Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Up to My Master

Fang Guo Ming sluggishly slouched back in his seat as he rubbed his forehead. He understood the meaning behind the black-cloaked man's words.

He recognized the sword used by the wooden masked attendant, the same sword used by Slash. Slash supposed to be killing Heero, but did not know why Slash was working for someone in the Xing District.

Slash, one of their best assassins was subdued and they knew nothing about it. They had to do further investigation and the most important part was the man who thrashed Huo Liang Xun.

An Emperor Class Hero, one of the strongest existence was thrashed without any resistance. Further investigation on Heero was needed, whether the man he wanted to kill had any relation with the group who held an auction.

The video also told them why the men they sent to investigate Slash were missing. It must be Slash or the man who thrashed Huo Liang Xun, the culprit who caused their men went missing.

"Also…" The black-cloaked man continued, showing a photo he got from the men he sent to the auction.

Fang Guo Ming looked and took a closer look at the photo. He saw the phenomenal hero who just recently promoted to Gold Class Hero - Rank 1. The young man was standing next to a stage.

"Sun Zhou Yi is a part of this mysterious group. We can't catch Heero in that district, we have to wait him out of the district then we can make a move on him, how does that sound?"

Even though Fang Guo Ming raised his voice at him earlier, the black-cloaked did not get angry out of it. He was still calm and collected as he suggested an idea.

"Hmm, that's the best we can do for now. I will leave the rest to you," Fang Guo Ming nodded as his response. With that being said, he stood up and left the room.

*** ***

Back to the Xing District

After finishing their seventh plate, the three Bais left the hotpot restaurant. After eating the hotpot from the rare delicacies, Bai Xin Yue no longer dejected as before. The Hover Flame Tail cheered her up, it was weird though, having tail meat for hotpot.

But the two sisters could not help but agree with their grandpa that the tail was the best. Exited the restaurant, Bai Xin Yue held her steps and glanced back at the auction house. Bai Xian Ming also did the same.

Even until now, the shock he received from Bai Xin Yue's story had not lessened even a bit. The fact that Huo Liang Xun was beaten that easy. He could not fight back and knocked down merely in a few minutes.

He just did not expect that there was a figure that even stronger than Sun Zhou Yi. Based on her granddaughter's words, the attendants and Blacksmith Huang had the same Master as Sun Zhou Yi.

It was quite shocking that Sun Zhou Yi's fellow disciple was that strong, then what about the Master? The man who trained these guys? He truly wanted to meet this man, unfortunately, it seemed this Master did not like the people lived in the core region, him included.

It was what he perceived from the story he heard from his granddaughter. Let out a sigh, he turned around and walked out of the district. Bai Xin Yue followed after him.

Meanwhile, inside a room of the Xing Auction House, Heero removed the wooden mask and randomly tossed it aside. Behind the wooden mask, he was smiling ear to ear, showing his true feelings at how happy he was with the auction.

The auction went smoothly, not only it went smoothly, but he also got a big catch, an Emperor Class Hero. Yes, including the fight against Huo Liang Xun, it was the plan, but Heero just did not expect that the one who would create trouble was Huo Liang Xun.

A good material to warn the others, showing the true power behind the Xing District, and promoting his Xing Pharmacy. Everything went well.

Tossing his wooden mask, Heero slouched down on the couch and comfortably leaned his back. With an additional a lot of money that he got from auctioning the weapon he made, it completed his perfect day.

The attendant with a sword also took off his wooden mask and revealed his face, Musashi Hirata. He was the assassin who wanted to kill Heero and also a descendant of his best friend, Musashi Miyamoto.

It was proved with the legacy left behind by Musashi Hirata's ancestors. A manual written in Dramonia Language, all of Musashi Miyamoto's techniques were written in this manual. After looking at the copy of the manual, Heero finally understood why did Musashi Hirata could not master the sword technique thoroughly.

It because of the language, as for how the Musashi Clan learned the technique, it because of the image in the manual. Through the image, they comprehended their ancestor's technique.

It was quite an amazing feat that these people could learn it only through the image. Even though it was far from the genuine technique, but grasped a little understanding of the sword technique was the main reason for the rise of Musashi Clan.

Putting the wooden mask on the table next to him, Hirata looked at Heero and said, "Master, why you did not let me fight Huo Liang Xun?"

"Your technique meant to be killing, are you going to kill him?" Heero rolled his eyes at his new disciple.

Musashi Hirata, the day he showed the real Quake Sword and Draw Sword, Hirata knelt and pleaded to be his disciple. Of course, Heero was not insane to accept the guy who wanted to kill him as his disciple.

However, the copy of the manual of Quake Sword and Draw Sword made it happen. After looking at the two manuals, Heero found out that this guy was truly his best friend's descendant. Dramonia Language proved and at the end of the manual, there was a story.

Musashi Miyamoto wrote their story at the end of the manual. The story was telling his descendant that it was Heero who helped him perfected his technique. Unfortunately, his current descendant did not understand Dramonia Language which also puzzled him why did his best friend write the manual in Dramonia Language.

It was a mystery that could not be solved except the person who wrote the manual told him, though it was impossible as the person who wrote the manual had long gone.

After some dramas from Hirata as he told the story of his life, how miserable he was, why he decided to be an assassin, why he did not become Heero, more and more.

At the end of the day, Heero accepted him as his disciple. However, he only taught him Musashi Miyamoto's sword technique to Hirata. Even the Ki Comprehension he taught to Hirata belonged to his best friend that written on the manual.

It was not that he did not want to teach Hirata his technique. He wished that the sword technique his best friend perfected with his sweat and blood vanished and only became a history. That was why he accepted Hirata as his disciple. In short, that was what happened between the two in the last few weeks.

At Heero's comment, Butcher Wang and Sun Zhou Yi nodded in agreement. They had experienced themselves Hirata's sword technique, it was a technique meant to kill. Hirata made no further inquiry as he responded with a nod.

"Then what about the beauty you rejected? Why you refused to meet them?" Butcher Wang joined the convo. He was talking about Bai Xin Yue and Bai Shuang'er, there was also a trace of envy from his tone as he spoke.

"The beauty offered her body, but you rejected… what a pity…" Butcher Wang added in a regret.

"Don't bring that matter over. You already knew that she comes with a hidden motive. I don't want to be entangled with the people from the core region, let them take care of their own problems," Heero dismissed Butcher Wang with a wave of his hand annoyedly.

"Rather than talking about that, let's count how much we got tonight. Just as I promised before, I will give you each two percent…"

When it came about money, Butcher Wang turned excited and rose from his seat. He approached Heero as he rubbed his hand.

*** ***

The next morning, the Xing District operated as usual. Last night's auction did bring a significant change to the district. The flow of the customers increased despite it was still eight a.m.josei

This increase caused by some group that headed toward the auction house and a group headed toward Blacksmith Huang's workshop. Many people gathered before these two buildings mostly.

The group who gathered in front of the auction house was a group that wanted to join the Blacksmith Association. In just one night, the Blacksmith Association name spread thanks to the power of the internet.

The second group was the people who wanted to order a custom made weapon and armor from Blacksmith Huang. The district was not full crowded, but it was packed with people.

Looking at the flow of the people who passed the noodles shop, Heero let out a satisfied smile. Finally, he achieved half of his goal, making the district lively. He loved the lively atmosphere here.

'Next is how to make this district lively as this morning, forever…' thought Heero as he gazed outside.

'Ah, I promised my HongHong to build a preschool… Let's build a preschool first…'

With the money he obtained from last night's auction, establishing a preschool was easy. The money was not a problem, but the main problem was the permit.

'Ah, I have a hero disciple of mine, if it's him, getting the permit is easy…' Heero smiled as he kept planning for the future of his home, Xing District.

At the same time, the door creaked open. Heero rose from the counter and immediately greeted the first customer with a wide smile, "Welcome to Miao Miao Noodles Shop~"

A girl in her twenty and an old man with gray hair, despite his appearance the old man filled with vigor. He recognized these two and if he was not wrong, the old man was an executive of the Hero League and the girl was this old man's granddaughter.

The two did not wait for Heero to lead them to their table as they already chose theirs.

They walked to the table near the window, the favorite spot in this shop aside from the counter. In the counter, they could see their noodles being made while here they could see outside, the bustling district.

The old man was calm and composed while the girl was not, she was cheerful and talkative as they made their orders. The Old Man ordered Umami Broth Noodles while the girl got Sweet and Spicy Noodles.

Making her way to the kitchen, the door creaked open. Heero put the order on the counter and greeted the new customer.

"Welcome to Miao Miao Noodles Shop~"

Sun Zhou Yi was the new customer. He was uncomfortable inside as his Master greeted him politely just like a normal customer. However, he played along and responded with a nod as he walked toward Bai Xian Ming's table as the old man kept waving his hand at him.

As Sun Zhou Yi took a seat, he ordered a bowl of noodles as well just like a regular of the noodles shop. Heero went to the kitchen and helped his two wives, though one of them only his wife in a paper.

It took less than ten minutes, three bowls of noodles were ready. Heero brought the noodle, but then, he heard a loud voice from Sun Zhou Yi's table.

"So you won't help us, Hero League!?" Bai Xian Ming raised his voice, from the way the old man spoke, clearly, he was angry and disappointed.

Sun Zhou Yi was still calm and responded politely, "Everything is up to my Master and I doubt he would release him in a short time. Just wait for a week and my Master will naturally release Huo Liang Xun after the punishment is over,"

"What if I force my way and free Huo Liang Xun, Now!!??" Bai Xian Ming was furious now and he applied more force in his hand, making the corner of the table cracked under his hand.

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