Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: I Am Married...

Bai Xian Ming's voice attracted the people who attended the banquet. The surrounding people had their eyes set on Bai Xian Ming now.

Upon looking at the person in front of Bai Xian Ming, the hall buzzed in discussion amongst themselves. It seemed the main character of the banquet pissed off Executive Bai.

Executive Bai was known for his temperate temper. It was rare to see Bai Xian Ming grew angry like this? Moreover, it was the new-rising Hero who angered Executive Bai. It surely earned people's attention. They wondered what happened between Executive Bai and the newly promoted Gold Class Hero - Rank 1.

The atmosphere around Bai Xian Ming and Sun Zhou Yi turned a bit intense. Bai Xian Ming was the only former hero who became an executive.

Sun Zhou Yi immediately pulled Xiao Xi back as he faced Bai Xian Ming face to face. He was not afraid of Executive Bai in the slightest as he met Bai Xian Ming's eyes.

Butcher Wang turned a bit intense as he subconsciously opened his fist like a beast-claw. He was ready to assist Sun Zhou Yi anytime.

"I am sorry, Executive Bai, but I have to go now. I have more important than a mere banquet. Moreover, my friends are not welcomed here, it's better for us to leave now,"

As he said that Sun Zhou Yi cast a glance at his back and Bai Xian Ming followed Sun Zhou Yi's gaze. He found the people Sun Zhou Yi brought to participate in the ceremony, isolated and guarded by the security of the Hero League's HQ.

Rather than a guest, these people were more like captives. The angry Bai Xian Ming softened, but he was still insisting Sun Zhou Yi stay, "What is more important, your future or your matter at hand?"

"My Master is more important than this banquet and my future is on my hand, not the Hero League. I know you mean well and I appreciate it, Executive Bai. However, I have to leave now!" Sun Zhou Yi also insisted to leave.

Bai Xian Ming surprised when Sun Zhou Yi involved his master in the convo. He wanted to meet Sun Zhou Yi's master, but unfortunately, the other side refused to meet him.

"If may i know, did something happen to your master? You can tell me if you need help, Hero League will gladly do the best as long as it is still within our grasp,"

Bai Xian Ming changed his objective, from preventing Sun Zhou to leave and now he wanted to meet this master of Sun Zhou Yi. Doing a favor for this unknown master might lead him to a chance of an encounter with this master.

Sun Zhou Yi already told his Master's existence to Bai Xiang Ming, so he did not mind to tell a bit more, "No, my Master does not need help. However, today is his special day, My Master just gets married and I want to be there to celebrate his marriage."

"All of us!" Sun Zhou Yi added. It meant that the people behind him would also celebrate it together.

Sun Zhou Yi's answer left Bai Xian Ming speechless. He thought there was another important matter, but it was just a celebration about his master getting a marriage certificate.

However, from Sun Zhou Yi's mouth, he got a clue about his master. He could check the people who got a marriage certificate and he might find this master.

But he still found that introduced Sun Zhou Yi to the upper echelon of the Hero League and the upper society of the core region would benefit this young man in his career.

"Little Sun, you might not know this as you are new. But it will be hard for a hero without a faction to get a promotion. Especially for you, without a faction supporting you, your chance to reach Emperor Class less than one percent,"

The reason why the Hero League did not promote you to Emperor Class because most of the executives did not agree. You need seven votes from executive before the Hero League can promote you to Emperor Class, so without support from a faction, it will be hard for you to reach Emperor Class."

So, this banquet is for your own good and I hope you stay longer. You have to think about your future and I think your master will agree with me."

That was how things worked here. That was why Hero without a faction was doomed to never reach the peak. He alone would not be able to change all of this, Bai Family did not own the Hero League.

However, to Bai Xian Ming's surprise, Sun Zhou Yi smiled to him and that smile, it was a satire smile. This earned a frown from Bai Xian Ming.

"Still, My Master is more important. Without him, I will not be here. Without him, there will be no Gold Class Hero - Rank 1, Sun Zhou Yi. So in his joyous occasion, I want to be there to be the very first person to congratulate him!"

So, my choice is still the same, Executive Bai. I don't care if I stay forever in Gold Class or even get demoted. Moreover, the others have to pass my rank or there will be no more new Emperor Class. So, Thank you for the banquet and your hospitality."

Sun Zhou Yi bowed his head slightly and Xiao Xi followed in tow on his back.

"Goodbye, Executive Bai." After that, Sun Zhou Yi pulled Xiao Xi's hand and walked out of the Hero League's HQ.

Butcher Wang picked his daughter who was busy eating and oblivious to her surroundings. Then he pulled his wife and followed Sun Zhou Yi. The others also followed in suit.

Under the unfriendly gaze of many, Sun Zhou Yi led people of the Xing District leaving. The surroundings also broke into a small discussion, they were talking in a small voice while openly pointed their fingers toward the groups.

Bai Xian Ming's frown loosened and the tense look on his face disappeared. It was as if he never angry before as he looked at the back of Sun Zhou Yi.

Klak! Klak! Klak!

A high heel rattled against the floor and Bai Xian Ming turned around only to find his two lovely granddaughters approached him. Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er, they were siblings with contrast disposition.

Bai Xin Yue was cold, distant, and quiet while Bai Shuang'er was cheerful, friendly, and playful. Despite having a contrast disposition, both were quite close.

"They leave?" Bai Shuang'er opened her mouth as she looked at the hall's entrance. She noticed the confrontation between Sun Zhou Yi and his grandfather, but she was not clear what they talked about.

"Hmm, he said he wants to celebrate his master marriage," Bai Xian Ming nodded and looked at his eldest granddaughter, "Yue'er, do you have a moment? There's something grandfather wants to discuss with you,"

"Yes," Bai Xin Yue returned with a nod and followed his grandfather. They walked toward the elevator and left the banquet. Sun Zhou Yi left already, there was no need for Bai Xian Ming stayed.

Meanwhile, Bai Shuang'er was looking at the entrance where Sun Zhou Yi and the group left. After a moment of hesitation, a mischievous smile formed on her lips and she strode out of the hall after that with a plan in her mind.

As soon as Bai Xian Ming left the banquet, the hall buzzed. The people were talking about how bold Sun Zhou Yi and expressed their dislikes toward Sun Zhou Yi.


Xing District

Heero already got his marriage certificate and inside of his log cabin, he held the certificate. People talked it was a marriage certificate, but the certificate was in the form of a small book.

The cover was a big golden star with many smaller stars around the big one. He opened it and the first contained two paragraphs of words. It was saying how sacred marriage was.

On the next page, there was a photo of him and Hong Yu. Hong Yu was brightly smiling while Heero had a silly smile as well. While looking at the photo, Heero walked out of his log cabin to the edge of the rooftop.

He looked up to the bright and clear sky, in an emotional tone, Heero spoke, "Father, Mother, Grandpa, Master, Seven Mothers… I am married now…"

He directed the marriage certificate to the sky, hoping his family could see his marriage certificate, "This is a marriage certificate, proof that I am married. Weird isn't it? On Dramonia…"

Heero then began mumbling about Dramonia, it did not take long though before he stopped. He let out a sigh and looked down.

On the street, under Yao Yao's shout and Yun Xia's help, the security of the Xing District placed tables and chairs in order.

Today was a special occasion for people of the Xing District. They decided to close the shop to make a small celebration for his marriage and Sun Zhou Yi's promotion.

Then he saw his wife also helped arrange the party with a sweet smile of her on her face. Since they got the marriage certificate, he noticed Hong Yu never stopped smiling. He was happy about that.


'Should I tell the truth to her? Or just bury my past deep inside my heart and continue with I have now?'

Heero was not sure about this. He wanted to tell the truth, but he was also afraid of losing his wife. He was still in a dilemma and not sure what he should do about this.

He pulled the hand which was holding the marriage certificate. Then a wind blew it up and the next page was opened. There was another photo, but it was not Heero and Hong Yu, but Heero and Han Ying.

That was the plan Heero mentioned to Hong Yu, a fake marriage, only on the paper. Rather than others abusing their authority to get their hands onto Han Ying, Heero told Hong Yu that he could have a fake marriage with Han Ying.

With this, the Civil Bureau would not be able to force Han Ying to marry someone else. Hong Yu agreed and Han Ying also agreed. They could get a divorce if later Han Ying found a man she loved.

This fake marriage also benefited Heero in one way. There was a regulation that someone had to look for a second wife a year after the first marriage.

Even though he planned to not listen to this weird regulation of the Civil Bureau, but with the fake marriage he had with Han Ying, the officer would not bug him at least for two years

Heero pocketed his marriage certificate. Remembering about his family, reminding Heero about his best friend Miyamoto. He still had an unfinished talk with the assassin regarding Miyamoto.

Even though both had the same name, he was still hoping they were a different person.

In a dark room

Musashi Hirata slowly opened his eyelids, but he closed his eyes immediately as a splitting headache assaulted his head. He let out a pained grunt as his hand moved to his brow to massage his hurt head.

After a moment of massage, the splitting headache lessened a lot and he managed to open his eyes fully this time. The cold sensation on his skin told him he was lying down on the floor, but he did not remember how he ended up in this dark room.

He tried to recall what happened to him before. Shadow Fang asked him to assassinate someone from the outer region, then he…

A scene after scenes displayed in his mind. Until everything was connected, then he found out why he ended up here. His target who he thought only an ordinary man turned into a master.

And because of his carelessness, he ended up failing his mission. A one-sided fight, he could not even land a hit on his target.

"I have to get away from this place and make a plan for my next move…" Musashi Hirata muttered in a low voice.

Then, he looked at the surroundings and found out he was not the only one here. Three meters away, there were another six men. Based on these people's condition, they had their hands tied as they leaned their backs on the wall.

Musashi Hirata squinted his eyes to get a clear look at these six men. He found one of them familiar to him. Then, after a while, he recognized the man in the middle. That man was his father's underling, Muranaka Kenta.

It shocked him and then, he also recognized the other fives. They were his family's rankers.

"Does that unknown master has enmity to my family?" Musashi Hirata muttered.josei

"I have to tell father about this. This unknown master is a bit dangerous…" an opponent that he could not touch, this meant this person was stronger than his brother and about the same level as his father.

He was not sure about that yet as he knew that the unknown master did not seriously fight him last night. The unknown master maybe even stronger than his father. He had to tell this to his family, the unknown danger that lurked in the outer region.

"Ah, with them, it might be easier to run away from here…" he got a brilliant idea to escape from this place. Just as he wanted to call these six men, he heard the door opened.

Musashi Hirata canceled his intention to call the six men and turned around toward the door. An unknown master he met last night entered the room.

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