Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Appointment

Two O'clock in the afternoon, Heero walked in slowly as he entered the city through the city gate. As he passed the gate, the two guards at the door nodded to Heero with a big smile, and Heero returned with a smile.

The two guards were familiar to Heero and they knew he was Xing District's owner. So they were respectful to him.

Heero also knew these two guards, their wives were working in his district and the two guards often stopped by his shop. They were regular customers of Miao Miao Noodles Shop.

With a flick of his hand, he tossed something to one guard. A white small pack flew to the guard and the guard called Jiu Lin caught the white pack. It was a pack of cigarettes, the expensive one.

Jiu Lin and his friend's face brightened upon the sight of the pack of cigarettes. With their pay guarding the gate, they won't be able to afford this brand. However, since Heero often back and forth out of the city, he would give them packs of cigarettes.

"Thank You, Boss~" Even though both of them did not work for Heero, they still called Boss.

Heero waved his hand in return as he headed back to the district. He just gave his disciples pointers in the training, Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata had grasped the secret behind the Nimble Step, but they still needed time before they could master it fully.

A surprise was coming from Butcher Wang, he almost mastered the Nimble Step in two days. He had grasped seventy percent of the essence of the Nimble Step. The lazy Butcher Wang showed a big improvement as he applied the Nimble Step in his random movement.

However, there was one thing that bugged his mind. It was Sun Zhou Yi's relationship with Bai Shuang'er. He knew the two sisters had a hidden motive approaching him and his disciple.

He understood that that was why he bluntly rejected the big sister. But the little sister managed to hook up his naive disciple.

'Does that guy have Xiao Xi's consent?'

Curious, Heero stopped by at Xiao Xi's florist. When he stopped at the front, his nose was assaulted by floral fragrant, 'She is doing well…' the smell reminded him of a place, His Master's dwelling at the peak of Nebraska Mountain.

His Seven Mothers were good at this and in fact, he was the one who taught Xiao Xi about this. Heero shook his head and looked into the florist. There were a few women looking around the flowers, but then he spotted two beautiful girls.

Xiao Xi and Bai Shuang'er were talking about Sun Zhou Yi's silly action. No, to be more exact, Xiao Xi was sharing her husband's past to Bai Shuang'er and they were chatting happily as both of them were laughing.

A smile formed on Heero's face as he shook his head. He muttered as headed back to the shop, "I am worried for nothing~"

*** ***

When the night came, Heero was standing before the security house, accompanied by Sun Zhou Yi. Sun Zhou Yi had reported their discoveries about the Specter that worked for the Feng Family to the Bai Family.

The Bai Family responded fast as they wanted to look at the evidence immediately. Tonight, the representative from the Bai Family would come to retrieve the evidence.

The duo did not wait too long before a car approached the district. The car stopped at the entrance, then two girls came out of the car, Bai Shuang'er and Bai Xin Yue were the ones who would retrieve the evidence.

Bai Shuang'er immediately rushed over Sun Zhou Yi as she hooked her hand to his, intimately. Her action shocked the elder sister, Heero caught the surprised expression on her face before her expression back to her usual cold expression.josei

Bai Xian Yue approached them and spoke as she sent an inquiry gaze to her sister, "So this is your boyfriend you have been talking recently?" Her voice was the same as her expression, cold.

Sun Zhou Yi showed an embarrassing smile and he was a little bit nervous, facing his future sis-in-law. His relationship with Xiao Xi skipped this progress as they were an orphan from the same orphanage.

"Sister, you can't treat my boyfriend coldly like the other men! He is my boyfriend, my future husband, and also your future brother-in-law!" Bai Shuang'er pouted, but her eyes gleamed in happiness.

A frown appeared on Bai Xin Yue's smooth forehead, but she did not refute or rebuke his sister. She nodded her head and turned toward Heero, "Hello, Mister Xing!"

When it came to Heero, her voice softened a little, and Heero returned with a nod, "Hello, Miss Bai!"

The frown on her smooth forehead deepened and said, "Xin Yue! You can call me, Xin Yue!"

Heero stumped for a moment and thought, 'both sisters are pretty aggressive!'

"Hello, Miss Xin Yue~ It's midnight already, so let's proceed to the main issue! Follow me!"

Heero entered the security house and he met with the security in night duty. They recognized Sun Zhou Yi and Bai Xin Yue, but they did not dare to get closer even to their idols in front of them.

They headed toward the secret entrance that was located in another room. The Bai sisters scanned the room and found nothing special about the security house. The two wondered what the famous Xing District's dungeon looked like.

Passing through the secret door, there was an entrance leading to the underground. Heero took the lead and was followed by Bai Xin Yue and the couple. When the Bai Sisters reached the dungeon, they were surprised.

Even though it was called a dungeon, the place was clean. Moreover, rather than a dungeon, this place was more like underground rooms. The lightning was clear and bright, Bai Xin Yue counted there were twenty doors in total.

"Wow, this is the famous dungeon? It does not look like a dungeon at all!" Exclaimed Bai Shuang'er as the dungeon was different than the one she imagined.

"Huh!? What do you mean?" Sun Zhou Yi asked her girlfriend.

"I thought the dungeon would be dirty, the lighting is dim, and there's a bad odor permeated from the room. This place is freakin clean! After all, this place where you guys were torturing the troublemakers, right?"

Sun Zhou Yi rolled his eyes at his girlfriend, "We never tortured anyone here, though sometimes there's a little violence! We are not criminal gangsters!"

"Then what about the guys who lost their memories here? Didn't you torture them until they get traumatized, causing in loss memories?" Bai Shuang'er believed Sun Zhou Yi's words, but she was curious about what they did to the troublemakers until they made them lose their memories.

Sun Zhou Yi stumped at his girlfriend's question. Without Heero's consent, he did not dare to tell that out, even if it was his girlfriend. He shook his head and Bai Shuang'er was smart enough not to continue with her question.

Heero led the duo sisters to the closest room on the left. This was where he saved the specter's corpses. When the door opened, a pungent smell assaulted their nose. Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er pinched their noses immediately.

"This is…" The duo was a bit shocked at the sight of fifty pieces of dried up bodies. Especially for Bai Shuang'er who never encountered specter. She was terrified and hid behind Sun Zhou Yi, taking a peek from time to time.

"They are human, right?" Bai Xin Yue's doubtful voice resounded. These bodies were dried up, leaving only skin and bone. Moreover, the skin and the bone turned black. But no matter how much changed on the bodies, she could tell these corpses belonged to humans.

"Yes, they were. They are humans who turned into Specter!" Heero nodded and explained to Bai Xin Yue.

"Humans can turn into a specter? Is it possible?" Bai Xin Yue came closer to the corpses, getting a clear look at the corpse.

"There's a type of specter that could produce a dark seed. This dark seed is used to change a living creature into a specter by swallowing the dark seed that would transform to be a dark core once it entered the body!"

"Once the dark seed transforms into the dark core, it will swallow the muscles and organs inside the body, changing them into Black Gas. This black gas is the source of the specter's power and once the dark core is destroyed they will die and the black gas inside the body will be evaporated. The proof is right in front of you!"

Heero explained in detail, but he changed the Dark Ki to black gas. It would take longer to explain if he said the black gas was Dark Ki.

"Hmm, so, the Feng Family sent these specters after you?" Bai Xin Yue nodded understandingly and asked Heero, "But why do they want to take your life? Did you somehow offend them?"

"They are suspecting me that I am locking their family members in the dungeon, who is it again Feng Fe…" Heero already interrogated Guo Shan as to why the Feng Family lent their force to Guo Shan, but he forgot the name.

"Feng Fennu and Feng Bian!" It was Sun Zhou Yi who finished the words. Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er were a little surprised when Sun Zhou Yi mentioned Feng Fennu and Feng Bian.

"Did you lock them in the dungeon?" Bai Xin Yue raised her voice and looked at Heero. Bai Shuang'er also turned toward Heero.

Feng Bian could be considered to have made a name for himself in the hero's circle, but Feng Fennu was a famous figure. Of course, he was not only famous because of his lecherous deeds, but because he was a figure that was closer to Legendary Class Ranker.

"No, I killed them! Do you remember about the famous incident on the forum, Dragon Lightning's descent? It was the day they died!" Heero bluntly told the truth. As per Hirata's suggestion, there was no need to hide it anymore.

Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er were shocked, but Sun Zhou Yi was pretty calm as he already knew the truth. The duo sisters were shocked not because Heero killed Feng Fennu, but the fact that dragon lightning was his doing.

Upon hearing this, a strong determination surged up in Bai Xin Yue's heart, 'I have to get this man. I have to make him my husband!'

It took some time before Bai Xin Yue could overcome the shock, but Bai Shuang'er was feeling delighted after a momentary shock. Bai Shuang'er got closer to Sun Zhou and whispered, "Can you also do that?"

With a bitter smile on his face, Sun Zhou Yi replied, "I am still far compared to my Master!"

"Don't get discouraged and train harder. I know you can do it!" Bai Shuang'er encouraged her boyfriend with a bright smile flashed across her face.

After some time, Bai Xin Yue continued with a frown, without questioning Heero's conduct for killing Feng Fennu and Feng Bian, "But this evidence is not enough to take the Feng Family down!"

"We have a living witness!" Heero added.

"Then it might work, I can convince my Grandfather to rally the other families against the Feng Family!" Bai Xin Yue gave her an answer.

"Hmm… You can take your time. Even though they can turn humans into specters, there's a condition for that to happen. One has to willingly swallow the dark seed, or it might not…"

Heero could not finish and his eyes went wide as he realized something. He made a big mistake and overlooked something important. He was on Earth, not Dramonia!

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