Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Fighter Anteriority - Part 9

Heero climbed down off the stage under a heated gaze from the spectators. There was one thing that could not be answered, how this young man snuck into the stage?

Yes, the spectators did not see Heero's movement. What they knew was the huge flame vanished and the young man appeared.

Based on Wu Weimin's words, the young man was the one who stopped the huge flame. But the spectators did not see him move onto the stage.

Only a few people realized Heero's movement. Those people were Heero's disciples and Bai Xin Yue.

Even Kang Seo-Yeon could not see or feel the guy near her moved. Kang Sang-Hee also flabbergasted to see Heero who suddenly appeared on the stage.

The guy was sitting four seats away from her but in a flash, he appeared on the stage. It was as if Heero teleported to the stage.

In a luxurious box where Myth Guild sat, Palinho elbowed the big guy Cale, "Don't you feel that young man familiar, Cale?"

Palinho's words attracted the Myth Guild Master who stood near the glass. He was looking at Heero who walked back to the seat. He turned around and looked at Palinho and Cale.

"Do you know him?"

"We don't know him, but we have met him once, Guild Master! He is the owner of Xing District where Blacksmith Huang is working if I am not wrong, " Palinho recounted their encounter with Heero.

After hearing that, Myth Guild Master looked back at the young man, "Maybe he is the rumored Sun Zhou Yi's Master… But he is too young…"

*** ***

The first semi-final ended with an upset. When everyone thought Wu Weimin would triumph to the final, Kang Dong-Woo went all out with his awakening ability and defeated the 1st seed.

As the spectators were still talking about Kang Dong-Woo's match heatedly, the next semi-final participants entered the arena.

Xu Lingxun entered the arena with his usual martial clothes and protective gear. His figure immediately caught the spectators' attention because he had the same root as Kang Dong-Woo. Both were from the same academy, Heero Academy.

However, Xu Lingxun's opponent entered with an eye-catching black armor. Yes, the second prince of the Regal Kingdom, Benjamin Rowland Kingsman entered with full of black armor covering his whole body.

He appeared like a medieval knight, leaving only two eyes that could be seen. Because of the black armor, it also slowed down his pace.

For the first time, Benjamin walked to the weapon rack. He took a shield and a longsword before he climbed up to the stage.

As soon as he was on the stage, he pointed the sword toward Xu Lingxun and declared, "I know you are from the same academy as Kang Dong-Woo. You are not weak, so let's go all out and fight to our heart's content!"

Xu Lingxun blinked his eyes as he looked at the black knight before him. The armor seemed to be heavy, restricting Benjamin's movement.

"Are you sure? I mean you are wearing heavy armor, your movement gets restricted with that!" Xu Lingxun commented.josei

"Hahaha… You don't have to worry about me! This is my way to counter your crazy speed!" Benjamin replied with hearty laughter.

Yang Mushen merely shook his head at the two kids' exchange. After finding out the two participants were ready, he announced the start of the match.


Xu Lingxun immediately rushed toward his opponent. The same as before, he always took the initiative to attack.

Benjamin's golden eyes were glowing excitedly, 'Come! Come to me then I will crush you!'

However, Xu Lingxun suddenly made an abrupt stop as a sword appeared a few centimeters before his throat. Benjamin reacted fast and read his movement.

"Hahaha… You can't just beat me with your speed!" Benjamin laughed aloud. When he was on the stage, he no longer had a royal blood bearing anymore.

'So what if you fast, I will read each of your moves with my eyes!'

However, soon, he found his opponent was smiling at him. He just broke his fast movement, but his opponent was not upset in the slightest. It was as if his opponent was happy that he managed to break that overwhelming speed.

With a smirk, Xu Lingxun spoke, "Then what about this!"

After saying those words out, he took three steps back. Then Benjamin opened his eyes wide in shock as he could not believe what he saw.

He saw Xu Lingxun's figure was split into three. Yes, he saw three Xu Lingxun. The three figures immediately blurred in such a short time.

Amongst the three figures, he only managed to read a figure's movement. This figure rushed forward at him, facing him head-on.

Benjamin without hesitation stabbed his longsword forward. To his surprise, his longsword pierced the figure, but no blood came out. He realized the figure in front of him was fake.


Then, he felt a tremor on his left waist. He looked down and a fist connected to his black armor. However, he did not feel pain in the slightest, Benjamin did not even budge from his spot.

The figure that split into three panicked him, but now Benjamin became a lot calmer as he swung his sword toward Xu Lingxun.

Such a clumsy attack was easily dodged. Xu Lingxun leaped back and he looked at his fist which hit the black armor. His first turned red, Yang Mushen also noticed that.

Xu Lingxun could not help but look toward the referee. His face was telling, 'Isn't it unfair to use a gear this high quality?'

Even the weapon that was provided in the weapon rack had no way to break the armor.

Yang Mushen rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulder, his face was telling the boy, 'Why didn't you protest from the start~'

Xu Lingxun shook his head and thought to himself, 'In the end, I have to go all out to break the armor…'

He closed his eyes for three seconds, 'Concrete Ki into my fist…'

As soon as he opened his eyes, Xu Lingxun lunged forward with extremely fast movement. However, a straightforward move like this was easy to read by Benjamin as a sword immediately greeted Xu Lingxun.

However, Xu Lingxun brushed aside the sword with a light of slap. It looked like a light slap, but the sword slipped from Benjamin's hand.

"Huwaaa!" The spectators exclaimed at the sight.

With the sword getting discarded, Xu Lingxun faced Benjamin who only held a shield. The latter immediately put the shield forward. Xu Lingxun's first shot toward the shield.


The shield was pierced by the fist and landed on Benjamin's chest.


Benjamin let out a pained grown. He released his grip on the shield as he staggered a few steps back. Acute pain was felt where the fist landed.

He looked down and found a fist mark on his armor. With an unbelievable look, he looked up at his opponent. Xu Lingxun was taking off the shield that stuck in his hand and threw it outside out.

With no shield and weapon in his hand, added with the armor that restricted his movement, Benjamin realized he had lost.

"It's painful…" Benjamin rubbed the dent part on his armor as he muttered. Then he noticed Xu Lingxun wanted to make his move again.

Benjamin immediately raised his hand, "I surrender!"

What a joke, continuing the fight was the same as torture. He was a piece of heavy iron, an easy target for someone as fast as Xu Lingxun.

'Sigh! I am countering the speed with a heavy defense which cost me a defeat instead!'

"Xu Lingxun won!"

"Woaaaaa!!!" The ending of the second semi-final was unexpected again. The dark horse defeated the top seed again. Moreover, this time, the 2nd seed admitted defeat after less than five minutes of fighting.

As soon as Yang Mushen announced the winner, the big screen showed the final name that passed through to the Junior Event final match of Fighter Anteriority.

[Kang Dong-Woo (No.18) vs Xu Lingxun (No.20)]

What made the match interesting was the two participants were a dark horse. Not only that, but both also came from the same academy.

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