Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Goblin Extermination

The party quickly made their way to the hill. They took the roundabout way to get there since it would have taken them too long for Maria to carry them up the hill one-by-one.

Milly and Lizzy quickly exchanged a few words once they saw the hill.

"Wow, this IS pretty steep."

"Y-yeah...at least now we'll know that those goblins won't be able to charge at us."

"It also means that if one of us loses our footing..."

Everyone gulped when they heard that last statement. If one of them unfortunately lost their footing and tumbled down...then later what would greet them would be the goblins at the bottom of the hill, waiting to pounce on them and beat them to death.

"W-woah...that's pretty scary to think about..."

"Enough! Let's get up there already! Let's get rid of the goblins and head into their den! I bet there are plenty of goodies waiting for us in their den~" Lizzy exclaimed.

The party trudged their way up the hill slowly. When they got to the top, they could see down below the horde of goblins.

"Alright, Mary, if you'll do the honors," Lizzy said as she made way for her friend.

Maria stepped forward and jumped down. She activated [Gehenna's Eye] and burnt a couple of the goblins down below.


She stayed flying in mid-air until she got every one of the goblins' attention. Before the goblin mage's could fire a spell at her, Maria quickly sent an [Angel's Rage] and flew back up on top of the hill again.

Maria stayed by the hillside and looked down on the goblins. Screams and screeches of rage could be heard the next instant and many of the goblins actually began rushing to the hillside and climbing up.

Only the hobgoblin looked up towards Maria before smirking and turning away.

Maria was a little surprised to see this. None of the goblins made a detour around the hill to climb up, but they instead just scaled the hillside from this side.

"Uhhh, guys...look, they're climbing up here..."


The party members quickly looked down at the hillside and saw the scene of the goblins climbing up.


"This is an unexpected development, but it works to our advantage. Mary you start burning them! Actually, no. Once they're two thirds their way up the hill, Mary you fly down and start attacking them. At this height, the fall damage could deal some substantial damage to them!" Lizzy said.


"You don't have to attack all of them! If you let some of them past, the rest of us can just kick them down!"

The party began waiting for the goblins to make their way up. Once the first wave of climbers passed the two thirds mark; Maria quickly flew down and began attacking them.

She didn't immediately drop them and thought that it'd be a waste to do so right away.

"It's better to damage them a little and then drop them! This way the fall will kill them!"

She chipped away at the goblin she was targeting until it was left with half HP before using [Arc Swing] to send it airborne and plummeting into the ground.

[26,400 exp gained (x4 multiplier)]

When Maria heard the notification, she was satisfied. She began rushing at the other goblins and doing the same thing. She struck at them and sent them plummeting to their deaths.

As for the other goblins that made it past her, Milly, Lizzy, and Zack dealt with them. They saw what Maria was doing and had Zack chip away at the HP bars of the front most goblins with his crossbow.

"Uhh, everyone...I don't have that many bolts. I only bought 200 before we left so I don't think it'll be enough..."

"Just use them all, we'll deal with the rest once when we cross that bridge!" Amanda replied.

Right now, other than being able to buff her friends, she was a little useless. As a druid she did use a staff and she could send ranged attacks at the goblins, but the damage was so miniscule that it was a waste of mana.

The party continued their assault on the goblins and Lizzy always reminded Maria to keep an eye on her SP bar. It would be horrific if the girl didn't pay attention and suddenly lost all of her SP.

She wasn't only flying, but also using her skills so it was bound to deplete soon. After 10 minutes, Maria came back up the hill and sat down to rest.

Her effective battle time was only around 10 minutes. If she pushed it, she could probably go up to 12 minutes, but that would be cutting it close.

"Alright Mary, you rest for a bit. Once your SP has fully recovered you can go back and do your thing!"


Maria sat with her legs dangling by the hillside. She stared down at the stupid goblins climbing up. She looked around and spotted the Hobgoblin in the distance. It was wholly uninterested and didn't seem to care that the party of 5 were killing its own minions.

"Hmph! Your turn will soon come!"

Maria used her [Angel's Rage] on the goblins climbing and chipped away at their HP bars slowly before she burnt them with [Gehenna's Eye] which sent them plummeting to their deaths.

[26,400 exp gained (x4 multiplier)]

[26,400 exp gained (x4 multiplier)]

[26,400 exp gained (x4 multiplier)]

[26,400 exp gained (x4 multiplier)]

The [EXP] notifications kept popping up and it was like music to everyone's ears. Who would have thought that leveling would be this safe and easy!

It wasn't long before Lizzy and the others gained a level.

It took them almost an hour to finish exterminating all of the goblins and by that time the entire party had risen by another 4-5 levels. Even Maria had gained another level from the goblin extermination.


1. Lisbet Lv. 25 Warrior (Party Leader)

2. Maria Lv. 10 Dark Priestess (Party Member)

3. Ama Lv. 22 Druid (Party Member

4. Z Lv. 24 Thief (Party Member)

5. Milya Lv. 26 Knight (Party Member)

Loot Distribution: Party Leader]

The only problem was the gruesome sea of corpses at the bottom of the hill that was blocking the entrance to the goblin's den.

"Alright, gang. Time for us to kill ourselves a Boss!"

With Lizzy declaration, the party walked down the hill and moved to the clearing where the Hobgoblin monster was waiting for them.


[Hobgoblin Ul'moru Lv. 35

(Rare/Dungeon Boss)

HP: 100,000/100,000

MP: 12,500/12,500

ATK: 300 ~ 400

M.ATK: 100~200

DEF: 200


1. Pummel Lv. 10

Strikes target with 3 Consecutive Blows dealing 200 DMG on the first strike and 50% more damage on the subsequent strikes. There is a low chance to stun the target for 1 second

2. Earth Shock Lv. 5

Casts magic to shake the Earth. Deals 500 M.DMG and has a 10% chance to inflict stun for 2 seconds

3. Bloodlust Lv. 2

If Ul'moru's HP decreases to 50%, his thirst for blood will take over and he will gain an increased 20% ATK SPD and MOV SPD

4. Forest Deity Blessing

Heals 1% of HP every 5 seconds and grants every ally within 50 meters +5 levels

Ul'moru is an evolved monster that has received a name. Known for his blood lusting cruelty that even his subordinates fear, this monster also capable of casting earth elemental magic and with the blessing of the forest, he has awakened a regenerative ability that makes him nearly un-killable]

"Th-that's some scary stats!" Milly exclaimed.

"1% regen...that means 1000 HP every 5 seconds or 200 every second...we can do this. It's probably fast like those goblins. So Mary, please keep on burning him whenever [Gehenna's Eye] is off cooldown!" Lizzy stated.


"Milly and I will keep the boss hunkered down and take turns grabbing its aggro, I have around 3k HP and Milly has almost 5k, so we can do this! Amanda, keep the healing steady on us and don't over heal. Zack and Maria DPS! Maria, don't overdo it and get OTed okay?"


Zack quickly explained to her, "She means that you don't have to keep attacking him later. Just do it in moderation and keep track of the DMG charts...actually just keep your DMG around my amount later and you'll be fine big sis Mary."

"Regulate your attacks and make sure you don't accidently grab the aggro!" Milly reminded again.

Maria quickly understood and brought up the DMG chart and nodded.

"Alright, let's go!"

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