Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: The Show

Maybe it was because night had fallen, but the vampires were moving at an incredible speed through the dark forest.

Even Maria had to put in some effort to keep up with the 5 Vampire Knights who were leading the way towards the Glemen's Barony.

Ash was bringing up the rear, keeping their backs safe from monster attacks. He was also carrying Alexa with him but it wasn't like the small girl would be a hindrance to his speed. Ash just did this to keep his Lady safe.

Maria just noticed this before they set off earlier, but all of her subordinates, new and old, were being much more respectful to her after she had established her faction. The change in attitude wasn't apparent for the 5 new followers since they were always scared of her from the start, but the change in attitude was pretty drastic for Ash and Lilah.

Although Lilah would sometimes advise her from doing something, she didn't outrightly tell her to stop doing something like before. If it was the old Lilah, Maria was sure that she would try to stop her from going over to the Glemen's Barony just to 'buy' something.

Maria knew that Lilah wasn't stupid. Her fairy knew fully well that they were going there not to buy some furniture but rather to pillage the entire barony of valuables, materials, and residents.

It was a rather tyrannical way of doing things, but Maria wasn't one to care. To her, it was much better than doing some long-winded quest to earn the trust of some vampire. Even the way she earned Ash's subordination was because she forced it upon him to become her champion.

She thought that since it worked the first time, why not just do something similar to recruit more NPCs into her faction? It was efficient and she also didn't have to go through much trouble while being able to do what she found most enjoyable in the game, fighting.

Throughout the entire journey, Maria didn't lift a finger to fight. Ash and the other 5 vampires were the ones who took care of any monsters in their way. It took them about an hour to exit the forest and another few minutes to arrive at the barony.

The Vampire hierarchy in Vanhal was really strict so although a Baron had a 'barony' they were limited to having only 1 large town and 2 villages under their management. Only if they had a higher rank would they be able to own more towns. Once someone became a Count, it was then that they could upgrade one of their towns into a city.

Maria found the system quite simple and to her liking. It wasn't anything too complicated and it was easy to understand.

If Maria was able to take over this entire barony, she'd be able to get a town and 2 villages' worth of people, materials, and other valuables.

While Maria was busy calculating her gains, Ash silently walked up to her and said, "My Lady, this Russo Glemen...I'm sure back then there weren't any vampire barons with his name..."


Maria felt a bit surprised that Ash had sneaked up on her. Usually, she was able to detect his presence whenever he approached her but it wasn't the case right now. She frowned before replying with a small tinge of discontent in her voice, "And? What about it?"

"...Although I don't know anyone with that name among the barons, however, I do recall a vampire named Russo that was serving under my brother..."

"Are you saying that he might know about your brother's downfall?"

"Maybe...He could also be connected to it. His domain is just next to my brother's so we might be able to find something."

Maria was about to shrug it off, but a system window immediately popped up in front of her.


[Side Quest Acquired!

The Youngest Garm's Downfall!

Investigate the downfall of your Champion's brother!

Main Objective: Acquire information about Ytula Garm's downfall (0/100%)

Sub Objective 1: Capture and Interrogate Russo Glemen

Sub Objective 2: Kill Russo Glemen and takeover his domain

Rewards: Random

Note: Rewards depend on your quest completion rate.]

Maria sighed after getting a new quest.

"How bothersome..."

"What's wrong, my Lady?"

"...It's nothing. Anyway, before we go and attack them, we should scout the place first."

"Yes, my Lady."

"Hey, you three!"

Seeing as their new Master was calling them, the 5 new vampires immediately stepped forward and said in unison, "Yes, Queen?"

Hearing their new form of address, Maria flinched and her face nearly distorted in disgust. However, after seeing their earnest expressions, she let out a breath and let it slide.

"...Don't call me that. Anyway, I was only asking for 3 of you, you idiots. Can't any of you count?"

The vampires flinched after being reprimanded and the previous leader of their group, Markus, quickly stepped forward and eyed the two on his left and they too stepped forward.

"Hm, at least you're all eager. Anyway, I need information. How many guards are around the Baron's manor and how many soldiers are there inside the town?"

"My Lady, let me answer that," Ash quickly spoke up.


"Typically, baron-ranked vampires are only allowed 1 town and inside the town, there can only be 20 Knight-ranked Vampires guarding their estate and 50 soldiers to guard the town."

Maria quickly turned to Vampire Markus and asked, "Is that true?"

"Yes, it's exactly as Lord Ash says... along with the 2 villages that have 15 soldiers in each village, there are 100 vampire warriors in total," Markus answered.

Ash grimaced a little and said, "I'm a bit hurt that my Lady didn't trust me..."

"Oh please, Ash. Stop whining like a baby. I'm just confirming whether what you said was correct or not. I remember the last time you said there was supposed to be your brother's barony at our faction's HQ, but where is it?"

"...It's destroyed..."



Ash still looked a slight bit dejected and Maria felt pissed for some reason. She stomped over to the vampire and kicked him.

"Stop acting like a baby! Or do you want me to send you to deal with all 100 of those vampire soldiers?"

Ash's eyes widened in surprise and he immediately knelt and said, "If you will let me! I shall bring you there heads at once!"


"You only need to say the word, my Lady! I shall bring you there heads!" Ash said again.

'Has he finally gone crazy?'

Maria was a little bit perplexed at Ash's seriousness and eagerness. She had already agreed not to interfere in the battles later so she had only jokingly threatened him with such a task because he was acting out of character, but she didn't think her vampire champion would be so eager to do it.

"...Uhm, well, if you want to then go ahead. But don't cause too many casualties. I want to convert them over to our side so only kill those that are too loyal."

Ash smiled coldly and replied, "Gladly, my Lady."

He then turned towards the other vampires and ordered, "You three, with me! You two stay behind and guard the Lady."

"Y-yes, my Lord."

Of the 5 vampires that had joined Maria, the two who were the stronger ones stayed behind to protect her while Ash took the other 3 and dashed straight towards the town.

"...I don't need any protection, so why don't you two go down and help Ash."

"Y-your Highness?"

"Go. Go and prove to me that you're at least worthy to stay by my side. I took you 5 in so I'd like it if you'd remain the stronger ones among our group. Don't make me replace you~" Maria said while waving the two away.

"...Yes, Your Highness," Markus and the other vampire said together. They bowed to her before dashing towards, not the town, but in two different directions.

Maria was a little bit perplexed at their newest form of address but she felt more puzzled about the directions they were heading in before she remembered that there were 2 villages in the barony.

"Ah, that's where they're going~ How ambitious. Hopefully, they don't die~" Maria said with a grin.

She had fought against the 5 vampires before and she honestly felt that they were too weak. She didn't have high expectations that the two who went towards the villages would be able to take on the 15 soldiers stationed there. She felt that they were the ones that may die instead.

What Maria didn't know was that the 5 people she had captured, or rather, the original team of 6 which she had singlehandedly taken down within the mines, were actually the strongest team of vampires within the Glemen Barony.

Maria began yawning and just as she was feeling a little sleepy, a loud explosion immediately shook her wide awake. She looked at the town in the distance and saw that one side of the walls had completely collapsed.

"It's starting!" Maria said excitedly

"Master, aren't you a little bit too excited?"

"Am I?"

"Well, you never struck me as the type who would wantonly commit any massacres..."

"Hm? I only asked for Ash to deal with the guards and soldiers. It's not like I'm telling him to wipe out the entire to—"

Before she could even finish her words, another explosion was heard and this time when Maria looked over at the town, a build or two had suddenly begun collapsing and she could hear the cries and screams of the residents in the distance.


"You were saying, Master?"

"I-it's not me! I told Ash not to harm the residents since they're going to be my future min—followers!" Maria said in her defense.

"...Master, you were totally about to say minions, weren't you?" Lilah said with an odd face.

"You heard wrong!"

"I'll pretend I did... Anyway, I'd rather like it if you didn't turn into a tyrant."

"Hey, is that how you see me?"

Without missing a beat, Lilah immediately replied to her with a nod, "When you're swinging around Calamity and laughing while you cut down your enemies...yes, that's exactly how I see you, Master."

"Booo, Lilah's being mean to me!"

Another explosion resounded from within the town and a few more buildings collapsed. Lilah sighed before saying, "Master, I think we should go and check up on Ash, we don't want him and the other three with him to level the town to the ground."

"Let's go then."

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