Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Fighter Anteriority - Part 5

The next morning, right at 8 o'clock, the Xing District's entrance was crowded by many people. The people here were waiting for Xu Lingxun and Kang Dong-Woo's return.

Since three days ago, Miao Miao Noodle Shop was not the only one that broadcasted the exclusive broadcast for the two boys. All shops bought the exclusive broadcast and showed the two boys' actions to their customers.

From here, they gained many fans and most of them were the Xing District's regular visitors.

In the schedule, Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun were scheduled to reach the Xing District at 8.30 a.m.

However, people's enthusiasm made them arrive half an hour earlier to welcome their champ. Yes, as someone who lived in the outer region, both boys were these people's pride.

Especially for Xu Lingxun, most of the people knew that Xu Lingxun was an orphan who stayed at Xing Orphanage. These people regarded Xu Lingxun as the next Sun Zhou Yi.

As the people were excited about Kang Dong-Woo and Sun Zhou Yi's return. There was a lady slipped into the district. Despite her expensive outfit, none of them looked at the lady.

Yes, this lady was Kang Sang-Hee, Myung-Hee, and Dong-Woo's biological mother. As soon as she entered the district, she was surprised to see the Xing District was clean and neat.

Even though the district could not be compared to a district in the core region, the air in this district was fresh and cozy.

This district was completely different from what she imagined. She often heard about how dirty and messy the outer region was, but she did not find it in this district.

'No wonder my children could live longer here…'

Kang Sang-Hee walked deeper to the Xing District as she searched for her destination, Miao Miao Noodles Shop. It did not take a long time before she found her destination.

It was easy to find because a shop next to Miao Miao Noodles Shop was under renovation. The renovation attracted her attention before she found the noodle shop.

The building was normal, nothing special, not luxurious, let alone artistic. Kang Sang-Hee saw the closed-sign, but she came here not for the noodles. She wanted to meet her daughter before meeting his son.

She opened the door as the bell rang. Her eyes immediately scanned the shop, she found a man and four women inside the shop.

Surprisingly, she recognized two out of the four women. One was her step-daughter and the other one was the famous Ice Queen. They were helping others to set a table for a barbecue.

"Sorry, we are not open today. We will open again after Fighter Anteriority is over!" Heero reminded the lady while the four women continued with their work.

However, the lady ignored Heero and called her step-daughter, "Seo-Yeon! What are you doing!?"

Kang Sang-Hee was misunderstanding her step-daughter, thinking Kang Seo-Yeon was working for this noodle shop.

Kang Seo-Yeon turned around when she heard someone call her name. She was surprised by her mother who suddenly appeared here, "Mother Sang-Hee!? What are you doing here?"

"I am here to see my daughter and my son! What are you doing here? Do you work here?" A deep frown appeared on her forehead as she asked.

Kang Seo-Yeon shook her head and rolled her eyes at her mother. She walked to her mother and explained, "I am not working here. We are here doing a small celebration for Dong-Woo!"

"If you want to meet Myung-Hee, she is on the rooftop, playing with her pet!" As she said that, she pulled Sang-Hee to others.

"This is my mother!" Kang Seo-Yeon introduced the lady to the others and then she introduced others to her mother, "He is Dong-Woo's Master, Xing Heero! She is Myung-Hee's teacher in school, Hong Yu! She is Heero's second wife, Han Ying… ah, I forgot to tell she is also Heero's wife, "

Kang Seo-Yeon pointed back to Hong Yu before she proceeded with the last one in the room, "As for the last one, there's no need for me to introduce her to you, right?"

In fact, she was more surprised to see Bai Xin Yue here. However, she merely nodded at the opposite party and said, "I want to meet Myung-Hee now!"

"Okay! Okay! I will bring you to her!" Kang Seo-Yeon replied as she gave an "okay" signal to others, indicating she would be taking care of her mother.

On the way to the rooftop, Kang Seo-Yeon complained, "Mother, you can't treat them coldly like that. They have helped you in taking care of your children, you should thank them at least!"

"Heng! If they are good, they should send my children back home! They must want something from us!" Sang-Hee retorted back.josei

Kang Seo-Yeon rolled her eyes and asked curiously, "Hasn't father told you something about the man called Xing Heero?"

"What's so special about that guy? He is just an owner of the noodle shop!" Kang Sang-Hee had done some research before she came here.

"First, not only the noodle shop but the whole district. Second, you have to respect him because of his other identity, he is Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata's master. Third, he is your future son-in-law, I don't want my mother to have a bad relationship with her son-in-law!"

Kang Seo-Yeon explained cheerfully as she knew her mother's character. She was similar to Bai Xin Yue, cold on the outside and soft inside.

Kang Sang-Hee halted her step as soon as she heard all of that. She looked at her daughter in a shock, "Are you insane? What about your engagement?"

"Father already knew this and he has given his approval. You don't need to worry about that, " Kang Seo-Yeon smiled cheerfully as she blinked her eyes at her mother.

Kang Sang-Hee understood behind the blink. Both knew Kang Yun-Cheol's nature, so Sang-Hee only let out a sigh when she heard that.

"But are you sure he is Sun Zhou Yi's Master?" She was still skeptical that a master who trained a disciple like Sun Zhou Yi was that young.

"I have confirmed it with my own eyes. He is the one who saved from the first dungeon and he is the one who saved Musashi Naizen from the second dungeon! I am certain!" Kang Seo-Yeon replied confidently.

"Moreover, didn't you watch how much your son has improved?"

"But are you sure about your choice? He has two wives already!" Even though Kang Seo-Yeon was not her biological daughter, she was still concerned as she was the one who raised Kang Seo-Yeon.

"I don't mind being third or even fourth as long as I marry the man I love!" Kang Seo-Yeon declared without any shred of hesitation.

"Fourth? What do you mean by fourth?"

"It's because of the Ice Queen, she also likes Heero. I might be the fourth if Xin Yue overtakes me…"

"Wow, what is so special about this guy? He manages to hook the two goddesses of the Star City!"

"Right? Right? I am also wondering why Xin Yue could fall for my prince…"

The mother and daughter gossiped as they climbed up to the rooftop.

*** ***

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Xing District, there was a car stopped by.

Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun arrived fifteen minutes earlier. When both came out of the car, loud cheers greeted them.

"Dong-Woo! Lingxun!" Many people called their names, congratulating them from passing the survival phase. Most of them were praising their performances during the survival phase.

Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun were overwhelmed by the welcome. They were not expecting this at all.

Sun Zhou Yi and Butcher Wang approached the two boys, "Go, accompany these people first! They have been waiting for you guys for half an hour!"

Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun shook these people's hands, returning the people's enthusiasm with their enthusiasm as well.

It took them half an hour before they could break free from the crowd. As Dong-Woo and Lingxun entered the district, they still could hear the cheer, "Get the first place in the Fighter Anteriority!"

"We will watch you guys! Keep up!"

When Dong-Woo entered the shop, he was surprised again as he saw his mom.

"Mom!" Dong-Woo rushed to Kang Sang-Hee and hugged his mom.

Today was a small break for the Junior Event and the event would be continued tomorrow.

Both boys were having their happy break as Heero spoiled them with the celebration.

*** ***

The next day

The Junior Event continued with one on one battle. From a million participants, five hundred thousand participants passed the survival phase.

The first-day battle would eliminate many participants, leaving only ten thousand participants for the second day.

The battle would be held in many different arenas located in the commerce region. The participants would be divided based on the region for the local participants and the participants from the outside city would be assigned based on their number.

Heero closed the shop and went to the arena where Kang Dong-Woo and Xu Lingxun were assigned to.

Of course, Heero's main purpose was not to watch his disciples. He had another reason to watch the fight, it was the Shadow Fang.

Shadow Fang would make their move during Fighter Anteriority. He did not know the exact time, so he planned to follow Fighter Anteriority until the end.

His other plan was eradicating this insect who always bothered him.

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