Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Ceremony - Part 1

Another week passed, it had been two weeks since the attack.

Today was an important day for the Hero League. Emperor Class Hero appointment. Yes, today, four Gold Class Heroes would be promoted to Emperor Class.

The Ceremony of the appointment was held in the Hero League HQ. During the Specter attack, the Hero League HQ was one of the battlefields with an intense battle.

But in just two weeks, the Hero League HQ returned to its original shape. No trace of battle could be seen. It was as if the specters never attacked the HQ.

With the announcement from the Hero League, the HQ was crowded with visitors. The Emperor Class Hero appointment was open to the public.

Anyone could come regardless of status. The Emperor Class Hero appointment was the same as the big day. People could come to celebrate.

Not only that, but the ceremony would be also broadcasted to the whole world, including the other two big cities, Moon City, and Sun City.

*** ***

In a room, the Hero League HQ

The main character of today's event gathered in one room. Sun Zhou Yi was wearing a black suit with a bowtie while Musashi Hirata wore a deep blue kimono with a black robe.

The guy actually did not want to wear traditional clothes. But his mother, Lady Yuka forced him to wear the kimono.

Bai Xin Yue was also in the same room. She wore a light blue long dress with ice crystal motifs. She looked extremely stunning in her dress.

Next to Bai Xin Yue, a man wore a white long sleeve shirt inside and violet-colored vest. He was the fourth main character of today's ceremony, Wu Shen Lei.

He seemed to be trying to talk with Bai Xin Yue, but the latter treated him coldly.

Musashi Hirata sat on the opposite sofa with his eyes closed. He was pretty composed, completely different compared to the man next to him, Sun Zhou Yi.

Yes, Sun Zhou Yi looked quite nervous. His body was fidgeting on the sofa. It looked funny in Bai Xin Yue's eyes.

It would be funny if people knew that the guy people called Sword God was nervous because of the ceremony.

Yes, he was certainly nervous. It was not even a year since he was promoted to Gold Class Hero, but he was now promoted to Emperor Class Hero.

He never dreamed this day would come this fast. He was excited, but his nervousness overwhelmed his excitement.


The noise of the door opened broke the silence in the room. The four people looked toward the door simultaneously. A man accompanied by two women entered the room.

The nervous Sun Zhou Yi brightened when he saw the man. He stood from the sofa and rushed over. Musashi Hirata also stood up and walked over to the man while Bai Xin Yue followed the two.

Yes, the one who entered the room was Heero and his wives, Hong Yu and Han Ying.

Not only the Hero League would appoint new Emperor Class Heroes, but they would also appoint a new Hero Instructor to the public.

"Master! You come!" The nervous Sun Zhou Yi smiled as he greeted Heero.

Heero nodded toward his first disciple. He wore a similar outfit to Sun Zhou Yi while Hong Yu and Han Ying had a red long dress and white long dress respectively.

Both were not less beautiful than Bai Xin Yue as the dress they wore showed their charm. Hong Yu was giving off the fiery charm while Han Ying was giving off a gentle and mature aura.

Bai Xin Yue smiled as she approached the two women. She gave them a light hug and said, "Sister, you look stunning!"

Han Ying accepted the compliment with a nod while Hong Yu returned with praise, "You also look gorgeous~ even more beautiful than us~ That guy must be blind to reject you~"

The "guy" in her mouth was certainly her husband. Not only Bai Xin Yue told the two sisters that Heero was still hesitating about her. Heero also had told them about that incident to his wives.

As expected of his unique wives, they loved to push their husband to the other women. They said he at least must have four wives and they agreed with Kang Seo-Yeon and Bai Xin Yue as his third and fourth.

Yes, when he told them about Bai Xin Yue. The two sisters pushed another woman to him. That woman was Kang Seo-Yeon.

"Huhu… He may be regretting it now~ Let's not talk about that unpleasant guy!" Bai Xin Yue pulled the two women to the empty sofa as they laughed.

The three girls purposely said it with a loud voice, so Heero could hear them. Heero also knew they were teasing him. He could only smile wryly.

'Are there wives like you two? Keep pushing your men to other women?' Heero merely rolled his eyes at the three women.

Heero heard the women's conversation and Wu Shen Lei also certainly heard it. He was shocked as he could not believe what he heard.

'A guy is rejecting her? No… Did Xin Yue confess to another man? No way!!!' Wu Shen Lei's inner thoughts were shaken.

He wanted to rush over and immediately asked the women whether it was true or not. However, he refrained himself to do so. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

He tried to shake away the thought of Bai Xin Yue falling in love with another man. He had been pursuing Bai Xin Yue for years. So he knew Bai Xin Yue would easily fall for a man.

He put away his worries and focused his eyes at the man who stood between Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata.

He heard about this man a lot from his Great Grandfather who was also a Supreme Guardian, Supreme Star.

He heard from his Great Grandfather that he refused the Supreme Sun position which was absurd to him. The authority given to the Supreme Guardian was hard to refuse.

He could not believe that this guy rejected that position only to be a Supreme Instructor.

Supreme Instructor was the highest position a Hero Instructor could have in the Hero League. Yes, the Hero Instructors also had their hierarchy.

From the lowest rank was Hero Instructor, Master Instructor, Grandmaster Instructor, and Supreme Instructor.

The Grandmaster Instructor had the same power as the executive. They had their voice over the Hero League, having the same authority but different duties.

As for the Supreme Instructor, in fact, this rank was newly created. This position was designated only for Xing Heero.

The executives and The Elder could not agree with Heero's condition.

When they heard Heero was willing to be a Hero Instructor if they did not agree with his condition. The Elder and the executives of the Hero League came up with this position.

The chief of the Hero Instructor, Supreme Instructor.

Supreme Instructor was certainly a high position in the Hero League, without a doubt. However, it was far lower compared to the Supreme Sun.

Wu Shen Lei could not understand the train thought of this guy. Only an idiot who rejected the Supreme Sun. But this guy was certainly not an idiot.

Even his Great Grandfather, the Supreme Sun, Wu Shitian was wary of this guy and kept reminding him not to offend this guy. The person that could only befriend, not offend.

Wu Shen Lei stood up and walked toward Heero.

"Good morning, Sir! My name is Wu Shen Lei of Wu Family," He put his hand on his chest and bowed his head slightly toward Heero.

Even though Heero looked about the same age as him, he still showed his respect for Heero through his action. Wu Shen Lei certainly held some respect for Heero. A man who made his Great Grandfather wary, this man certainly worth to be respected.

Heero nodded his head and introduced himself, "Good Morning. Xing Heero, you can call ca…"

He wanted to tell Wu Shen Lei to call him casually or by his name, but the door opened again.josei

Bai Xian Ming entered the room with his all-white outfit. White shirt, white best, white trousers, and white tie.

He let out a small laugh, "Hoho… You guys all here! Let's go, the media and the guests have arrived! We can't let them wait~"

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