Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Daunting Phenomenon

"Four-wives for Mankind", it was a slogan that could be found in front of the Civil Bureau. There was a big banner with those words right at the entrance of the Civil Bureau

It was the Central Government's policy to make mankind flourish just like before the catastrophe struck Earth with eight billion populations. Why four-wives? It because the amount of the female was four times more than the male.

To take and dominate the Earth back from the zombies and beasts, the Central Government issued out four-wives policy. Everyone who lived and registered in Star City was bound to this policy. If they did not obey the arrangement then that person would be kicked out of the city.

It worked well with the proof that Star City was the city with the most population compared to the other two big cities with over a hundred and fifty thousand populations.

The Central Government determined that the marriageable age was 18 years. If in three years a female did not marry, then the Central Government would decide the partner and had them get married.

Of course, certain people with status would not get bound by this policy. It only applied to the people who lived in the commerce region and the outer region.

But the Central Government also did not carelessly matchmake a couple. The Central Government would do an investigation to the man or woman. If the man was incapable to feed his family or in short, he was poor and jobless. The Central Government would just let them.

There were many considerations that the Central Government had to think about before they could pair a couple into four-wives policy. If the woman had a boyfriend or fiance, they would not force the woman to marry someone they had chosen.

However, Hong Yu's case different from normal policy. There was a family behind the matchmaking between Feng Fennu and Hong Yu, it was the Feng Family.

Feng Fennu was Feng Bian's uncle and he was in forty-five this year. After the rejection of cooperation that day, Feng Bian told everything that happened in the shop.

He blamed Heero that Sun Zhou Yi did not cooperate with them. Even though Yuan Chang of Yuan Family did not get the promotion, but they also got nothing.

Feng Bian who wanted to get a ranking up was upset. In fact, Feng Family had nothing to do with this.

This was Feng Bian's revenge on Heero. He did this without telling his father and grandfather. He used his uncle who was lascivious as his weapon to retaliate.

He told his uncle that Heero had a beautiful girlfriend. They could use their connection with the Central Government to take Heero's girlfriend. Feng Fennu took the bait and Feng Bian was watching the show from the sideline.

As for why he chose his uncle because he believed that even Sun Zhou Yi with Heero. He could do nothing about it with his uncle's status as Crown Class Ranker - Rank 1.

No one was stupid enough to offend Ranker Alliance, a Crown Class Ranker at that. An existence that closest to a Legend Class Ranker and Emperor Class Hero.

The plan was perfect, he only needed to watch how miserable Heero was when his girlfriend was taken. Feng Bian watched everything unfold from outside of the shop.

*** ***

Inside Miao Miao Noodles Shop

The group of men in black suits stunned when they heard Heero bold statement. After a moment of pause, the five men in black suits broke into laughter.


The laughter filled the shop, the five men were laughing while holding their belly as they laughed hard. It was as if Heero's words were the funniest joke they had ever heard.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Along with the waves of laughter aloud claps resounded. The five men stopped laughing and looked back. A man in plain white shirts and long black pants walked in. The man looked like he was in his early thirties.

"You are surely bold for a lowly born from the outer region…" the man spoke in an indifferent tone.

He had a fine look and build with 1.8 meters in height. He was shorter a few cms compared to Heero's though. The man had a cordial smile as he gazed toward Hong Yu.

Since he entered the shop, his eyes never left Hong Yu. The man seemed to be surprised upon finding Hong Yu's lovely face.

"My nephew really knows my taste well… This is a rare high-quality product from the outer region. If not for him, I might miss this high-quality product…"

The man muttered as he walked toward Hong Yu. After a few steps, he stopped as his eyes discovered Han Ying who stood close to Hong Yu. Once again, the man was surprised when he saw Han Ying.

"I did not expect that there is more than one quality product in the outer region. Today is my lucky day, I guess?" Feng Fennu licked his lips as his face made a lascivious look.

Feng Fennu turned around to the men in suits and said while pointing his finger toward Han Ying, "Put her name as well~"

"Good, we will put her name on the list as well, Sir Feng Fennu!" an officer from the Civil Bureau respectfully replied as he took a look at Han Ying. Even before he came here, he had already investigated the woman's background. He knew Han Ying's name who was also Hong Yu's sister.

After saying that, Feng Fennu walked toward Hong Yu. Hong Yu was a bit nervous, but then she realized that she had a boyfriend on his side. She peeked at Heero and was surprised that Heero made an unusual expression.

She never saw Heero got angry, but she was also not sure whether Heero was angry or not. Heero expression was void of emotion, she never saw this side of Heero. Just as she was in a daze, she noticed there was a hand moved toward her cheeks.

Feng Fennu moved his hand toward Hong Yu's cheeks. He was impatient to get his hand into Hong Yu.

However, before his hand could touch Hong Yu's cheek, there was a hand grabbed his wrist. Feng Fennu failed to react and had his hand grabbed. Along with his hand grabbed, there was thick of murderous intent and a huge pressure pressed his body.

Without a second thought, he immediately twisted his hand broke away from the grab. Feng Fennu immediately dashed out of the shop afterward. He did not know why, but his instinct told him that he would die if he stayed longer inside the shop.

Feng Fennu's sudden movement surprised everyone in the shop, including the five officers of the Civil Bureau. It was Heero who moved his hand to grab Feng Fennu's hand.

Still, with his emotionless look, Heero looked at his girlfriend. The emotionless look turned into a gentle smile, "Go upstairs and ring the bell six times, I will take care of these fools, okay?"

Hong Yu shocked when Heero asked her to ring the bell six times. However, she did not ask, only nodded her head. She brought her sisters upstairs.

Heero looked at his girlfriend went upstairs. After Hong Yu's figure vanished from his sight, he looked back at the five officers.

These five officers were just ordinary people. Everything was oblivious to them, they thought this would be an easy task and they would gain the favor of Feng Family. However, it seemed the situation was not going as they expected to be.

They felt a sense of foreboding, but they just clueless about their current situation.

Meanwhile, Feng Fennu was not leaving the district, he was still standing right in front of Miao Miao Noodles Shop. He stared at his twisted right hand in a daze while his heartbeat was still beating furiously.

What happened just now was surreal to him. The hand that grabbed his hand, the hand was too strong even for a Crown Class Ranker like him. He had to break his hand to break free from the grab.

Feng Fennu gazed back at the shop back with a puzzled look, he was puzzled that there was someone this strong in the outer region.

Even though he was surprised, Feng Fennu did not feel afraid. It just puzzled him that there was someone this strong in the outer region.

"Uncle!" Feng Bian noticed his uncle rushed out of the shop in a hurry. So he immediately approached as he wondered what happened to his uncle.

When he got a closer look at Feng Fennu, he noticed that Feng Fennu's right hand was twisted in a strange way.

"Uncle, your hand…" Feng Bian was shocked when he saw Feng Fennu's right hand. He knew how strong his uncle was, but how come his uncle's right hand got twisted like this?

"Oh, Bian you are here…" Feng Fennu surprised when he saw his nephew as he twisted his hand back to normal, there was a bone-cracking sound as he did that.

"Bian, do you know there's someone could fight inside the shop?" Feng Fennu asked.

It was his nephew's idea to force Hong Yu to marry him. He also knew that Feng Bian was using him to retaliate. But he did not mind as he also got what he wanted.

However, his nephew never told him that there was someone strong stayed inside the shop.

"Someone could fight against you? Do you mean Sun Zhou Yi?"josei

The person that immediately came into his mind was Sun Zhou Yi. He had seen the video how Sun Zhou Yi stopped the beast horde alone.

The only person could twist his uncle's hand was Sun Zhou Yi, Feng Bian never considered Heero as a threat at all despite Sun Zhou Yi called him as Master.

"No no no, not him, I know Sun Zhou Yi…" Feng Fennu paused as he saw someone coming out of the stop. He saw Heero brought the five officers who had lost consciousness.

"It's him!" Feng Fennu pointed toward Heero.

Feng Bian looked at the direction where his uncle pointed out and he was shocked once again. The person in his uncle's mouth was not Sun Zhou Yi, but Heero.

'Don't tell me he is truly Sun Zhou Yi's master?'

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Just as Heero came out of the shop, there were six consecutive weird sounds resounded throughout the whole district.

Feng Fennu and Feng Bian soon witnessed something strange. Afterward, they saw that the people who wandered around the street were pulled into the shop. He also saw the security put a blockade at the entrance.

Feng Fennu and Feng Bian were confused about what happened. However, in the next moment, they could not think of what happened to the district as something more horrible appeared in front of them.

The district soon enveloped by a black gas and the sky darkened with thunder rumbled behind the black clouds. Feng Fennu turned around with a shock covered all over his place as he saw the source of the change.

He saw the black gas originated from Heero, it came out of Heero's body. The black gas instantly shrouded them. Even though the black cloud still on top of them, but everything around them turned into black.

The sight of the building and even the paved road were enveloped by the black gas. Feng Fennu was shocked by the sudden appearance of this strange phenomenon.

However, it did not stop here. Along with this, there was a boundless pressure pressured his body and his sight was faded a moment. He felt Heero's image in his eyes kept changed between humans to something a scary monstrous devil.

He was focused to stay still and awake under the pressure and something that invaded his mind. But Feng Bian could not hold such a pressure.


Feng Fennu looked at his nephew and found his nephew was kneeling with his body shivered ceaselessly and fiercely. He also noticed the fear and terror in his nephew's face. Then, an unpleasant smell assaulted his nose as the yellow liquid flowed down from his nephew's pants.

However, it did not stop here. He shocked by what his nephew did next.

"Devil God, I am sorry… I am sorry… please forgive this insolent man, No please forgive this insolent slave! Please forgive me… I am sorry…"

Feng Bian knocked his head to the ground as he asked for forgiveness.

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