Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Xing District - Bai Family's Hidden Intention

As soon as those words came out of Sun Zhou Yi's mouth, the surrounding could no longer hold their volume of voices. The surroundings broke into a heated discussion and most of them were talking about Sun Zhou Yi.

They discussed how arrogant and disrespectful Sun Zhou Yi was. After all, Bai Xian Ming was still the number one figure in the Hero League. As a newly promoted Gold Class Hero, Sun Zhou Yi's manner was disrespectful.

"It seems the rumors are true…"

"Yeah… this is not the first time…"

Then these people began talking about the event when Sun Zhou Yi left the banquet as soon as it started. Of course, a discussion was just small talk, they tried to suppress their voice lower.

They did not want Sun Zhou Yi to hear them. After all, Sun Zhou Yi promoted to Gold Class Hero through a big feat. He was still a man that stopped Level 10 Calamity alone and none of them wanted to offend such a figure.

Bai Xian Ming's friendly smile vanished in an instant. He never thought that someday he would be denied by entrance like this. As an Elder of Bai Family and a Chief Executive of the Hero League, people would be glad about his present to attend their parties. Here, he was rejected because he did not have an invitation.

Bai Xin Yue also froze on the spot. She did not expect there was someone did not give her grandfather's face. She was furious as her countenance turned colder.

The cheerful Bai Shuang'er also had a dumbfounded look as she could not believe what she heard. The famed Silver Hawk and the former Emperor Class Hero - Rank 1 in his era was rejected to join the auction, an auction of unknown auction house at that.


Out of everyone's expectation, the girl burst out in laughter. She laughed hard in tears as her hand on her belly. The laughter attracted everyone's attention, including her grandfather and a big sister who almost exploded in rage.

Bai Shuang'er laughter resounded through the Xing District. She laughed unrestrained, it was as if she was hearing the biggest joke in the years. A couple of seconds later, Bai Shuang'er stopped laughing.

She took a big stride toward Sun Zhou Yi and declared loudly, "Call your Master now! Somehow, I have an urge to beat someone, call your master and I will let your master taste this young lady's fist for disrespecting my grandpa! I will beat your brazen Master!"

Once again, everyone stunned by this girl auction. Before she was laughing hard and now, she was acting fierce. It was clear that from her expression, she had a dead-serious look. A high tension filled the air as Bai Shuang'er had her jet black eyes stared at Sun Zhou Yi.

Sun Zhou Yi furrowed his brows in displeasure as he glanced at Bai Shuang'er. He certainly had a grateful feeling to this young girl for helping him to reclaim his achievement. However, it was different when it came to his master.

Looking at Bai Shuang'er back with his eyes that slowly turned cold, he replied in a flat tone, "You are not at the same level to my Master, if you want to die, then I will grant your wish. Also, don't you dare to talk bad about my Master again! This the first and the last warning!"

Then, he looked back at Bai Xian Ming. Bai Xian Ming was surely a figure he respecter. However, in his eyes, his Master was still far above to Bai Xian Ming.

"Executive Bai, please take care of your relative!"

"You…!" Bai Shuang'er raised her finger at Sun Zhou Yi, but before she could continue, Bai Xian Ming's deep voice resounded.

"Shuang'er! Stop! Where's your manner?"

With an unbelievable look on her face, she turned around to face her grandpa, "Granpa, it was he who disrespected you, how could you are still on his side!"

"Shuang'er!" once again, Bai Xian Ming called his granddaughter. It was a lie if he was not upset being rejected by the entrance like this. However, he had another goal. He came here not to make a conflict but formed a friendly relationship with Sun Zhou Yi's Master.

With her grandpa's voice and a stare from his sister, she returned to their side while grumbling in a low voice.

"Hehe, it's okay. I will stay outside and try the hotpot here. I heard the hotpot here is pretty good," After saying that, he turned toward his two granddaughters, "You can go and have fun, I will wait at Xing Hotpot,"

Bai Xian Ming gave a gentle smile to his two granddaughters. But Bai Xin Yue remained still with her frosty look while Bai Shuang'er had an annoyed expression.

"No, I don't want to attend the auction anymore. Moreover, we already have many Gold Class Weapons at home. This auction has no meaning to us…" here, her words trailed off as she looked back at her grandpa, "I rather follow you to eat hotpot. I heard the hotpot is yummy and they have Jagged Goat as well,"

"Shuang'er!" This time, it was Bai Xin Yue who called her name. Still annoyed as before, she turned around to her sister and only found a solemn look of her sister.

"Alright~ Alright~ I will follow you," Bai Shuang'er surrendered. She knew her sister well, nothing good came if she pissed her sister. She sulkily stood next to Bai Xin Yue, looking away from Sun Zhou Yi.

"Hahahaha… It's really worth coming here. I finally manage to witness our respected executive being denied by the entrance!" a sonorous yet also rough at the same time sounded and attracted people's attention.

A man in 1.9 meters with short hair and sharp-looking stepped out of the crowd. Based on the look, the man in the red shirt looked like a man in his late thirties.


The crowd simultaneously released a surprised exclamation at the same. They recognized this man, he was a real Emperor Class Hero who just got his rank promoted to Rank 18, Huo Liang Xun.

"Yo, Old Man Bai!" he casually greeted Bai Xian Ming with a wave of his right hand and smirked, "I am sorry, but I can't give my invitation to you. I am curious to the man who dared to reject our respected Executive Bai to join his auction,"

Bai Xian Ming however ignored Huo Liang Xun, "Yue'er, I will leave the rest to you."

Bai Xin Yue responded with a serious nod.

After that, Bai Xian Ming turned around and went to Xing Hotpot that not far from Xing Auction House. He truly wanted to try the rumored most delicious hotpot.

It was as if he was used to being ignored, he turned toward the two sisters and greeted them while showing his shiny teeth, "Yo, let's…"

Before he could finish his words, the two sisters turned around and entered the building. Leaving Huo Liang Xun alone and Bai Family's action was surprised by the crowd.

Huo Liang Xun shrugged indifferently, it was as if he was used to being ignored like this. He took no offense and went to Butcher Wang to show his invitation.

*** ***

Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er entered the building. A hallway with a dim light greeted them, it was weird for an auction.

"Welcome to Xing Auction House~!"

Then two voices greeted the two sisters and only then they found two men stood next to them. The voices were weird, one voice sounded gentle while the other one sounded cold.

Meanwhile, Bai Xin Yue's heart palpitated, her heart was beating furiously. It was not she felt creepy with the voices, but because she could not feel these men's presence. If these two were assassins, then she and her sister might die just now.

Bai Xin Yue scanned the two men. Both had a similar build and height, wearing black vests outside and a white shirt inside, and a faceless wood mask covered their faces. She found a sword, a katana on the man's waist on her left.

'Does Sun Zhou Yi's Master related to the south?' thought Bai Xin Yue upon encountering a katana.

"Guests, please follow me. I will guide you to the hall."

A cold voice resounded again and Bai Xin Yue set her eyes on the man on her left. After that, the man began walking through the hallway. She and her sister followed the man with a sword.

As she walked in, Bai Xin Yue kept peeking at her back and forth. Failing to notice these two men's presence, it alerted her. However, there was nothing happened and she reached a hall with brighter light.

Ahead, there were twenty tables and ten seats at each table. Further ahead, there was a stage with a big red drape.

"You can choose your seat wherever you want and there's a guidebook on each chair. I hope you read the book as our auction house's regulations are written in it. If you violate the rules we have set up, you will be considered as an offender and will be locked in Dungeon!"

After saying that, the man left the two girls in the hall and went back to the entrance.

"The service is minus ten out of ten!" Bai Shuang'er immediately raised her complaint as soon as the man left, "The auction has not started yet, but they already threatened us! This auction house is black!"

Her voice echoed through the hall and garnered her sister's stares. She immediately closed her mouth.

"Shuang'er!" Bai Xin Yue raised her voice, but then she immediately released out of a soft sigh.

"Shuang'er," with a softer voice, she called her sister once again and asked in a solemn tone, "Do you know what we are here for, right?"josei

Bai Shuang'er nodded her head meekly in return. She was clear as to why did his grandpa was interested in coming to this place. He even lowered his head when he was denied by the entrance. So she understood how important this event to Bai Family.

"I know, I will behave," Bai Shuang'er replied. Bai Xin Yue smiled gently and rubbed her sister's hair in response.

"I know it's unfair for you, but we have to do this for our family, for Star City!" Bai Xin Yue added with a soft voice.

At the same time, there was a familiar loud voice resounded from the hallway. The two sisters turned around and found two figures coming toward them. They looked at each other for a moment before they decided to choose their seats in the front.

In the hallway, under the wooden mask, Heero made an annoyed look as he listened to his guest who kept talking non-stop since he entered. He had been asking about the Boss of the auction house without realizing the boss was in front of him.

"Your Boss is surely amazing, he dares to ignore the Executive Bai!"

"Can I meet your Boss?"

"Are you deaf? Why don't you talk to me?"

"Or are you mute? You can't talk, maybe? Or maybe do you have a mental issue?"

"There's no way the auction would employ someone with mental issues…"

He kept talking despite receiving no response from Heero. Usually, people would stop talking if he did not receive any response from the one he talked to. However, receiving no answer did not make Huo Liang Xun's enthusiasm down.

In the heroes' circle, he had a nickname, Chatterbox with no Limiter. It was him, Huo Liang Xun the chatterbox with no limiter. Moreover, he spoke whatever in his mind without caring whether it was rude or not.

That was the reason why did Bai Xian Ming, Bai Xin Yue, and Bai Shuang'er avoid him. They did not want to hear the endless bs from chatterbox with no limiter.

When they reached the hall, Heero repeated the same words as the man told the two sisters and immediately left the chatterbox who was still talking to him.

Looking at Heero's back vanished in the hallway, Huo Liang Xun let out a disappointed sigh as he failed to make Heero speaking to him. But then, he found two girls who sat in the front. With a big grin, he approached the two girls.

*** ***

After the Eldest Young Master of Ming Group's incident, everything went smoothly. It surprised Butcher Wang as he thought the people from the inner and core region would make trouble with limited invitations.

Of course, he knew it was because of Sun Zhou Yi. A Gold Class Hero - Rank 1 guarded the gate, who dared to make trouble?

Two hundred people came, none of them missing. And right at eight thirty, the auction started.

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