Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Missing Cases

A new day arrived and last night, Heero had a nice sleep. He walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom to get a quick shower. Since he had legally married Hong Yu, he was sleeping on the third floor with his wife.

There was no need for him to worry about his activity was heard by the outsider or even Han Ying now. Miao Miao Noodles Shop overhauled, not only the shop on the first floor, all three floors had been renovated.

All rooms had a good soundproof now, so Han Ying would not be able to hear his wife's voice in the middle of the night.

Turned on the shower, Heero happily hummed and his face was glowing in happiness. After a quick shower, he saw his wife was still sleeping. Heero did not wake her up as it was still early. Moreover, they had a crazy battle last night. Maybe it was because they just got their marriage certificate or even other reasons, last night's battle last longer than usual.

Heero did not wake his wife and headed out of his room. It was still six in the morning, there was still an hour and a half before the shop opened. There was still plenty times and he let his wife slept longer.

The first thing Heero did in the morning was heading toward the rooftop. He went into his research cabin and when he went out, he brought six small size tubes contained red liquid and a small tube contained dark green liquid.

Since he slept inside, the two log cabins on the rooftop became his workroom now. Bringing the seven small tubes, Heero went down.

*** ***

Inside the darkroom, Musashi Hirata finally released out a sigh of relief upon the sight of the six drunk men who went to sleep. Finally, after a long night of disgusting comical show presented by his father's underlings, the room back turned quiet once again.

Last night the worst ever night he ever had during his twenty-six years of his life. It was enough to stress him. The six idiots were dancing like a crazy shit-heads did, screaming and shouting in joy as if they were clubbing.

However, this was not the worst thing, the worst thing came afterward. These six idiots removed their clothes and everything they wore only to release a perverted moan afterward. It was as if these six idiots were having sex.

It lasted for three hours and he had been listening to the moans for three hours. It only stopped just now and the six idiots went to sleep that relieved him a lot.

Dark poach could be seen below his eyes and just as he wanted to close his eyes to get some sleep after a long stressful night, he heard the door opened. He turned around and found Heero walked in.

His eyes shone as he found hope. He did not immediately ask to be moved out of his room, he was waiting as he thought this unknown master would try to ask him about his ancestor again.

As Musashi Hirata's expectation, the unknown master squatted right before him. But to his surprise, the unknown master did not ask him about his ancestor. His cheeks were held and his eyes contracted as he saw the unknown the master chugged him a small tube contained green liquid.

He swallowed the green liquid as he could not prevent it. It entered his stomach without any obstruction. He could not help but stare at Heero with his eyes opened wide in shock.

He was sure the red liquid was the one who caused last night's disgusting show. Without a doubt, the red liquid was the main cause of the weird action of his father's underling. Then what about the green liquid?

Heero bypassed Musashi Hirata and found the six men were naked again. He gave a kick to each of them and shout, "Wear your clothes!!!"

With their eyes still closed, the six men rose from the floor. Then, the six men picked up their clothes and wear the clothes afterward. Starting from the underwear to their outer clothes.

"Sit!" the six men followed Heero's order with their eyes closed and sat as they had their back on the wall.

"Open your mouth!" as per order, the six men opened their mouths. Next, Heero delivered the red liquid into their mouths.

On the other side, Musashi Hirata had his eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped in shock. He was sure the six idiots were sleeping, their breaths were stable just like people sleeping. But why did they follow the unknown master's order?

"Hah, it's still working even though I use different plants…" Hirata heard it from the unknown master's mouth which shocked him. Then what about the green liquid?

He was afraid if he was controlled just like the six idiots or even did the disgusting things that the six idiots did last night.

As he was in a trance for thinking about his fate, he heard the sound of a door closing. He turned around and Heero was nowhere to be seen.

Just as he wanted to shout to call Heero, sleepiness invaded him. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Before even he could call Heero, his eyelids became heavier, and then darkness invaded his eyes. He fell asleep just like the six idiots.

*** ***

Heero went out of the jailhouse, it was less than half an hour, but when he came out he saw there was a crowd gathered in front of Miao Miao Noodles Shop. Most of them were elderly and they kept peeking into the noodle shop with a concerned look.

Heero headed back as he picked up his pace. Upon the sight of Heero, the crowd made a path and let Heero passed them through.

At the entrance noodle shop, two men wore black suits with a white shirt inside and sunglasses stood before the entrance. These two men were preventing Butcher Wang to enter the shop and they had a heated argument.

"Let me enter or I will force my way in!" Butcher Wang indignantly said in a threatening tone. This was earned sneers from the two men in black suits, "You can try!" said one of them in a challenging manner.

Butcher Wang truly wanted to force his way in, but he noticed Heero coming toward him.

"What's wrong?" Heero asked as a frown formed on his brow. Each time people with black suits came to this district, it meant problem knocked at his door. Sure enough, these people were trouble.

"They want us to move away from this district!" Butcher Wang rudely pointed his finger toward the two men. He did not try to hide his hostility toward the two men in black suits.

One of them try to hit Butcher Wang's hand away, but Butcher Wang pulled his hand timely and the man only hit the empty air.

"Heh, it's a hundred years too early to hit my hand," Butcher Wang did not forget to launch a taunt. His taunt proved to be effective as the man who failed to hit Butcher Wang's hand infuriated.

He wanted to charge at Butcher Wang, but his friend stopped him.

"Why don't you take them down and throw them to a jailhouse? These kinds of people are troublemakers and could be considered as offenders!" Heero rolled his eyes at Butcher Wang.

Sure enough, these people came to create trouble. Even though Butcher Wang did not fill the complete story, he knew why did these people drive them away.

As per the thunder dragon's incident, the Xing District became popular and many people visited this place to see the empty pit. It was natural of people with some authority tried to get this place for themselves.

"They are the people of the Central Government, I am waiting for your decision," Butcher Wang replied with a shrug.

"See, we have to beat them first and they will know their place. If we just let them like this, they will be more insolent," the man who was pissed by Butcher Wang arrogantly stated with his finger directed at Heero.

Heero ignored these two clowns and made a call to Fatty Liang. The call immediately connected, it was as if Fatty Liang waited for his call all this time.

"Ring the bell!" as soon as Heero said that, the bell resounded through the Xing District.

Guong! Guong! Guong! Guong!

It sounded weird to the two men in the black suits, but the people around were familiar to this bell. Heero's instruction was clear to them, as soon as the bell resounded, they were ordered to get inside the building. If there were customers, then brought them in as well.

Soon, the surrounding people scattered around and headed into the building. Heero was the one who gave them a shelter, a man who they relied on. They heed Heero's words and soon, the street was empty of people, leaving only two men in the black suits, Butcher Wang and Heero.

This puzzled the two men in the black suits. What did that bell mean? And why did the people leave at the rings of the bell?

The two men's tension rose as the district turned void of people. Then, one of them realized the bell rang as soon as the young man called someone to ring the bell. He would know if he caught this young man.

"Catch him!" on the command of his friend, the man who pissed off by Butcher Wang formed a stance. Both were Silver Class Rankers who working under Ming Group, they came here to accompany the general manager of Ming Group to take over this district.

To their surprise, Butcher Wang made his move first. He appeared right in front of them and tackled the man on his right. As he tackled the man on his right, his hand also moved to man on his left.

His movement was not flashy, but it was quick that made the two Silver Class Ranker could not react in time.

Bugh! Bugh! Bugh! Bugh!

Four punches landed on the man on his left and Butcher Wang's target immediately went limp with his eyes closed. Butcher Wang did not stop here, he raised his right foot and directed toward the man who he tackled earlier.

The man could only watch helplessly as he saw a shoe shot toward his forehead. Butcher Wang ended up the fight with a stomp as the second man had his rolled up and fell unconscious as well.

"So weak, yet acting cocky before me!" Butcher Wang spat out to the two unconscious men.

Heero ignored Butcher Wang and entered the noodles shop. Five men seated across Hong Yu and Han Ying. They were supposed to be having a discussion, but the bell disrupted their talk.

As soon as Heero entered the shop, Han Ying pointed her finger toward him and said, "He is the owner of the Xing District and he is…"

Heero stopped Han Ying with a gesture and said indifferently, "There's no need to talk, I am here to capture the offender!" as he said that, he was on his way toward the five men.

A man who appeared in his thirty stood up and took out something from behind his suit. Then he showed it to Heero, "I am rank 5 officers of the Central Government, from…"


Having not finished his words, the man fell to the floor. It shocked everyone including Han Ying and Hong Yu. It was a rare sight that the kind-hearted Heero became barbaric now.

Heero was right next to the unconscious man, proving it was his doing. The other four men rose from the seat, only to get toppled down by Heero. Without saying any words, Heero knocked all of them.josei

Finishing his job, Butcher Wang caught up and only to see the five men who entered the shop were knocked down already.

"I am late…" Butcher Wang muttered in disappointment as he thought it was fun to knock some weakling. But Heero had done the job already.

"Next time, just ring the bell directly if these kinds of people come again regardless of their identities, heroes, rankers, or even some big sh*t from the big family!" dragging the five unconscious men out, Heero told Butcher Wang in a stern tone.

"Good, there's no next time!" Butcher Wang nodded his head and helped Heero dragging these men out.

As they dragged the offenders to the jailhouse, in a certain building that not far from the noodles shop. Eyes peeked out through the window, the black and clear eyes were looking at Butcher Wang and Heero who dragged the men in the black suits.

The eyes shone brightly as he looked at this scene. The hopeful and big black eyes turned to a strong determination at this scene.

Heero put them into a temporary jailhouse at a different room from the early offenders. As he came out of the jailhouse, he muttered in a thoughtful look, "This building won't do, maybe I should build a dungeon to put these offenders…"

*** ***

The next day, the Central Police came to the Xing District. They were looking for the officers who came the day before. Heero, Hong Yu, Han Ying, and Butcher Wang were interrogated by the police.

They answered with the same answer and words, "I don't know!"

Then, the police began questioning the others, Yao Yao, Xiao Xi, the elderly and even the children. However, they got the same replies, "I don't know!""I don't see them!"

Since the investigation went naught, the Central Police took a temporary judgment that these people went missing. Of course, they would continue investigating the case as these people were not the only case. There were several of the same cases and these people went missing at the same place, the Xing District.

In the following week, the missing cases were piling up. The Central Police and Heroes dispatched to investigate the case. The missing case mostly involved rankers and officers of the Central Government. There were a few people from Martial House as well.

The missing case and the Xing District's name blew up on the Star Web. Every day, people were discussing this topic. Most of them said it was the thunder dragon's doing and Heero's hater accused him.

There was a post saying the culprit was Handsome Brutal Savage. Various kinds of speculations appeared on Star Web while the Central Police incessantly investigated the cases.

As the Star Web was in an uproar, the Hero League alerted, and the Ranker Alliance had their eyes at the Xing District. Heero and Blacksmith Huang took this chance to start the first debut of Xing Auction House.

Heero already had eleven swords ready to be auctioned and Blacksmith Huang would auction his nine creations during the last month. As Blacksmith Huang already made a name for himself at Vermillion Auction House, it was easy to attract the heroes and the rankers' attention.

Twenty top tiers Gold Class weapons were ready to be auctioned, the heroes and the rankers were in tumult.

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