Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Han Ying Past - Part 1

Bai Xin Yue kept looking at the Heero Academy's update. She was thinking about how to join the academy until she found a recruitment notice.

The job was the academy director's secretary. She thought it was Heero, the director. So she without hesitation sent her files to the academy. Becoming Heero's secretary would help her to be closer to Heero.

On the same day, the academy replied and asked her to come for an interview. Bai Xin Yue thought she would be interviewed by Heero. But instead of Heero, she met Kang Seo-Yeon.

She was surprised to see Kang Seo-Yeon here.

"I thought it was only the same name, but it's the real one. What are you doing here, Sister Xin Yue?"

Instead of answering, Bai Xin Yue replied with a question too, "What about, what are you doing here?"

Kang Seo-Yeon let out a chuckle and replied, "I am Heero Academy's Director! If you are serious with the job, then you are going to be my secretary~"

"But why…" Bai Xin Yue's words trailed off as she thought of something. With the help of her sister, she managed to find Sun Zhou Yi. 'Could it be she already discovered that Heero is Sun Zhou Yi's Master…'

"My little brother is a member of the Heero Academy, and my little sister is close to the owner of the academy." Kang Seo-Yeon explained with a smile. Thanks to her siblings, she had a perfect reason to hide her motive for working here.

"How?" Bai Xin Yue blurted out.

Kang Seo-Yeon was aware of what Bai Xin Yue wanted to know. So she went on with the story of her little sister. Without hiding a single thing, she told Bai Xin Yue that Heero was her little sister's teacher in the preschool until how Heero saved her little sister from the Shadow Fang's clutch.

Only then did Bai Xin Yue truly believe that Kang Seo-Yeon worked here for her siblings, without any hidden motive. However, somehow, Kang Seo-Yeon's presence bothered. Without a doubt, Kang Seo-Yeon's beauty could not be overlooked.

Kang Seo-Yeon's presence shook her confidence a little. But it was only for a moment before she regained her confidence. But then, Kang Seo-Yeon's next question made her flustered.

"Then what about you, Sister Xin Yue? Are you really that bored, applying to be a secretary?" Kang Seo-Yeon asked with a smile. She was purely curious as to why Bai Xin Yue came here only to be a secretary at a newly established academy.

Then, she remembered that the one who established the academy was not other than a man who trained the new rising star, Sun Zhou Yi. Kang Seo-Yeon knew pretty well about her friend, so she understood her friend's intention.

Looking at the troubled look on her friend's face, Kang Seo-Yeon decided not to force Bai Xin Yue to answer. She proceeded with the next and the most important issue, "Sister Xin Yue, it's okay if you don't want to answer that. However, are you truly serious about the job?"

Kang Seo-Yeon did not want her friend to misunderstand her. She explained the agreement between him and Heero, she had to take the director position seriously, with a dedication. So she did not want a half-hearted secretary.

Bai Xin Yue calmed down at the question and nodded her head, "Yes, I am serious!"

"Good, then there's no need for an interview if it's you! You are accepted!" Kang Seo-Yeon ended the interview right before it started. Just like she said, there was no need for an interview as she already knew how good her friend was.

*** ***

Heero trusted everything to Kang Seo-Yeon while he enjoyed his normal life. This was a retirement life he was looking for. When the sun rose, he would go working and when the night came, he would cuddle his wife on the bed.

This was the ideal life he wanted for his retirement life. If not for the fact the dungeon and the thing like Shadow Fang bothered him, he would not bother to establish a martial house.

At the noodles shop, Heero kneaded the dough in his hand. The more days passed, the more skilled Heero in making the hand-pulled noodles. He was even faster than Han Ying.

As he began pulling the dough into noodles, he noticed a head popped at the bar. Shen Miao appeared and she seemed to be irritated. It was rare to see Shen Miao getting irritated like this.

Heero immediately picked his pace and his hand moved faster. After he put the noodles into the pot, he approached the bar and asked with a slight smile, "So, what irritated our princess?"

The pout became even more apparent after Heero asked. The little girl immediately spilled everything, "The snack shop uncle, he was so unfair! He gave the other children candies, but me! It's so unfair!"

Heero paused for a moment, recalling who the snack shop uncle was. Then a middle-aged man with a thin mustache came into his mind, Shi Rui. He immediately understood why Shi Rui did not give Shen Miao candy.

He remembered the earlier day the little tigress refused offensively the candy given to her by Shi Rui. The little girl said in her arrogant tone, "Don't give me these cheap candies! I can't eat these cheap candies or it will upset my stomach!"

Fortunately, Shi Rui already knew the little girl's haughty attitude. He was not offended by the words. Of course, not giving Shen Miao a candy was not because of the grudge, but Shi Rui understood the little girl would be angry if he gave her the candy.

Heero understood this, but not for the little girl. He nodded his head as he took something out, it was the golden candy, "Don't make a face like that. Here you are~"josei

Shen Miao's eyes instantly brightened up upon the sight of the golden ball in Heero's hand. Her hand immediately moved and took the candy from Heero's hand.

Heer merely smiled at the little girl and went back to his station. Three minutes later, he went back to the bar with two bowls of noodles. He put the bowl at the counter and called "Table 5!"

Afterward, Heero proceeded with the next order. He repeated the same thing after he put the noodles into the pot, he went back to the counter and asked Shen Miao, "Do you remember when you said you don't want the cheap candies at the snack shop?"

Hearing the question, Shen Miao went into a daze. Even though she did not say it out, Heero already knew the answer from her face.

With a gentle smile on his face, he continued, "Uncle Rui maybe thought you will be angry or afraid if you eat the candy you will get a stomach ache!"

"But Myung-Hee ate the candy and it did not upset her stomach. I also want to try the candy!" Shen Miao raised her voice as she was getting reminded of the unfair treatment she received.

"Then you should say you want the candy too. If you did not ask, how could Uncle Rui know you want the candy too?" Heero patiently explained. But this time, he did not wait for the little girl's response as he went back to his station.

When he came back to the counter with a bowl of noodles in his hand, Shen Miao continued the topic, "But my Father taught me not to beg! I am someone from the inner region, someone with high status, we can't beg from people with lower status!"

"Uncle Rui is an outer region resident and I am an inner region resident. My status is higher than him, I can't ask to give me candy. Instead, he should offer me the candy willingly!"

Heero shook his head and rubbed the little girl's hair. But he did not plan to refute the little girl or say her father was wrong. In her mind, what her father said was never wrong. If said her father was wrong and corrected her, the little girl won't accept it.

Instead, it would be a backlash for their relationship which had gotten much better. Heero did not want it to happen, all of his hard work puffed into smoke just because of a single mistake.

"Then you can buy the candy if you truly want to eat the candy. You are someone with a higher status, paying a little money for a cheap candy is nothing for our little princess, right?"

Then, Shen Miao realized what Heero said was true. If the snack shop uncle did not give her candy, she could buy it.

"Why don't I think of buying the candy…" the little girl muttered.

"Though Uncle Rui won't accept your money," Heero added which confused the little girl.

"Why? Why won't he accept the money? Does the snack shop uncle not want to sell the candy to me?" Shen Miao started to get upset again.

"No, Uncle Rui will give you the candy, but he won't accept the money! He will say, "You don't need to pay, this is a gift from Uncle Rui!" He will say that to you for sure!" Heero answered confidently.

After he finished his words, a waitress came with an order. Heero rubbed the little girl's hair once again and said, "Even if you just greet Uncle Rui like Myung-Hee or Lan Lan did, there's no need for you to ask, Uncle Rui will give you snacks for free!"

"Didn't your father tell you that it's okay to receive someone's goodwill?" After saying that, Heero took the order and continued with the work.

As for Shen Miao, she fell silent for a moment. In fact, there was one thing that made her curious. It was when her stepfather predicted what the snack shop uncle would say if she bought the candy.

Curious, she climbed down from the chair and ran out of the shop. She wanted to prove if what Heero told her was true or not.

Meanwhile, from her station, Han Ying was watching her daughter and her husband on paper from her station. No matter how her daughter scolded him or did something to make him stay away from her, Heero never gave up.

Now, it could be said Heero successfully conquered her daughter's heart. They could talk at each other nicely, completely different compared to the first meeting.

After some time, she focused back on the dough in her hand and muttered in a low voice, "Shall I be the one to start the advance…"

That was how Heero spent his time, spending his time in the kitchen and talking with the little girls. He thought these kinds of days would last until the academy officially opened.

However, those days did not last long as three days later, "a special guest" came to the shop. Guo Shan, Shen Miao's biological father, Han Ying's ex-husband came to the shop

"Han Ying~ I am sorry I have disappointed you. I want to atone for my past mistakes and give you true happiness! Come with me to the inner region! Let's start it over again, our small family~"

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