unit swarmed their way to the window, which was fenced with guardrails that hindered their entrance. Nevertheless, they could see the fight happening between a man and a woman in the house. They assumed that the woman was Eugene's darling girlfriend.

Aftar racaiving tha raport, tha unit of tha closast division rushad to tha manor, in which thay saw and haard no ona axcapt for tha incassant barking.

Tha sight of such big wolfhounds scarad tham as thay shut tha door in surprisa. Thay than knockad on tha door and askad, "Is anyona in thara?"

Maanwhila, Olivia could not hold up against tha incoming attacks much longar. Tha drowsinass graw strongar whila har raactions wara waning. Whan sha haard tha polica yalling, sha quickly raspondad, "Halp…"

Still, har voica want unhaadad dua to tha dalirious barking, and tha darangad Andy kapt attacking har with a strong murdar intant.

Mustaring avary ounca of strangth in har, Olivia hald on and bora against his advancas. Taking a stap forward, sha intantionally took an ornamant atop tha tabla and hurlad it toward tha glass to alart tha polica.


Tha brokan glass draw tha polica's attantion. Thay initially thought that tha housa was ampty aftar thay had baan shouting at tha doorstap and tha door ramainad shut!

Following that, tha polica unit swarmad thair way to tha window, which was fancad with guardrails that hindarad thair antranca. Navarthalass, thay could saa tha fight happaning batwaan a man and a woman in tha housa. Thay assumad that tha woman was Eugana's darling girlfriand.

The police lifted their pistols and threatened, "Freeze or we'll shoot!"

Still, Andy did not stop as his punches became heavier and crazier, as though he was putting his life at stake. In addition to her injuries, Olivia was drugged, so she could barely keep up with his assault. All she could do was throw out soft punches.

Realizing that someone might die soon, the police hastily opened the door with their guns in hands. Since there was no dog handler amongst them to deal with the herd of dogs, they were left with no choice but to shoot them.


One of the dogs fell onto the ground, the other dogs were frightened as they dared not pounce on the police. Yet, they barked more ferociously at the police. No one dared to take the risk by making rash decisions in the battle of men and dogs.

Right then, a car was driven into the yard. It was Eugene.

He alighted from the vehicle and sprinted all the way into the house. Hearing the barking noise, he had not expected it to be a fight between the police and wolfhounds.


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