Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Imparting Technique

It was kinda funny when the officers heard about the district's law. It was supposed to be a government's work to stipulate the law. However, one of the many reasons that made the Xing District famous was their special rule.

Troublemakers would be put into a dungeon for a week. Regardless of whoever they were, if one judged as a troublemaker, they would be put into a secret dungeon.

Even the Emperor Class Hero, Huo Liang Xun was no exception. Though these troublemakers were not tortured, losing a week of memories caused mental trauma.

As the three officers could not show what Hirata asked for, the masses believed his words. They regarded the three people as a fake officer. Many from the crowd shook their heads.

"Really? They are so daring to impersonate an officer!"

"Haha, these people are so stupid to think they can scam the Boss' Luminous Hyacinth!"

"Take them down, Sir Hirata. Put this low-life to the dungeon!"

There was not a little from the crowd mocking the three officers.

Hearing the commotion as the crowd dispersed, the composed middle-aged man panicked. He certainly heard the rumor about this district and he did not want to get caught by these people. As for the two young officers, they were not expecting this to come.

They wanted to say it was the Feng Family who asked them to do this job, but they did not dare to. Tarnishing the Feng Family's name would not only end their career, but they might also even lose their lives.

The experienced middle-aged man tried to think of the best outcome from his blunder. He did not want to get caught. The only choice was that he admitted his wrong, at the worst case, he would only get demoted as he had the Feng Family on his back.

"Wait! Wait! I am a real…" The middle-aged man could not finish his words before his vision darkened and his body fell. Musashi Hirata did not give him a chance to speak as he took the three officers down.

After that, Hirata turned toward Heero and asked, "Master, what should we do with these people?"

*** ***

The Feng Family Residencejosei

In a room, three people were sitting at one table. These three figures were the upper echelon of the Feng Family. Feng Ban Xou, an executive of the Hero League. He was a middle-aged man in his mid-forties and he had small shrewd eyes.

As for the other two figures, one was the current head of the Feng Family. Feng Tian Xou who was also Emperor Class Hero - Rank 15. Even though he looked younger than Feng Ban Xou, he was Feng Ban Xou's big brother.

Different from his younger brother, the big brother looked gallant and prudent. However, his usual demeanor disappeared upon finding the clue of the culprit who killed his son and his youngest brother. He looked very scary now.

As for the last figure, he was a man from the beforehand Emperor Class Hero era. Feng Xinlun, a former Emperor Class Hero - Rank 3. He was the man who managed to raise his family's status from an unknown family to one of the twelve most influential families in Star City.

Even though he had retired, he still possessed an exceptional strength. The current Feng Family's head even not much of this white-haired old man. Despite his white hair, the old man had fewer wrinkles despite his age which just entered eighty.

"Tian Xou, control your emotion! As the family head, you should never show your emotion!" The old man rebuked his son without a change of expression.

"But… But…" Under his father's tranquil gaze, Feng Tian Xou lowered his head. He took a deep breath and raised his head again. His scary expression vanished, back to a tranquil one. It was as if he was never angry before.

Feng Xinlun gave his son an approval nod and turned toward Feng Ban Xou. The fatty was the laziest one amongst his five sons, that was he sent him to the Hero League to be an executive, representing the Feng Family's authority in the Hero League.

"So, have you investigated the district? Do Fennu and Bian'er's disappearance related to The force behind the Xing District?" Feng Xinlun asked in a deep tone.

The fatty shook his head and replied, "No, Father! Our men haven't found any clues yet, but we have found a clue about Sun Zhou Yi's Master." After that, Feng Ban Xou unlocked his smartwatch and showed Miao Miao's photo to his father.

"Our men heard directly that this little girl said her father is Sun Zhou Yi's Master…" Then, Feng Ban Xou elaborated on the details about their probing plan.

"In such a situation, I doubt the girl would be lying but it does not rule out the possibility that the girl is bluffing so the officers won't take their Luminous Hyacinths. However, I hold eighty percent that her father is truly Sun Zhou Yi's Master!"

Feng Ban Xou told his analysis to his father. He believed that because of Sun Zhou Yi's appearance. Not only that, Sun Zhou Yi even protected the children from the officer.

Feng Xinlun nodded understandingly while there was no change of expression on Feng Tian Xou.

"Who's her father? Have you investigated her father?"

"Yes, the little girl's biological father is Guo Shan. Our newly acquired pawn! He is Gold Class Hero - Rank 17!"

Feng Ban Xou's answer caused the old man to frown. There was no way a mere Gold Class Hero - Rank 17 could train a monster like Sun Zhou Yi.

"However, the little girl has another father! Her mother remarried again and her stepfather is the Xing District's owner. He was famous as Handsome Brutal Savage on the forum. His level of power is unknown, but he managed to beat Silver Class Hero - Rank 1, Hanzo Shusaku with ease!"

"Additionally, he also helps his wife run the famous Miao Miao Noodles Shop in Xing District. The recent ruckus about Luminous Hyacinth was also caused by him. He managed to catch twelve Luminous Hyacinths in four days!"

Feng Ban Xou finished the report in one breath. He told everything he knew about an individual called Xing Heero.

"Hoho… Interesting… This Xing Heero might be really Sun Zhou Yi's Master, but we can't confirm it for now…" The old man let out a small laugh as he got the tea and took a sip. The old man seemed to think of a way to confirm this.

"Father, I have an idea. What about using this Guo Shan. Last time, he fell into our bait, but he came beaten black and blue. I guess Sun Zhou Yi or even his Master was the one who beat him. Now, he wants to exact his revenge and ask for support from us, we can send Guo Shan to confirm our conjecture!"

Fang Ban Xou suggested as his shrewd eyes gleamed.

"Hoho… That's a good idea! Let's use the guy called Guo Shan to confirm whether this Xing Heero is Sun Zhou Yi's Master or not. You can send out the group three of the disposal guard to help Guo Shan to exact his revenge!"

Feng Xinlun immediately agreed to his son's proposal. The disposal guard in his mouth was the people they trained secretly for one-time use. The purpose of training these guards was for doing the Feng Family's dirty work.

Just like its name, the Feng Family would dispose of the guard after they served their purpose.

"Haha… Father, you are still sharp, we can use this occasion to test the upgrade of this disposal guard as well!" Fang Ban Xou praised his father and asked, "After we confirm that guy, what are we going to do?"

"Easy, if this Xing Heero is Sun Zhou Yi's Master, then they are most likely the culprit behind my son and grandson's disappearance. If they are the culprit, then we will wipe everything in the Xing District!"

*** ***

Meanwhile, back to the Xing District

Heero and all his disciples included Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun gathered at the rooftop. They were taking a break from their intense training under Heero's order.

"I am calling you here to impart a new technique!" Heero voiced his intention of gathering them here.

After hearing that their Master would impart a new technique, Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata's eyes gleamed in excitement. The same for Xu Lingxun and Kang Dong-Woo, only Butcher Wang who appeared to be nonchalant.

As someone who was already satisfied with all he had, Butcher Wang felt nothing about it.

"It's not a special or unique technique, but movement technique, Nimble Step!" Heero did not explain further the reason why he chose to impart the movement technique. However, none of Heero's disciples questioned him too. They fully trusted their master.

"Sun Zhou Yi, you first!" Heero beckoned Sun Zhou Yi to come closer and the latter obediently followed the order.

"Focus your Ki on your head, can you do it?"

Zhou Yi nodded his head and closed his eyes. He focused the Ki inside his body to circulate to his head.

Heero observed Sun Zhou Yi with Mystical Eyes, then he nodded, "You are doing good, maintain your condition!"

After saying that, he placed his right hand on Zhou Yi's head. In the first five seconds, nothing happened. But in the next moment, colorful Ki burst out from the hand. The colorful Ki wrapped Sun Zhou Yi's head and it continued for five minutes.

"Done!" Heero retracted his hand and Zhou Yi opened his eyes in amazement. He just could not believe what just happened. It was as if he entered another world, the feeling was so real, but he knew it was not real.

There, he saw his own Master executing Nimble Step. Various kinds of Nimble Steps at that, showing him that Nimble Step was not just an ordinary technique movement.

He jumped out and bid his farewell to Heero, "Master, I am going now!" Sun Zhou Yi was so excited to learn the Nimble Step as he immediately dashed to the door, leaving everyone confused.

Heero merely smiled at his first disciple's antics, "Alright, Hirata! You next!"

The same scene repeated once again with Musashi Hirata the difference. Hirata perfectly copied Sun Zhou Yi's action, jumping out excitedly and dashed to the door.

"Bearded, it's your turn! Come here! This technique will perfect your random footwork!"

However, different from before, this time the process not as smooth as Butcher Wang failed to maintain the Ki's circulation to his head.

Heero slapped Bearded Wang's head, "Aren't you ashamed even a little with your junior brother watching you?"

Only after Heero reprimanded him that he successfully imparted the technique. Heero did not have the miracle crystal that used to record a technique like his Master's. So he could only impart the technique manually.

"Alright, it's your turn now!" Heero threw a book toward Kang Dong-Woo. The boy caught it agily and he immediately checked the book, on the book cover written "Ki Comprehension".

Dong-Woo had heard about Ki Comprehension from his senior, so even without explanation, he already knew what the book was for.

"Lastly, Xu Lingxun, we need to talk before I give you Ki Comprehension! Dong-Woo, you can leave now!"

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