Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Intense Training - Part 5

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Dong-Woo watched from the sideline in a daze at the scene at how Teacher Xing toyed Sun Zhou Yi. It was hard to believe Sun Zhou Yi who stopped the Level 10 Calamity alone, getting toyed by Teacher Xing.

Even though he knew Teacher Xing was strong, this was the first time he watched his Teacher Xing fight. However, It never crossed his mind that Teacher Xing easily toyed Sun Zhou Yi like this.

Heero stood in the center of the three meters diameter circle while Sun Zhou Yi stood outside the circle. Currently, Sun Zhou Yi was laying down on the ground with his face upward.

He was just kicked out of the circle by Heero. This was not the first time, it was already the eighth. Here, Heero was playing a game with Sun Zhou Yi while helping Sun Zhou Yi improve his control over Ki Sword.

The game was simple, both were fighting in the circle with a different winning condition. Heero won if Sun Zhou Yi was kicked out of the circle. Sun Zhou Yi won if Heero was out of the circle or if he was hit by Ki Sword and blocking Ki Sword counted the same as getting hit.

It only had been ten minutes since the game started, but Sun Zhou Yi already lost eight times. Dong-Woo who watched from the sideline was shocked at this view.

Sun Zhou Yi did not give up as he immediately stood again. He stood up and soon, ten Ki Swords materialized around him. Taking a deep breath, Sun Zhou Yi entered the circle once again.

He did not get closer to Heero, but ten Ki Swords immediately shot toward Heero.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

However, Heero avoided all swords with minimal movement, but it was as if the ki swords were alive. It turned around and chased after Heero, each of Ki Sword aimed at different parts of Heero's bodies.

Once again, the sword seemed to just pass Heero's body. The more he looked, the more Dong-Woo felt the swords were just revolving around Teacher Xing rather than trying to stab Teacher Xing.

It lasted for one minute, then Dong-Woo saw Teacher Xing passed through the gap between ten Ki Swords. He could only catch Teacher Xing's silhouette, the silhouette advanced toward Sun Zhou Yi.

It was the same move as before, but for this time, Dong-Woo noticed the changes. Earlier, Sun Zhou Yi would recall ten Ki Swords, but this time, the earlier ten Ki Swords disintegrated and another new ten Ki Sword appeared around him.

But the timing was still off, Teacher Xing had reached Sun Zhou Yi as ten Ki Swords formed around. Before Sun Zhou Yi could control his Ki Sword, a swift kick came from his left side.

Sun Zhou Yi reacted fast. He put his both hands to block the incoming kick. Looking at this, the beforehand scene flashed in his mind. It was the same move as before and the result, Sun Zhou Yi was kicked out of the circle.

That was how Teacher Xing won eight times before. Dong-Woo shook his head as he already knew what would happen to Sun Zhou Yi.


The kick met with the hand, Dong-Woo's eyes slightly shook. The kick landed, but he did not see Sun Zhou Yi's body being thrown out of the circle just like before. In fact, Sun Zhou Yi remained standing on the spot.

Here, Dong-Woo saw a big grin on Sun Zhou Yi's face. Then, he noticed not only Teacher Xing's kick was blocked, but Teacher Xing's right foot was also caught by Sun Zhou Yi.

Kang Dong-Woo then saw ten Ki Swords shot toward Teacher Xing. In such a situation, the boy believed Teacher Xing would not be able to dodge the sword.

'Urgh… If Teacher Xing is unable to dodge, then the sword will harm…'

Here, Dong-Woo snapped out his thoughts and shouted, "Watch out, Teacher Xing!" at the same time, he subconsciously rushed over, but there was a hand holding him back.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Once again, Dong-Woo was shocked by the scene before him. Despite his foot being caught by Sun Zhou Yi, no sword could reach Teacher Xing. All swords missed and landed on the ground.

Even Sun Zhou Yi's grin also froze as he did not expect this. He had the same thoughts as Dong-Woo, confident his swords would hit his Master.

The difference was Sun Zhou Yi believed his Master would block his sword while Dong-Woo thought Heero would be harmed. However,

Dong-Woo found out it was hard to believe. It was hard to believe in that kind of situation Teacher Xing managed to dodge the sword. It was not one or two swords, but ten Ki Swords.

"What's wrong with you? Did you think that guy will be hurt?" A voice awakened Kang Dong-Woo from his shock. That voice belonged to Butcher Wang who held the boy earlier.

Kang Dong-Woo turned around and looked at Butcher Wang in an inquiry gaze. From Butcher Wang's words, he perceived it was as if Heero could not get hurt.

"Hah, even with me, Sun Zhou Yi, and that guy!" Butcher Wang pointed toward Musashi Hirata who sat under a tree and continued with a bitter look, "Even with three of us, we can't even land a hit against him!"

Kang Dong-Woo was shocked upon hearing this. Even though he did not know how strong Musashi Hirata was, at least he knew how strong Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi were.

Once his grandfather, Kang Myung-Chul said Sun Zhou Yi's power had already reached Emperor Class Hero. With an additional Butcher Wang who he ranked to be par with a ranked Gold Class Hero.

'Even three against one, these three guys could not land a hit against Teacher Xing…'

"Boy, don't compare him with the Emperor or Legend, they are nothing to him. If he proclaimed himself as a God, I might believe it. Fortunately, he is not a God, he is the same as us. There's no God who makes noodles, there's no God who writes a novel, right?"

Butcher Wang laughed as he spoke the last sentence as it was truly funny, imagined a God making noodles and became a waiter in a noodle shop or even a preschool teacher.

"Alright boy, don't slack! It's our time to spar!" Butcher Wang slapped Dong-Woo's back and added, "To beat him, we need you as well. To repay him for teaching us how to fight, we have to beat him in the future!"

"Even though we can't beat him in one against one, at least we have to win with our number. It would be the greatest gift for him, for us to surpass him!"

"How so? How can beating him be the greatest gift for Teacher Xing?" Kang Dong-Woo asked in confusion as Butcher Wang's words confused him.

"If we beat him, that means he taught us well. Disciples surpass their master, it will be the greatest achievement for him, right? It will make him proud of us, do you understand? At least, it's my goal, Sun Zhou Yi's goal, and Hirata's goal! We want to beat him!"

Butcher Wang explained enthusiastically, but then he let out a sigh, "Though I don't have confidence that day will come!"

Kang Dong-Woo still did not understand Butcher Wang's train of thought. 'How could getting beaten by his disciples would give their master the greatest achievement? Shouldn't Teacher Xing be ashamed for losing against his disciples?'

Though Kang Dong-Woo did not understand, he still nodded his head in response. However, hearing Butcher Wang's last sentence, he could not stop rolling his eyes and spoke, "It's because you are the laziest amongst the three. Maybe, if you get a little stronger, you guys can land a hit against Teacher Xing!"

"Also, it's rare to see you respecting Teacher Xing like this. Did you take the wrong medicine?" Dong-Woo teased Butcher Wang. Even though he had not admitted Butcher Wang as his Senior Brother, they had gotten closer during a week of sparring.josei

Yes, it had been a week since Dong-Woo under intense beating. However, the boy had not given up yet.

"I am always respecting him. Respect comes from here…" Butcher Wang put his hand on the chest, "It's from your heart not from your mouth! Just like you did all this time, you are polite to me, but you seem don't respect me, right?"

Butcher Wang's words struck on the right spot, he could not deny it. He just lowered his head as he followed Butcher Wang.

"Alright boy, don't take it seriously! Respect is something you have to gain, not force! Today, I will make you respect me,"

Said Butcher Wang with a big grin plastered on his face. He tried to deter the boy and added sarcastically, "Also, I hope you prepare something different! Your measly awakened ability will not work against me!"

Having said that, Butcher Wang motioned his hand to the boy to come at him. With his stance and words, Butcher Wang successfully provoked the boy.

Kang Dong-Woo gritted his teeth and clenched his palm into a fist, "Today, I will let you taste my fist!"

Having said those words, Kang Dong-Woo charged toward Butcher Wang. He still held into his belief that his awakened ability was strong enough to defeat Butcher Wang.

Meanwhile, on Sun Zhou Yi's side, after fifteen lost streaks, Heero decided to stop the game. Sitting next to his disciple, Heero spoke, "Your control is indeed improving, but this is still far to my expectation. Your control is too stiff, not flexible and you once again failed to use your superiority!"

"Stand! I will show it to you!" Heero stood up and distanced himself from Sun Zhou Yi. Sun Zhou Yi stood up while his gaze at his Master. When the distance was ten meters, Heero turned around and Sun Zhou Yi witnessed something that shocked him.

Ten Ki Sword materialized around his Master. The sword was similar to his Ki Sword with a color difference. His Master's Ki Sword was yellow.

"Are you ready?" Then he heard Heero's voice. Here, Sun Zhou Yi realized what his Master wanted to do. He nodded his head and at that instant, the Ki Sword shot toward him.

At first, Sun Zhou Yi found no difference between his movement and his Master's movement, except, he found out his Master's Ki Swords were faster than him.

However, halfway, seven out of ten split off from the formation and shot into seven directions while three swords remained targeting him.

Three swords aimed at his head, chest, and stomach. Just as Sun Zhou Yi wanted to make his move to dodge the incoming swords, once again, he was stunned. He just realized he could not dodge the incoming sword.

He was forced to block the incoming sword.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Seven Ki Swords bypassed him just like that while three swords stopped right before him. A sword at his head, one at his chest, and the third sword at his stomach. Sun Zhou Yi stood in a daze as he figured out what his Master demonstrated to him.

Taking a deep breath, a bitter smile formed on his lips. The more he learned something new, the more he realized he was still far behind from his Master.

He recalled what just happened, then he let out another sigh. Three swords aimed him while the other seven swords cut his way to retreat. The only choice was retreating back while being chased by the sword or block it.

However, once he blocked the sword, he would lose. If he engaged with the three swords, another seven swords would come to him as he could no longer dodge the sword. At that time, he would be cornered and locked up in a certain space.

*** ***

After everything was done, Heero went back to the city. As he reached the gate, he muttered something.

"Fighter Anteriority…"

A competition held once every three years with the Hero League and Ranker Alliance as the organizer.

"So, Shadow Fang will cause trouble in this event…"

Coincidentally, this year Fighter Anteriority took a place in Star City. Heero was mulling over his plan, he had to make a plan to eradicate the organization that would endanger his people. He walked with his head down as he passed the north gate.

Meanwhile, on the top north gate, fifty individuals were wearing full gear and armed with weapons. One man was watching over Heero through binoculars.

"Alright, let's move, the big guy has returned!"

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