Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: An Unforgettable Moment

The cloud of sand rose up and enveloped a big area in front of the gate. It alarmed the heroes around the gate and one of them shouted, "Enemy Attack!"

With the strong momentum and along with the shouts, the nearby heroes immediately rushed toward the gate. The heroes surrounded the gate to guard the gate against the invasion. The heroes had pulled their weapons, getting ready to engage in a fight.

Slowly, the sand dispersed and showed two figures. The two figures wore casual clothes, one had a sword on his waist while the other one had two swords and three spears on his back. The two men also wore a wooden mask that covered the face.

One hero braced himself as he stepped out and asked in an unfriendly tone, "Who are you? This place is a restricted place, leave right away or we will arrest you!"

Musashi Hirata acted as he did not hear the hero's words as he looked toward his Master. He was waiting for an order from his Master while the shock and the excitement from flying had not died down yet.

"We will enter the gate to save Zhou Yi," Heero replied in a low voice as he walked toward the gate. He did not bother to reply to the hero as his purpose was the gate behind the heroes.

Musashi Hirata nodded and followed after Heero. As he walked closer to the gate, he scanned the heroes and his eyes were gleaming in excitement.

'It's been a long time since the last time I fought… I can use this chance to test how much my power has grown…' It was what in Hirata's thought as he scanned the surrounding heroes.

If his Master forced his way to the gate, battle bound to happen between the heroes and them. Hirata had heard that the heroes who joined the expedition were Gold Class Hero. It was worth his time to fight against these heroes.

As the hero noticed the intruder did not heed his words, he tensed up. It was clear that the heroes group had the number, but the intruders seemed to be not afraid of him and his comrades.

"Stop! This place is protected by the Hero League!" The hero tried to use Hero League to scare the intruder but to no avail. The intruders did not seem intimidated in the slightest. The hero who was in charge of guarding the gate gritted his teeth as he made a hand signal.


Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

"Stop…" At the same time, a woman's voice resounded from Ence Fort. However, it was too late as the heroes with a bow already released their arrows. Dozens of arrows with various kinds of speed shot toward the duo.

Musashi Hirata wanted to move forward to block the arrows, but Heero prevented him.

"Stay still!"

Meanwhile, Bai Xin Yue who tried to stop the heroes picked her pace. She rushed with her maximum speed but still failed to reach in time as the arrows arrived. Yes, the voice who tried to stop the heroes belonged to her.

However, the thing that happened next was quite shocking. The arrows who were about to reach the target met a blue transparent barrier that protected the duo. Bai Xin Yue was relieved, but she also secretly marveled at the same time.

'Just what was the blue barrier just now?' she thought. But she knew it was not the time to be amazed. She had to make things clear to avoid a battle between them. In just one glance, she knew that these two people were the same people in the Xing Auction House.

"Stop! Stop your attack, they are not enemies! Stop your attack!" Bai Xin Yue signaled the heroes to lower their weapons as she hurriedly approached Heero and Musashi Hirata.

The hero who ordered the attack also signaled his people to stop the attack at Bai Xin Yue's signal. Looking at Bai Xin Yue, he was relieved inside. He perceived these two people were not normal.

They came down from the sky, but nothing happened to them. Moreover, the duo also stopped the arrows by just walking. There were many bizarre things and if it was possible, he did not want to fight against these two and Bai Xin Yue saved him. At the same time, he also wondered whose these two were.

"Are you Sun Zhou Yi's master?" Bai Xin Yue asked as she reached the duo master and disciple.

"I am Sun Zhou Yi's junior brother, we come to save him, so can you give us access to the dungeon?" Musashi Hirata answered on behalf of his Master as he pointed his finger toward the gate.

Just as Bai Xin Yue wanted to say yes, there was a loud voice answered from Ence Fort, "No, The dungeon is the Hero League's property. We will not give any access to unknown people like you!"

Musashi Hirata looked toward the voice and his eyes gleamed in excitement as he saw the figure that was coming toward him. Bai Xin Yue also turned around with a frown as she recognized the voice.

Wu Jiang Shan with Huo Liang Xun followed from behind and approached them. Kang Seo-Yeon also followed, at this time, all heroes gathered in the north gate of Ence Fort.

"What if I insist on entering the dungeon?" Musashi Hirata did not back down and replied in a challenging tone instead. Wu Jiang Shan was an Emperor Class Hero, a good opponent to test his progress.

Piak! Ouch!

Heero hit Musashi Hirata's head, "We here to save Zhou Yi, not to pick a fight! Ignore these people!"

"Wait, if you want to save Sun Zhou Yi, bring me with you. I know the way inside the dungeon!" Kang Seo-Yeon rushed forward as she volunteered herself to be a guide.

"You... don't you hear me! They can't enter the dungeon! Arrest them!" Wu Jiang Shan furiously called out the heroes to arrest the duo.

However, Bai Xin Yue stepped out, "I gave them the permission to enter the dungeon, if any of you dare to make a move, then you have to face me!"

The atmosphere was getting even more intense as the higher-ups argued. The other heroes just looked at this with confusion as they did not know who they had to obey. Heero and Musashi Hirata took this chance to enter the dungeon as Kang Seo-Yeon

As the three entered the dungeon, Bai Xin Yue stood right before the gate as the guards subconsciously stayed away from her. A conflict involved an Emperor Class Hero, they did not want to get dragged into this conflict.

"Bai Xin Yue, do you know the consequence of violating the team leader's order? Don't think because my little brother is interested in you that I will be soft to you as well!" With a gloomy look on his face, Wu Jiang Shan showed his dominance as an Emperor Class Hero as he walked closer to Bai Xin Yue.

"Heh, team leader? How could I don't know that we have a new team leader? Does HQ appoint you as the new team leader?" Bai Xin Yue let a cold chuckle.

"Wu. Jiang. Shan. I am the vice leader of this expedition team, ordering you to go back to the fort!"

Wu Jiang Shan was furious, but he could retort back. Bai Xin Yue pointed out the fact that he was not the leader of the expedition team yet while Bai Xin Yue was indeed the vice leader even before he joined. He came with a status of reinforcement, he held no authorities over the team.

But he could not accept that Bai Xin Yue shamed him before many heroes. Just as he wanted to make his move, Huo Liang Xun appeared in front of him.

"Wu Jiang Shan, back! Don't force me to fight you!"

Fury was boiling deep inside him, but if he forced his way to fight against Huo Liang Xun and Bai Xin Yue at the same time. His chance of winning was low. Moreover, if he truly fought against Bai Xin Yue, it would reduce his contribution point, making him harder to advance in the ranking.

He gripped his palm into a fist as anger filled his eyes. But he did not make his move as he turned around, walking back to the fort.

As for Huo Liang Xun, he took on Bai Xin Yue's side because he felt guilty for leaving Musashi Naizen and Sun Zhou Yi. Now, there were mysterious people coming to save them, so he took their side, hoping the mysterious people could save Musashi Naizen and Sun Zhou Yi.

*** ***

As the three entered the dungeon, Kang Seo Yeon immediately rushed straight ahead to the north while Heero and Musashi Hirata followed her. She rushed with her maximum speed, but the two men easily followed her.

"Woman, your speed is too slow!" Heero voiced out his thoughts.

Kang Seo Yeon was shocked as she turned around to look at Heero. But then, she also saw the man with a sword on his waist also nodded in agreement.

"Urgh…. B-but this is my maximum speed…" having not finished her words, she suddenly felt there was a hand circled around her waist. With her eyes almost popped out of the socket, she saw the man with five weapons on his back appeared next to her.

"Woman, show the path!" Heero picked Kang Seo-Yeon's body with his left hand, only then, Kang Seo-Yeon yelled, "Kyahhkkk…!"

However, Heero hit her head to stop the yell, "Woman, stop screaming and show the way! We might not get in time to save Sun Zhou Yi if you are too slow."

Hearing this, Kang Seo-Yeon stumped as she stopped screaming, but she also agreed. If they could go faster, then it would be best. With a face full of grievance, Kang Seo-Yeon pointed in a certain direction.

'My Prince, I am sorry, my body was touched by another man… I am sorry, my prince…' Kang Seo-Yeon's thoughts ran wild.

*** ***

Ten minutes or even less than ten minutes, Kang Seo-Yeon was not sure herself. The supposed to be a thirty minutes trip with her maximum speed was reached in less than ten minutes by the two mysterious people.

Kang Seo Yeon finally understood why the man said that her speed was too slow. Indeed, if she had to compare her speed with the mysterious man, she was too slow.

As they reached the place, Kang Seo-Yeon saw a shocking scene. She saw the supposed to be a powerful giant that could easily wipe the team out was fighting against someone. A giant blue giant sword about thirty meters long kept slashing toward the giant Little Dragon.

She also saw a small figure who wielded the giant sword and that small figure was familiar to her. As an archer, she had good eyesight and recognized the small figure, Sun Zhou Yi.

Besides Sun Zhou Yi, she also saw another small figure, the second man was Musashi Naizen. Both were working together as they fought the giant Little Dragon. She saw Musashi Naizen taking care of the fireball shot by the giant Little Dragon.

The distance between them was about two hundred meters, she got a clear sight of the battle.

Musashi Naizen was protecting Sun Zhou Yi from the fireball while Sun Zhou Yi fought against the giant Little Dragon. It was almost an hour since she left this place and she was shocked that the two men managed to hold all this time.

However, soon, she noticed Sun Zhou Yi's slash becoming slower as the time went on. Sun Zhou Yi had reached his limit. Just as she wanted to urge the mysterious people, she heard a mutter from the man who carried her.

"It's a Wyvern King… Not bad, not bad… He grows again to be able to hold a Wyvern King…"

"What nonsense are you saying, why don't you help them, now!?" it was the words Kang Seo-Yeon wanted to say, but she could not as the mysterious man released her from his grasp and she fell.


She fell with her face on the ground, just as she wanted to scold the man. She subconsciously closed her mouth as her eyes opened wide in shock.

Kang Seo-Yeon saw the man pulled a spear and formed a familiar stance. In an instant, her heart thumped furiously and her eyes were gleaming in excitement.

Then, the mysterious man made his move, he launched a familiar strike. His feet were buzzed out as yellow lighting burst out from the soles.


Leaving a trail of yellow lighting, Kang Seo-Yeon saw the man blurred figure was wrapped in yellow lighting. It struck the giant Wyvern King's body, then a big hole formed in the Wyvern King's body.

Black gas oozed out of the hole along with a spark of yellow lightning. This scene was exactly the same as the memorable scene that happened in her life.

"My Prince!!!!" Kang Seo-Yeon screamed in joy. The man she had been looking for, finally appeared.

However, the thing that happened next was another thing that could not be forgotten by her. As the mysterious man clashed against the giant Little Dragon, she noticed Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Naizen retreated.

And then, a spear made of yellow lightning formed in the sky. The lightning spear was ten meters in length, what shocked her was that not only one spear, but countless lightning spears formed in the sky.

With her eyes bulging out, that almost popped out of her socket, she witnessed an unforgettable moment in her life. The lighting spears rained down at the giant Little Dragon and as the countless lightning spears rained down, lightning burst out of its body, blinding her sight.

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