Universal Power System

Chapter 72 Two Weeks

Chapter 72 Two Weeks

Brigadier Jones was wearing a standard military uniform: a green suit and pants with a simple white shirt and a black tie. The suit had several medals pinned on that were meant to represent the person's accomplishments. Mako didn't know what these medals meant just yet but he did know that they were very important to the military men.

He had a standard buzz cut and his blonde hair was barely visible. He had blue eyes and a 3-inch scar on his right cheek that looked like it came from a sword slash.

Brigadier Jones reached the podium and turned toward the crowd of students. He took a couple of moments to observe everyone in the crowd before clearing his throat and starting his speech.

"Good Morning, Students! As you all know the time for the recruitment test has finally arrived. I know you all are eager to know about this year's test, but before I disclose that information, I have some important news to share with you all." Brigadier Jones announced.

The students looked at each other in confusion because this had never happened before. Usually, the speech would only last a few minutes and the military personnel would just disclose the events and rules regarding the test, wish everyone good luck, and leave.

"Interesting..." Mako said as he was quite curious about what this 'important news' could be.

"First of all, the rules for the recruitment of new students have been changed by the supreme commander himself. Before the students had to meet certain criteria in order to be recruited, but this is now not the case. Any student that is able to survive the test will be recruited by the military." Brigadier Jones said.

The supreme commander was the highest rank in the military hierarchy acting similarly to how presidents were in the olden times. The military was known as the World Military as no one nation or country had control over it. The military's supreme leader was basically Earth's leader as no one had the authority to disobey him.

The supreme leader was elected by an entire panel of high-ranking officials and the candidates were the most promising, strong, and honest people that the generation had to offer.

The students were instructed to not interrupt the brigadier during his talk, but that didn't stop them from whispering their thoughts around to one another.

"However, your performance will determine your starting rank in military school. Students with below-average performance will be in a regular class, students with a decent performance will be placed in the advanced class, and the students who perform exceptionally well will be placed in the special class."

The whispering among students continued but Brigadier Jones paid them no heed as he continued on with his speech.

"Students will receive different benefits depending on which class you end up in so make sure to try your hardest during the test because the benefits are totally worth it."

"Another important announcement regarding the test is that this year, all the participants from every school will take part in the test all at once. There will only be a single test taken this year, with no redos." The Brigrader announced.

This caused a lot of chatter to resound in the auditorium. The students were rightfully pissed at this change because this would mean there would be a lot more opponents taking part in the tournament and that also included students from private schools who had super-rich parents and way better abilities and items.

"SILENCE!" The principal's loud voice sounded throughout the auditorium as he quickly made them all shut up.

He then gestured toward the Brigadier to continue on with the speech.

"Another change that has been made only for this year is because of the test we designed. All power weapons and armor up to the High tier are allowed as well as any other item that the student may wish to bring along. Keep in mind that any item you bring will be carefully examined before allowing you to use them in the test."

"The difficulty of the test has been set at a level 5 and that means that people with level 5 abilities would have decent shot at securing a good score on the test. It is recommended that people that have level 2 abilities or lower do not take part in the test and if they still wish to join the military, then they can go the same route as students who don't have any abilities."

"You will be provided with an ability if you don't have one and you will be automatically admitted into the regular class."

The students were scared of angering the principal anymore, so they kept their voices low and allowed the Brigrader to continue with the speech.

"And now, the moment you have all been waiting for. This year the recruitment test will be a survival challenge. Participants will be transported to a man-made island and will be left there for seven days. The island is infested with different dangers and threats that you will have to maneuver around in order to survive."

"Participants are allowed to do whatever they want but killing is still prohibited and severely punishable by law. There will be many different tasks and other opportunities for the participants to gain points and reach higher on the scoreboard that we will keep track of."

"Remember, there are limited seats for the special class, and only the top 200 students will receive a seat. The remaining minor rules and details will be shared with you on the day of the test."

"Please keep this in mind! This test has the risk of getting yourself killed if you are not experienced enough. If you don't have the strength necessary to fight, then please take the alternative option. There is still plenty of room to grow and increase your talent, don't lose your life due to being overconfident or stupid."

'Ouch.' Mako said in his mind as he assumed the last sentence of the Brigadier was directed at him.

"The recruitment test will take place in two weeks' time. The military will be responsible for your transportation. After the test, you will return back to your respective school until the school year ends, when the results of the test will be announced and you will begin a new journey in military school."

"Lastly, I wish you all good luck and hope to see you soon in the military camp. Thank you!" Brigadier Jones concluded his speech as he walked off the stage and went out of the auditorium followed by a couple of men that were wearing camo trousers and shirts.

As soon as he left, the auditorium exploded with noise as students began conversing about the new changes being made and the recruitment test itself.

"What do you think?" Bill asked Mako.

"I am not quite sure. The test and the rest of the rules all seem fine but I can't seem to wrap around what the Brigadier said in the beginning." Mako replied.

"What was that?" Bill asked.

"He said that the military would be recruiting everyone, weak or strong. They have never done things like that. People had to struggle to get recruited otherwise they would have to go through the alternative route which wasn't ideal at all. It seems to me that they require more manpower." Mako theorized his suspicion.

"Come on, Dude! The military is one of the strongest forces in the galaxy. This couldn't possibly be the reason. Maybe they are just trying to give more opportunity to people." Bill said with a tone of confidence.

"Hmm... I guess you're right." Mako said still unsure about it all.

The principal made it back on the stage and approached the podium. The crowd got silenced once again as the principal made a final announcement.

"The forms for the recruitment test will be mailed to you all in a few days, Make sure to heed the Brigadier's warning and only apply if you are truly worthy enough to take on the challenge. Everyone over the age of eighteen is eligible to apply and any missed academic work during your test would be recovered afterward. Dismissed!" The principal concluded the speech and the students began to stand up and leave the auditorium.

Mako was going to head to class while Bill decided to head back to the bakery to do his shift. Leon and Enzo also left the school and headed back to the warehouse.historical

Bill also had to make up an excuse for Mako for ditching today's shift because they stayed the night at the Dark Raven base and headed to school directly in the morning which meant that he missed his night shift. Mako couldn't even imagine Sir Derek's wrath and was dreading the events that would take place after school.

Mako usually visited the bakery again in the afternoons after school to pick up Bill and the two of them walk back home together.

"I am a dead man," Mako said to himself as he walked into his classroom, praying that the school bell never rings.

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