Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: Surprising Discoveries

Sun Zhou Yi, Musashi Hirata, and Butcher Wang were doing their running routine. The route they took was different from Dong-Woo and Lingxun. Their route was not in the city, but the wild.

Sun Zhou Yi suddenly felt a vibration on his arms. He looked down and the other two noticed too.

"Who's calling you this early morning? Your new girlfriend?" Butcher Wang teased Sun Zhou Yi.

"No, it's Uncle Liang…" Sun Zhou Yi picked the call and a panicked voice resounded through the smartwatch, "Zh-Zhou Yi, g-get back now! The district is under attack! The district is under attack!"

Sun Zhou Yi halted his steps and turned toward the city's direction after hearing the district was under attack. Musashi Hirata did the same but for a different reason while Butcher Wang followed after the two as he was slightly confused.

"Uncle Liang, can you tell me more about the attack and who's attacking the district?" Sun Zhou Yi asked in a concerned tone as his face showed a worried expression.

Fatty Liang narrated what happened earlier. It started with twenty-six men in black and wore steel masks that arrived at the entrance and he told everything without missing a single detail.

"I don't know who they are, as soon as they arrived, they attacked Hu Min and Zhou Rui! Zhou Yi, please go back now or Boss might be in danger!" Fatty Liang anxiously asked Zhou Yi to get back.

Hu Min and Zhou Ri were the other two securities who got knocked down by Guo Shan. Meanwhile, Fatty Liang himself was squatted at the corner of the post, cowering in fear.josei

The secret army of the Feng Family truly intimidated him. He also worried that something might happen to Xing Heero. He did not know that Sun Zhou Yi was Heero's disciple, though he had heard Heero beat a Silver Class Hero - Rank 1 before, the enemies were many and they seemed a lot stronger than a silver class hero.

That was why he was panicking and his mind was telling him to call Sun Zhou Yi.

"Good, I am rushing over there now!" After that, Sun Zhou Yi closed the call and picked up his pace.

"Why are you panicking? Do you think there's someone who could beat that guy?" Butcher Wang was clueless as to why Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata were worried about that guy. That guy in his mouth was certainly Heero.

In his view, Heero was a figure that was impossible to catch up. He was the strongest. It was the feeling he had when he witnessed how Heero executed his technique before them.

"Huh!? Worried? Why would I worry about Master?" Musashi Hirata gave Butcher Wang an unexpected answer.

"Then why are you rushing back? Don't you worry about him?"

"Of course not, I want to see how Master fights. We never saw him fighting seriously, right? I want to see the battle, it might enlighten my sword move!" Musashi Hirata spilled what was in his mind to Butcher Wang, shocking the latter.

Butcher Wang was stunned at Hirata's answer, but what about Sun Zhou Yi? He saw Sun Zhou Yi was genuinely worried about Heero and asked him out, "What about you?"

"I am worried that those twenty-six men are Legendary Class Rankers. If they are Legendary Class Rankers, then Master is truly in danger!" Sun Zhou Yi expressed his concern, but Butcher Wang returned with scorn.

"Legendary Class Rankers? If they are Legendary Class Rankers, would they come with a van? Now, there will be a row of luxurious cars, not black vans that are used by thugs! It's not like you don't know about them!"

Only then Sun Zhou Yi found some truth in Butcher Wang's words. Indeed, if these people were Legendary Class Rankers, there's no need for them to hide their faces like that.

However, Sun Zhou Yi was still worried as he recalled the conflict between them and the Ranker Alliance. There was a possibility those guys would come remembering how overbearing these rankers were.

"Nah, whatever, I am going back regardless of who they are!" Sun Zhou Yi picked his pace as he used the technique he just learned, though it was still far from perfection, his movement speed improved a lot.

*** ***

Back to Xing District

As soon as Guo Shan spotted the man he had been looking for, he let out a loud laugh, "Xing Heero, you are done for this time! I am going to take everything from you!"

Meanwhile, Heero frowned upon the sight of the group. This was the first time that the security team had to ring the bell five times. He looked at the surrounding, every building was covered in steel, with Miao Miao Noodles with the exception.

After that, his gaze landed on the men who laughed like a madman. He scanned the group whether these people were worth five times ringing. Indeed, based on the group's outfit and weapon, it was natural for the security team to ring the bell five times.

This group could harm customers. Just as he wanted to take care of the troublemakers, there were two heads popped out of the window. Miao Miao and Myung-Hee looked outside curiously as they wondered what happened outside.

However, before they could know what happened outside, they met with Heero's gaze. Heero pointed his finger as his mouth spoke with no voice, "Stay there, I am going to take care of the bad guys!"

He ended his words with chopping off motion through his neck. The two little girls' responses were adorable, they nodded their heads a few times in quick motion with their eyes still wide open.

"Oh my…. My adorable little girl…" Then, Heero approached the incoming troublemakers. As he approached the group, he activated his Mystical Eyes, "Let's see how strong these people are!"

However, he had to be shocked by what he saw, aside from the man in the front, the rest twenty-five men's bodies filled with Dark Ki. That meant these twenty-five men were no longer human, but Specter!

He thought these people were the Feng Family's men, but it seemed they were…

"Wait a minute…" Heero came into a sudden realization, "Don't tell me the Feng Family colluded with Specter…"

It was not impossible, remembering the Specter also had a relationship with Shadow Fang. As for why he suspected the Feng Family, it was because of the three officers he caught before.

Using Honesty Concoction, the three officers admitted they came here under the Feng Family's order. They got the task directly from a member of the Feng Family in exchange they could get one Luminous Hyacinth.

With that in mind, he guessed the Feng Family would send more people. That was why he could get a conclusion, this group was sent by the Feng Family. However, it did not close the possibility this group was sent Shadow Fang with the Specter army.

"Nah, there's no need to think hard about it. I will kill the specter and spare the man, I can ask him later with my Honesty Concoction!" Having said that, the space on his right side distorted and his hand entered the distorted space.

Heero's action shocked Guo Shan who was currently so excited about getting his revenge. He was stupefied by what he witnessed. Not long after that, he saw Heero pulled his hand out of the distorted space. It shocked him even more as the other party was taking out a sword from the distorted space.

The sword was glowing in blue, despite the sunlight, he could still see the sword was radiant in blue.

Heero stroked the blue sword slowly and past memories flashed in his mind. The scene where he helped his friend to perfect his sword technique.

Yes, the sword in his hand was Musashi Hirata's ancestor, Musashi Miyamoto's gifts to Heero. He was reminiscing the time he spent with his best friend while holding his best friend's sword.

"My friend, let me use your sword and your technique to kill these damned specters!" Heero put the sword on his waist and bent his body slightly.

It was Musashi Clan's technique, Draw Sword. As Gold Class Hero, Guo Shan had been searching for a secret technique to advance his career to Emperor Class Hero. Yes, a technique that could draw one internal energy out of the body, a secret technique.

Shen Family did not have a secret technique despite having resources to help him advance to Gold Class Hero. His research led him to the twelve most influential families with the Musashi Clan being one of them.

He had witnessed the stance of the Draw Sword and it had a similar… No, the stance was exactly the same as the current Heero's stance. A thought appeared in his mind, 'This district belongs to the Musashi Clan! I am done for!'

Guo Shan despaired upon realizing he just offended one of the giant forces in the core region. Even with the Feng Family on his back, it was useless. The Feng Family would not offend the Musashi Clan just for him.

Just as Guo Shan was thinking of a way to escape from this precarious situation, the Feng Family's secret army attacked without his order.

They unsheathed their big swords and rushed together toward Heero who was still twenty meters away from them.

The sudden movement shocked Guo Shan, 'Damn, these people act on their own!' he cursed silently.

However, his body was doing a different action. He wanted to call back the Feng Family's secret army, stopping them from attacking Heero.

Before even his voice could come out of his mouth, he witnessed a frightening scene. Heero's figure blurred and vanished in an instant. Right after Heero's figure vanished from his sight, he witnessed the twenty-five of the Feng Family's secret army fall with their bodies split into two.

It did not stop here, from the cut side, no blood gushed off their bodies, but black gas. Then Guo Shan witnessed the bodies were dried up after that. It was a horrifying scene to him, he realized these people were not human.

As he was stunned by what happened before him, the vanished Heero appeared right before him.

'Spare me…' He wanted to plead for his life, telling these people had nothing to do with him. However, his vision darkened right after Heero appeared.

"Uhhhh… We are late…" It was the last words Guo Shan heard before he completely lost his consciousness.

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