Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Xing District - A Mess Before the Calm (2)

The undetected movement of the wooden mask surely surprised everyone including Huo Liang Xun. Amongst the guests, he was the strongest one, Emperor Class Hero - Rank 18.

This was the opening auction, so most of the big faction sent their men to attend the auction. Just like the two sisters from Bai Family, everyone had their motives in joining the auction.

As for why Hua Liang Xun came, it because he was idle. Since the dungeon break incident, he did not have a task in hand. Then, he heard that the new Gold Class Hero - Rank 1 resided in the outer region. During his break, he also found the advertisement posted by Heero and registered himself to see Sun Zhou Yi.

As for the Gold Class Weapon, he did not have an interest in it. He was famous for his shape-shifting ability, everyone knew he did not use any weapon. Amongst the guests, he was the only one who came with pure curiosity.

He was curious to the man who stopped the dungeon break to breach into the city alone. He did not expect the auction would turn into a mess like this. He had seen Sun Zhou Yi, it could be said the new guy's ability was interesting. He never saw someone with an ability similar to Sun Zhou Yi.

Creating a sword from nothingness, he was interested to fight Sun Zhou Yi. But the guy from Blacksmith Association created a mess. He had read the one so-called guidebook, despite being domineering, but it would be fine if they followed the rules.

Then, the men of the auction made a move, knocking the man from the Blacksmith Association, and intending to kidnap him. As a Hero, there was no way he would let someone harmed ordinary people before his face.

He stepped out, besides wanting to help the man from the Blacksmith Association, he wanted to have a little fight against Sun Zhou Yi as well. In addition to the chatterbox without limiter, he had another nick, Battle Maniac.

People called him that as well as he loved to pick a fight. Almost all Emperor Class Hero had a spar against him, leaving only the top five ranks. In the end, he came here to have a spar against a new Emperor Class Hero.

He took this chance to step out so he could fight against Sun Zhou Yi. However, to his surprise, there was someone strong appeared. He met another strong opponent he could pick.

Despite the surprising undetected movement, he was still pretty calm as a big grin spread across his face.

"Interesting! I would love to know how you are going to sever my head," Huo Liang Xun replied with a pretty calm tone. He was not intimidating in the slightest by the wooden mask attendant's speed at all.

Meanwhile, Butcher Wang kept walking to the entrance, he did not care about what happened on his back. When he passed Heero who stayed at the entrance, he heard a mutter from Heero, "It's a mess,"

However, from the tone of Heero speaking, he could tell that Heero was satisfied with this result. This mess was what he wanted.

"Where does the kind-hearted Heero I know go??" thought Butcher Wang while bringing the mustache man out of the hall.

*** ***

Sun Zhou Yi was still on his spot, he did not move. The guests moved away, giving the wooden mask attendant and Huo Liang Xun space to fight.

However, there were two women did not move away, Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er were still on their seats.

Glancing at Sun Zhou Yi, Huo Liang Xun noticed Sun Zhou Yi did not plan in attacking him. He relieved at that. He was battle maniac indeed, but he was not that stupid to pick a fight against two at once.

Being an Emperor Class Hero for years, he never underestimated his opponent once. After making sure Sun Zhou Yi would not join the fight, he focused on his opponent who was still on his stance.

Huo Liang Xun took a step forward. As the wooden masked attendant told him, he would sever his head if he took a step forward. He moved up and at the same time, a sliver light flashed from the wooden masked attendant.

It came from his right side, extremely fast at that. It formed a crescent curve and pushed through the air to his neck. Huo Liang Xun was unprepared for this, he never thought the sword would come this fast.

"Watch out!" At the same time, there was a woman's voice warned him. Along with the voice, an ice wall formed on Huo Liang Xun's right side. The ice wall intended to block the incoming sword while Huo Liang Xun stunned.

Alas, the ice wall only slowed the incoming sword a little. It cut through the ice with ease. However, that a little time was enough for Huo Liang Xun. He became an Emperor Class Hero not without a reason, he had the capability to bear his class.

Brownish red fur grew on both his wrists, Huo Liang Xun immediately raised his hands as he intended to block the incoming sword with his hand. The fur merged and Huo Liang Xun shielded the incoming sword.

As soon as the sword met with his wrist, an acute pain transmitted, and Huo Liang Xun let out an inhuman growl. He managed to stop the sword, but he did not leave unscathed as a warm liquid flowed from his wrist.

At the same time, the wooden masked attendant pulled his sword and took five steps back. He sheathed the sword back and formed the same stance as before. He was ready to launch the next attack anytime.

It happened so fast that shocked everyone in the hall. In the first attack, the wooden masked attendant wounded Emperor Class Hero - Rank 18. Even though it was not a deep cut, but to do so to an Emperor Class Hero was a quite amazing feat.

Despite being around the battle that took place, the people were not panic. Instead, they were discussing amongst themselves. They were talking about the wooden masked attendant.

Bai Xin Yue realized the situation seemed to be unfavorable for Huo Liang Xun. She pulled his sister's hand, intending to join with Huo Liang Xun. But to her surprise, Sun Zhou Yi appeared in front of them.

"What is the meaning of this!!?? You are in cahoots with them?" shielded his sister from Sun Zhou Yi, her hands released a cold air.

"No, I am not in cahoots, but I am one of them from the start. Remember what I said before that I already have a faction? Xing District is my Faction!" Sun Zhou Yi indifferently told the two sisters.

This earned a frown from Bai Xin Yue. This Xing District was still unknown to them, additional with the man who fought Huo Liang Xun, the Xing District might have a huge force behind it. However, still, no matter how annoying Huo Liang Xun was, he was her comrade in the Hero League. She had to help him no matter what.

"Then why do you get in my way? Do you want Huo Liang Xun to die in your friend's hand?" Bai Xin Yue kept questioning Sun Zhou Yi's action. She thought, as a fellow hero, he was obliged to help Huo Liang Xun.

The current Hero League could not lose its main force and should never lose it over a trivial matter as well. Sun Zhou Yi peeked at Huo Liang Xun and looked back at the two sisters.

"Miss Bai, you are exaggerating things. First, Huo Liang Xun will not get killed and we don't have an intention to kill him. We are not an evil faction who wantonly taking someone else's life just like the people of the inner region who show no mercy even to children."

Second, the inner and core region has its regulations. The Hero League has its own rules. The Ranker Alliance has its own rules, and I do believe the Bai Family also has its own rules. So we do, Xing District also has its own rules and we are putting our rules into action. No more, no less.'

Third, Miss Bai, if you insist to assist Huo Liang Xun, then I will be your opponent! I will not let anyone make a mess at my home! Even if it's you, Miss Bai!" Sun Zhou Yi ended his words in a strong tone.

Bai Xun Yue could tell that Sun Zhou Yi was serious with his words. She could that from the tone he spoke.

"Moreover, Huo Liang Xun is not that weak to be killed in one move. You know that, though my junior brother has not gone all out yet if he goes all out, there's a chance Huo Liang Xun would be killed…" Sun Zhou Yi added in a somewhat proud tone.

Bai Xin Yue received a clue regarding the wooden mask man. That man was under the same master as Sun Zhou Yi and a younger disciple of Sun Zhou Yi's master.

She did not insist to help Huo Liang Xun anymore, but she watched the fight with intense eyes. Just like Sun Zhou Yi said, Huo Liang Xun was that weak to be killed in one move.

The cut wound on his wrist slowly closing in visible rate. It took less than twenty seconds to heal the swallow cut. After that, Huo Liang Xun turned his head, eyeing the person wounded him.

'I found a good opponent. A bit tricky though...' thought Huo Liang Xun as he grinned inwardly. Finding an equal opponent in his caliber was very hard, now he found one and it made him excited. At least it was what Huo Liang Xun's thought.

"Here I come…" Huo Liang Xun announced, but before he could make his move. The other side made his move first, the same technique as before, but this time two swords were coming toward him.

The sword caused another streak crescent light just like before and it came from two opposites directions as well. He raised both of his hands to fend off against the incoming sword.

The two streaks crescent line hit his hand almost at the same time. At least the people who watched from the sidelines thought so.

However, Huo Liang Xun could feel it, there was a gap between the two swords hit him. It just that too fast that almost looked the sword hit him at the same time.

He took a step back as blood leaked out from where the sword cut his hand. It was still a swallow cut, but he could still feel the pain. The same as before, what he could see was only a flash of the sword.

It was too fast even for him, but it did not mean he would lose in the fight. As long as he could get closer to the man with the wooden mask, it was his win.

Huo Liang Xun took a deep breath as he closed his eyes for a moment. As soon as he opened his eyes, he dashed forward. However, it did not work as four streaks flash coming toward him at the same time he made his move.

Huo Liang Xun stopped his charge and raised his hand to block the incoming swords. He failed to get closer once again, four cuts made in his wrist, the brownish fur soaked in red now.

The murmur between the onlookers became louder as time went. It certainly surprised them that an Emperor Class Hero was cornered by someone unknown from the outer region.

Even Bai Xin Yue who watched from the closest distance also surprised. She was surprised that Huo Liang Xun was suppressed like this. What surprised her the most was the man with a wooden mask.

As she was near where Huo Liang Xun and the man fought. So she knew how fearful the sword was.

A thought appeared in her mind, 'Sun Zhou Yi is strong enough to stop a Level 10 Calamity that even two Emperor Class Heroes can't achieve. Now, his junior brother suppressed an Emperor Class Hero, then what about their Masters?'

She just could not imagine how strong that person to have two strong disciples.

'He might be even stronger than Grandpa Long…'

In the next moment, Huo Liang Xun tried various kinds of ways to reach the man with a wooden mask, but to no avail. Every one of his attempts ended in failure, each time he took a step forward, the man in the wooden mask would rain him with swords.

It frustrated Huo Liang Xun, it annoyed him. This was the very first time that someone suppressed him like this. The man with a wooden mask was the first.

Moreover, his opponent only used one technique since the start. That meant his opponent also had not gone all out to suppress him like this.

It had been ten minutes since he was suppressed, he could no longer hold off.

"Kid, I am going to get serious…" However, before he could finish his words, there was a voice cut him off, "It's enough already, you are disturbing the auction. You are blacklisted! Leave now!"

The voice said it in a moderate tone and everyone turned around to the voice. Another attendant with a wooden mask came to the next another attendant.

"Heh, it's two to one now?" Huo Liang Xun completely ignored that the fact he was blacklisted.

Heero shook his head and continued, "Leave now,"

"What if I don't want to leave? Are you going to force me to leave? Heh heh, I wonder how are you going to force me to leave," Huo Liang Xun snickered.

"No, if you don't want to leave, I will not force you to leave. Instead, I will knock you down and you will be locked in a dungeon!" still, with his moderate tone, Heero gave his reply.

However, Heero's reply earned laughter from the surroundings. Yes, the people who had been watching from the sidelines laughed aloud. It was as if they heard the best joke of the year.

Even though Huo Liang Xun was suppressed by someone unknown man earlier, but it was still far to defeat him. After all, he was still an Emperor Class Hero, it would be not that easy to knock down someone like Huo Liang Xun.

Moreover, everyone also noticed Huo Liang Xun had not fully shape-shifting to his true form.

"Interesting, I would like to know how are you going to lock me in the dungeon?" Huo Liang Xun challenged.

"Master, let me…" The attendant with a sword said in a low voice that only Heero could hear it, but he was stopped by a gesture from Heero.

With that, Heero approached Huo Liang Xun, steady and a normal pace. Just like how everybody walking at a normal pace.

Bai Xin Yue looked at the new figure who approached Huo Liang Xun with an interesting look. Sun Zhou Yi was strong, the attendant with a sword also managed to suppress Huo Liang Xun, then what about this guy?

"It seems the fight is over…"

Bai Xin Yue heard a mutter from Sun Zhou Yi which was shocked her. The fight had not even started yet, but how could he say the fight was over? It made no sense and she was clueless, but soon, she would get to know the meaning Sun Zhou Yi's words.

Huo Liang Xun, despite challenging the attendant in an easy-going manner, it did not lower his guard. He was still in high alert, anticipating every move the man in front of him would make.

However, the man in front of him just walking, no other moves and only stopped a meter away from him. Huo Liang Xun frowned as he thought the man in front of him was toying with him.

'Is he waiting for me to make my move? Then, I will make my move first!' thought Huo Liang Xun.

Just as he wanted to launch a punch, he opened his eyes wide. There was an unknown pressure on his body, it made him hard even to move his hand.

'I have to go all out…' it was Huo Liang Xun's thought as soon as he felt the unknown pressure and he did that instant.

His black hair transformed into brownish long hair, it covered his neck that it looked like a lion' mane. His face also changed into an inhuman face, his mouth turned like into a snout with sharp teeth leaked out, his black eyes turned into golden brownish, and there was a single spiral horn protruded out from his forehead.

Not only that, but his body also got bigger and his shirt was torn with a sudden change in his body. Huo Liang Xun's height was about 2.5 meters, he became a lot taller.

With his true shape-shifting form, the pressure lessened. The pressure was still there, hindering him a little, but it was much better compared to before.

As soon as his shape-shifting was over, a fist that became two times bigger than before shot toward Heero's head. The pressure slowed his punch, but he was confident in his punch.

The fist shot unhindered toward the wooden mask. The onlookers thought the attendant was stunned by Huo Liang Xun's sudden change as the man did not try to dodge or block the incoming punch.

That was wrong as the punch never arrived at the attendant's face. The strong punch was caught by a hand, a hand belonged to the attendant. At the last moment, the attendant raised his hand and caught the first with a bare hand.

There was also a thing that caught the onlookers' attention. It was the moment when the attendant caught the fist. There was a spark, a blue spark escaped from the palm of the attendant.

The one who shocked the most was Huo Liang Xun himself. He was confident that his punch would at least blown the man in front of him away.

However, not only he failed to blow the attendant, his punch even failed to push the attendant back. What made worse was the fact that the man in front of him caught his fist with ease.

'Hmm, his fist is commendable for somewhat who can't use Ki…' thought Heero as he received the fist, he felt an itch despite having Ki covered his palm. It was commendable for a raw force.josei

"Will you follow me obediently? Or do you want me to knock you?" still in his moderate tone that had not changed, Heero gave a choice.

Heero's moderate tone somehow pissed off Huo Liang Xun. He tried to pull his fist from Heero's grasp but found out he could not pull his fist. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not pull it.

He was known for his raw strength, his strength could be considered in the top ten of the Emperor Class Hero. Here, he was getting toyed like a child, his hand won't even budge from the grasp.

He drew his other hand as he wanted to shoot another punch in order to break free from the attendant. Huo Liang Xun opened his maw and showed the scary sharp teeth, he intended to let out a roar as he shot his punch.


Before even a roar came out from his mouth, there was a fist hit his chin. Heero made his move, a fast uppercut landed on Huo Liang Xun's lower maw. The opened wide mouth closed again, no roar came out.

"It's late, you will wake the kids up with your roar," said Heero to the stunned Lion Man and added in a calm voice, "It seems you won't obediently follow me, then I will show you how I am going to drag you to my dungeon,"

As soon as he finished his words, Heero launched a fist at Huo Liang Xun's belly. He was holding Huo Liang Xun's hand, rooting him on the spot. The fist hit right onto its target.

As the punch landed, Huo Liang Xun's Body hunched back and the closed maw opened wide once again. His feet were getting off the ground, if not for Heero holding Huo Liang Xun's hand, his body would fly back from the punch impact.

"Grrghhh!" a pained growl came out of Huo Liang Xun's mouth. The punch but just a start, a series of punches landed onto the powerless Huo Liang Xun.

The scene unfolded in the center hall stunned everyone. A mere punch rendered an Emperor Class Hero powerless. Huo Lian Xun became a sandbag to the attendant.

Then the people who planned to make trouble here imagined it was them in Huo Liang Xun's position. Chill sent to their spine as their bodies shuddered involuntarily. Even an Emperor Class Hero amounted to nothing here, let alone them who was still far below an Emperor Class.

People began to realize that the guard in this auction did not loose at all. Instead, the guard of the Xing Auction House was impeccable.

With the exception of Heero's punch, the hall was still in deep silence. It lasted for five minutes, after that, the reason why Huo Liang Xun did not fall, because his hand was held by the attendant.

Slowly, Huo Liang Xun turned back into a normal appearance. The hair-like mane turned back to normal and his inhuman face also backs to his rough look with his eyes closed. He was passed out.

After that, they heard the attendant tch-ed and released a mutter, "Tch, how are you going to see how I send you to a dungeon if you passed out like this…"

The surroundings heard the mutter as the hall was still in deep silence. Then everyone saw the attendant tossed the burly Huo Liang Xun with his one hand to the attendant with a sword.

Then, the attendant nodded at Blacksmith Huang and walked back to his previous spot. At this time, Butcher Wang already came back. He witnessed how Heero thrashed an Emperor Class Hero from the entrance.

"Just how strong are you…" Butcher Wang muttered as he headed back to his original spot next to the stage.

Even Emperor Class Hero was powerless before his Master, then what would happen if his Master turned serious?

'Ah, it happened a few weeks back then…' thought Butcher Wang as he remembered the daunting phenomenon a few weeks back then.

Receiving a signal from Heero, Blacksmith Huang continued, "I am sorry for the inconvenience, but we have subdued the troublemaker. Please get back to your seat, we will continue with the auction,"

With Blacksmith Huang's voice transmitted to the air, the people began scurrying to their original seats.

Looking at how obedient these people were, Blacksmith Huang slid a satisfied smile as he walked to two meters red case. He opened a red case, showing the first gear that would be auctioned soon.

It was a sword with a red handle, there was nothing fancy from the appearance, but the heroes and rankers were looking a sword with high-quality, not a fancy sword.

At the same time, there was a big flashed on the back. The big screen showed a picture of the sword inside the red case and next to the picture, there was a simple detail. Gold Class Gear - Grade B, below there was a simple explanation of why the sword rated as Grade B.

"The starting price is a million WD and each rise has to be at least a hundred thousand!" Blacksmith Huang announced as a signal the auction truly started.

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