Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Chapter 913

Chapter 913 Thorn in Her Flesh

Christoff flashed her a wicked smile. "Yeah, I have all the motives in the world to do so. But do you think that's all I can do? Did you really think that I'd make you break up with him with two social media posts? You have underestimated me." His smile morphed into a mocking and disdainful look.

He was right—he would never stoop that low just to cause friction between a couple. That would be uncharacteristic of him.

But who was behind this mess if not him?

She closed her eyes, feeling as though she had stepped into the trap he set up. Indeed, she was in a huge fight with Eugene, and Christoff was involved in every incident leading up to the fight. Perhaps, he had quietly sowed discord. Just as how he told her that Eugene was a jerk, he was no better.

She raised her head to give him an icy stare. "How did you know that Eugene visited Azalea Namb that day?"

He laughed and came clean. "I sent someone to follow him!"

Enraged, she hissed, "Why did you do that?"

He explained, "What's wrong with that? He's active in my territory. But you—are you now blaming me for telling you about his visit to Azalea Namb's?"

While speaking, he inched closer to her in an intimate manner and chuckled. "Or would you have preferred to be kept in the dark?"

Of course, that was not what she would have wanted, but Christoff played a huge part in her deteriorating relationship with Eugene.

He noticed her doubtful look and said once more, "Do you want me to look into what Eugene has done in Nambahd?"

She glared at him. "No, thanks."

He pouted. "Well, you don't appreciate my kindness."

She fired back, "How is that being kind?"

He complained, "You should direct your anger at Eugene. I'm an innocent victim who got caught in the middle of your fury."

She asked, "Are you close with Princess Azalea?"

"We're alright." He gave her an impudent look. "What is it that you want to ask?"

"Do you know why she was hospitalized?"

"No." Then, he added, "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

Choking in anger at his response, she had to gather herself before saying, "Why did you refuse to tell me when you have already told me about Eugene visiting her?"

He smiled and answered, "I will not do anything that helps with your relationship. You should be thankful that I didn't do anything to destroy your relationship."

How annoying! Every word he says and every action he takes are getting on my nerves!

She raised her hand in an attempt to smack him out of rage. How could he say that to me with such confidence?

Chuckling, he held her hand. "Hey, you have to know the good from the bad! I'm helping you to see through a jerk. What if he has an affair while dating you, but he lies to you, saying he's working late? At least you know his true face now. If you can change him, do it. If not, you should get yourself another man, so you won't have to be upset with him anymore. Look how much I care about you! I don't mind it if you don't thank me, but you shouldn't blame me!"

She struggled to free her hand from his grip. "Let go of me! And stay away from me!" Then, she stormed out.

He laughed at her. "Why? Are you scared that you'd waver after hearing what I have to say? That shows your relationship isn't rock-solid!"

Indeed, she did not dare to listen to him anymore. She had to admit that she was affected by his words, especially at this moment when she had little confidence in Eugene. Christoff's words were like a thorn in her flesh.

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