Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Assassin, Slash

Because of Dragon Descend thread, Xing District was crowded even until the evening. What a surprise that Miao Miao Noodles Shop was also crowded.

At first, the people came only to inquire about the details regarding the thunder dragon. They bought a bowl of noodles as they asked Heero and Hong Yu about the thunder dragon. There's no way that Heero would tell these people the truth.

At first, the people who visited the noodles shop somewhat disappointed as they did not get what they wanted to. However, Miao Miao Noodles Shop brought them a surprise with the noodles.

Ten out of ten people had a satisfied look on their faces when they came out of the shop. Even at ten o'clock in the night, Xing District was still lively as many people still came.

At 10 pm, it was time for the shop to close. Heero sat behind the cashier counter as he looked at the crowd surrounded the three meters pit. They had finished tidying up the shop and as to why the shop was closed. It because they had run out of the ingredients to make the noodles.

While looking at the crowd, Heero suddenly struck with a good idea, "Should I summon another thunder? Three at once might be a good idea...:"

Heero muttered in a low voice. Hong Yu was just coming over and heard her boyfriend's mumble. She slapped Heero's head with a duster in her hand, "What are you talking about? Do you want to kill us?"

The dragon thunder was scary. Hong Yu had watched the video on the Star Web. It was only one strike, but it had already made her scared, let alone three.

"Of course not, How can I bear to kill my wife," Heero turned around and hugged Hong Yu. He rested his head on her belly.

Hong Yu returned the hug with rubbing Heero's hair. She rubbed Heero's black hair a few times and had her mouth closed to Heero's ear.

"Thank you~" She whispered in a low voice with her sweet and soft voice.

"What are you talking about? We are a couple, you are my wife. It's my job to protect you." Heero shook his head as he replied in a gentle tone.

As the crowd continued to gather, Miao Miao Noodles Shop closed. Heero and Hong Yu went to the rooftop, to their lovely cabin.

However, Heero had to hold back his desire. There were many people gathered outside, they could hear it from below. So Heero had to hold back as both of them just cuddled up on the bed.

They were talking about tomorrow. Heero would get his ID card by tomorrow and they would register for a marriage certificate.

"I hope we can get our certificate without a problem," lying down with her head rested on Heero's chest, Hong Yu said her concern.

The morning's incident made her worried about tomorrow. Moreover, Heero killed five officers of the Civil Bureau. She worried that they could not get the certificate as the Civil Bureau deliberately obstructed them.

Heero shook his head as he did not agree with her girlfriend's view, "So what? Without a certificate, you will be still my wife. A mere certificate is too weak to be our bond, what more important is our feelings, not the certificate!"

It was so natural that Heero thought this way. On Dramonia, there was no certificate or anything else needed to get married. If a couple wanted to get married, they only need to call a priest of Nebraska Temple to bless the marriage.

So with or without the one called marriage certificate, Heero regarded Hong Yu as his wife already.

Hearing Heero's sweet words, Hong Yu paused for a moment. Then a sweet smile formed on her lips.

'I choose the right man…'

However, the sweet smile only lasted for a moment as she thought of something. She was thinking about her sister.

"But… I am worried about my sister. What if there's another person with the same background as Feng Fennu comes and forces my sister to marry her?" Hong Yu voiced her concern.

Her concern was not baseless because of Yan Tie of Iron Fist Martial House. Even though Yan Tie and Ming Group were less influential than Feng Family. They must have a connection to the officer of the Civil Bureau or even the Central Government.

Heero might save her sister if that time came. However, killing them was not a long term solution. She did not want her boyfriend to become a maniac killer.

Heero also knew his girlfriend's concern, but he had an idea regarding this issue.

"Actually, I have a good idea, but we need your sister's consent…" Heero got closer to Hong Yu's ear and whispered his idea in a low voice.

After hearing what Heero said to her, Hong Yu immediately sat up from the bed.

"I will talk to my sister right now. We will have a sister's talk, you sleep alone tonight!" After saying that, Hong Yu dashed out of the log cabin.

Heero shook his head as he also got off the bed. He walked to the computer and login of his Star Web's account.

"Descend Dragon!" and "Fortune or Misfortune?" still became the thread with the most views. It was not posted even a day long, but it already had over forty million views and millions of views.josei

Heero ignored the post and entered his own forum. Xing District Forum, it was a forum used to promote the shops in Xing District.

He checked the traffic of his forum, 781,889 users visited his forum today. It was a hundred times more than the average visits. All of this, thanks to his technique that alarmed the whole city.

Even though it exhausted his Ki, Xing District gained popularity out of this incident. Holding his chin, Heero thought of something.

"Maybe next I can rain the whole district, limited only to Xing District. The strangeness that happened in Xing District can attract people's attention…"

"This is a great idea, but I have to recover my Ki first. It will take one to two weeks…"

He browsed the private forum he created. Miao Miao Noodles Shop received a few hundred of good ratings. The same for the other shops, Butcher Wang's shop was second to Miao Miao Noodles Shop.

Since the training, Butcher Wang gathered various kinds of meats. He hunted many rare beasts that famous as a rare delicacy and stored the meat in his meat shop.

The sudden explosion of visitors made Butcher Wang's shop visited by the people who came to see the place where the Dragon Descend. The same as Miao Miao Noodles Shop, the visitors at first just wanted to ask about thunder Dragon.

However, the meat showcased by Butcher Wang attracted the visitors.

Heero suddenly frowned and he looked up. He heard steps right on top of his log cabin. Even though he had exhausted his Ki, but his senses were still sharp.

After that, the steps completely stopped moving. That meant there was someone on the top of his log cabin.

Since the morning, he already knew that there were many people secretly coming to Xing District. These people moved secretly as if they did not want the surroundings to notice them.

Heero rose from his seat and walked out of the cabin. Five steps from the cabin, he stopped and turned around. But he saw there was no one on top of his cabin.

"Hoho, no wonder they hired me to kill you. It seems you have a little skill to sense my arrival!"

There was a young voice resounded from his back. It sounded arrogant and confident. Heero turned around and found a man in black. From the top to bottom, this man was wearing black cloth.

He even covered his face with a black cloth and Heero could only see the man's eyes. Black eyes gave off confidence and aloofness, but the man's glare also full of killing intent. It showed to Heero that the man in black came here to kill him.

"Musashi Hirata, Gold Class Ranker - Rank 5 or you can call me Slash, the number seven assassin from Shadow Fang. You should remember that name so you can die without regret!"

*** ***

Northern Fortress

Feng Tian Xou was still wide awake in midnight, waiting for his third son's report. He had been waiting all day restlessly but Feng Xian still could not give him a satisfactory report to him.

Just as he wanted to call Feng Xian, his smartwatch brightened up and Feng Xian's name appeared on the screen. Feng Tian Xou immediately picked the call and his third's son's face appeared on the screen.

However, in the next moment, he had to be disappointed with the report. Feng Xian reported that he could not find a single clue regarding the thunder dragon except for three meters deep pit.

Feng Tian Xou already knew about the three meters pit. Someone else already posted about the pit on Star Web.

He released a sigh of disappointment, it had been all day, but Feng Xian could not even find a single clue.

"Then what about your uncle and your second brother?" Feng Tian Xou asked again. However, once again he had to be disappointed as Feng Xian shook his head, indicating he also could not find a trace of his uncle and his second brother.

Feng Tian Xou fell into silence while Feng Xian had his head hung low. He also knew his father was disappointed in him, but he also helpless.

After a momentary silence, Feng Tian Xou spoke once again in a stern tone, "Call your first brother back. Let him investigate the thunder dragon, say to him this is my order!"

"But he is still in Hero Academy…"

Feng Tian Xou cut his third son instantly, giving Feng Xian no chance to talk back, "Just do as I say. Moreover, Fighter Anteriority will start soon and he will go back sooner or later. There's no harm call him back earlier! Do you know what to do next, right?"

"Yes, Father!" Feng Xian bowed his head and Feng Tian Xou closed the call.

Feng Tian Xou's eldest son was Feng Tian Mo, Gold Class Hero - Rank 2. The brightest star in Feng Family younger generation and also the successor of Feng Family.

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