Unlimited Anime Works

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Riding amotorcycle

Killing while moving, Feng yu chen and his group searched for another bridge to cross through, but ended up discovering that they were all blocked.

“What do we do now? The way it has been going, even after a day we won’t be able to cross to the other side.” said Rei sighing.

“Lets rest for the time being, for our group protecting ourselves won’t be a problem, for now keeping our strength is the priority, we need to find a safe place to rest for the night, after all, when it gets dark it will be difficult for us to move.” said Feng yu chen with his hand on the chin.

Shizuka suddenly raised her hand and said “Ah, I know a place, it’s a small villa along the river, it’s quite safe and there is a big car.”

“It’s not your boyfriend’s house is it?” said Rei teasing Shizuka.

Shizuka blushed and quickly waved her hands saying “No, it’s just a friend’s room, she is often outside, so she leaves the key with me to let me clean a bit and water the plants.”

Feng yu chen suddenly remembered that there really was a place like this in the animation, and it looks like there were lots of guns and ammunition, they would get a supplement of ammunition and will even get a modified Humvee so they won’t have to move on foot.

“I don’t see any problem, let’s go with that.” said Feng yu chen nodding.

Zi yue ling at that moment raised her hand and said “Wait a moment, can you guarantee that place is safe? What if it’s already surrounded by zombies? I think it’s better to find a place around and clean up the zombies, then we rest for the night, and tomorrow take a look to see if that place is safe.”

“It’s alright, that place is not far from here, and the security around is very good, so you don’t need to worry about zombies inside.” said Shizuka.

Saya frowned and said “And what if it’s surrounded by them? Zi yue ling also thinks so, but finding that place it’s too risky, it’s better to find a safe place in the vicinity, and with everyone’s condition…”

“Then you stay here, I will take Shizuka-sensei to check it out, if it’s not far like she said than it’s possible.” Feng yu chen said suddenly, how could he not go? After all there are a lot of guns and ammunition there, adding to that there was even equipment there, although his body is strengthened and his xuan yuan sword is extremely sharp with the support of firearms he will have a much easier time.

“Okay, then I’ll stay here.” Saeko nodded, with Feng yu chen gone the group would have one less powerful attacker, then only she would be left to protect the group.

“Ah, are we walking?” Shizuka suddenly made a bitter face and said “Although it’s close, to people who doesn’t like to walk it’s a bit… ”josei

Feng yu chen smiled and said “Come on, I saw a fairly good motorcycle on the way, from what I saw it should be able usable.”

“Oh, it’s that so, alright then.” Shizuka said excitedly.

In this way, Feng yu chen and Shizuka moved along the river, and sure enough there was a motorcycle lying on the way, but there was a few zombies wandering around it.

“Ah, what should we do? One, two, three, four… five, ah…” said Shizuka afraid.

Feng yu chen shook his head, now that his body was strengthened he got faster and stronger, although the strength of a zombie is amazing they were not as fast, if it’s just five of them, they aren’t a problem for him.

“Shizuka-sensei, step back for the time being, leave this to me.” said Feng yu chen tightly holding the xuan yuan sword in his right hand, quickly rushed up to the zombies, first he used the xuan yuan sword to quickly cut off two of the zombies head, then he threw a kick with his left leg, two zombies were struck by the kick and fell down.

He was about to be surrounded by the three zombies, but Feng yu chen’s kick overwhelmed the two zombies on the ground.

“Moan… wailing…”

There was still a zombie who wasn’t attacked, it waved it’s black and blue arms trying to sneak an attack on Feng yu chen.


Feng yu chen sneered and in a flash struck the zombie’s head and kicked his body, then he spun the xuan yuan sword in his hands and threw it, his target was the two zombies on the ground.

“shiiiing… shiiing…”


The xuan yuan sword danced in the air and in just a moment the two zombie’s had their heads cut in two.

“Alright, Shizuka-sensei, help me pick up my xuan yuan sword.” Feng yu chen turned to reveal a charming smile, then putting away his smile he came to the side of the motorcycle and started to check if it was still usable.

At that moment, Shizuka was amazed at how strong Feng yu chen was, he easily killed five zombies, moreover the fight only lasted for about three seconds, it was amazing.

Picking up the xuan yuan sword, Shizuka handed it to Feng yu chen and said “Is the motorcycle still working?”

Feng yuchen smiled and nodded, then said: “Yes, it can still be used, the gas tank is almost full, though the gear box a little broken driving shouldn’t be a problem… Oh, can you help me hold the xuan yuan sword? I can’t hold it while driving.”

“Alright, let’s go, the place is not far ahead.”said Shizuka pointing her hand to the front.

“Hmm.” Feng yu chen nodded and sat on the motorcycle, after starting it up he patted the back seat and said “Come on, Shizuka-sensei.”


Shizuka sat in the back seat, hands clinging to Feng yu chen, her soft chest couldn’t help squeezed on Feng yu chen’s back.

“Vroo… Vrooommm…”

Feng yu chen started the bike and in a moment left the place, quickly going foward.


Because he was too fast, Shizuka couldn’t help but cling tightly to Feng yu chen.

Feng yu chen suddenly felt a soft sensation coming from his back, he almost fainted after feeling those J class breasts, in the animation Shizuka’s bust was introduced as the powerful chest of the breast queen.

A J-cup in the real world is simply unthinkable, D-cup has been regarded as a one in a thousand pick, and above D, there were E, F, H and J, J level can be said as beyond the human imagination.

However this was a scene from an animation, Feng yu chen could really feel them and it was a very comfortable feeling, Shizuka’s mature and graceful body was clinging tightly to him, giving him a numbing feeling, coupling that with the fact that the bike was shaking, The contact between them is getting more and more intimate.

Shizuka was tightly holding Feng yu chen’s waist, perhaps he would be able to calm down for now.

Smelling the fragrance from Shizuka’s perfume, Feng yu chen heart suddenly swayed, he really was in a spiritual trance, and didn’t even had a good grasp on the bike.

Feng yu chen now knew, driving a motorcycle with a girl is exciting and joyful, but driving a motorcycle with an “older sister” is too erotic.

Girls can give a touch of warmth, but a big sister would stir the imagination, He wished he could stop the bike now and curse out loud.(TLN: I didn’t understand nothing of this phrase, when I looked up in the Internet I found out that he might be cursing or saying he wanted to do something sexual, if someone thinks it means something else then, please make it public by posting on a comment and make the world a happier place.)

Feng yu chen and Shizuka found the villa, after checking around and confirming there was no danger, they came back, and with everyone they returned to the villa to rest.

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